Social Mobilization and Social Marketing in Developing Communities:
Lessons for Communicators
Author: Neill McKee
Published in association with Silkworm Books
Southbound ISBN: 978–983–9054–55–2
Silkworm Books ISBN: 978-616-215-030-2
Published: 1992
208 pages. 240mm x 160mm
Paperback:USD$25.00 per copy
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"This book provides the best synthesis to date of social marketing and social mobilization theory and practice in international development. To my knowledge, no other source provides such a comprehensive review backed-up by extremely useful bibliograp hies as well as project data from major development sectors--health, population, nutrition, AIDS prevention, etc. It is of broad interest to various categories of readers: aid agency officials, frontline communication/development planners and particularly academics seeking a "real-world" summary of experiences in specialized seminars and training programs."
John K. Mayo,
Learning Systems Institute,
Centre for International Studies, Florida State University.
"This book is the best discussion of social marketing in development that I have seen."
Everett Rogers
"It is a landmark in development communication thinking."
The late James P. Grant,
former Executive Director, UNICEF |
Contents of the book |
Preface |
I |
Definitions and Differences |
II |
Social Marketing and Social Mobilization: Major Programme Experiences |
Chapter 2: |
Marketing Tangible Products for Smaller Families and the Prevntion of AIDS |
Chapter 3: |
Social Mraketing Recipes and Behaviours for Better Child Health and Nutrition |
Chapter 4: |
Social Mobilization for Child Survival and Development |
A Synthesis of Lessons Learned |
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