VIPP Community of Practice > Management, human resource planning and team building |
Management, human resource planning
and team building |

A participant gets ready to stick her dot on the chart pinned on the reverse side of a board, facing away from fellow participants so that it encourages participants to vote candidly with their dots.
The structure of almost all organizations is periodically reviewed to determine whether the reporting relationships and existing posts are properly deployed for effective operation and team spirit. The whole process of making decisions on how personnel and budgetary resources should be allocated can be rendered more transparent and democratic. Misunderstandings and recriminations which often poison and paralyse work situations during and after reorganization takes place can be minimized through the use of VIPP methods. The one idea per card concept is ideal for constructing new organograms in group sessions. If employees are involved in the reorganization themselves, working through the issues with their managers, they are much more likely to understand the basis for changes and prosper with the change. However, if certain departments or positions are to be declared redundant, it may be better to make the cuts and to go through a VIPP process with the remaining employees. Both a tentative or a finalised mission statement can help to focus group discussions. The statement can be revised and refined as the process continues. The process may lead to discussions about overall objectives or the role of the organization or group. It may deal with operational parameters or specific activities the group can do to build a team approach in the way they work. Teamwork cannot be achieved in a day, especially if there are difficult personalities and multiple perceptions of reality. Therefore, it is quite likely that more than one planning retreat will be required to turn an organization around. There are many benefits to doing it in stages, allowing the group to absorb the ideas and experience changes that may occur between sessions.
Human resource departments can also use VIPP in performance management systems for employees. The VIPP approach is also an excellent way to facilitate staff retreats where programmes or projects are evaluated, teamwork is enhanced and new energy is mobilised for the next work period. |