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Nora Cruz Quebral

All of us at Southbound remember fondly the many ways and numerous occasions when Prof Nora Cruz Quebral had inspired our work dedicated to the discipline she founded.

We are grateful for the privilege of publishing her work and for receiving her premission to cite her in the many books published by other authors.

Prof Cruz Quebral recalled the beginings of DevCom in the following   YouTube video  by The University of the Philippines Los Baños Interactive Learning Center.  

We reported on the celebratory seminar, “Development Communication, Los Baños Style,” which was held on 14 December 2011 to mark the award of an Honorary Doctorate by The London School of Economics and Politcal Science recognizing the major contributions by Prof Cruz Quebral to development. The page which also discusses her impotant role in the academe and among communties in developing countries can be accessed here .

Friends and colleagues have been invited to share stories and memories about Prof Cruz Quebral at  this memorial website 


Southbound participated in the George Town Literary Festival
and launched this book during an inaugural event of the Festival.
The Xaverian Journey
The Story of a Lasallian School
in Penang, Malaysia


Readers queuing up to buy The Xaverian Journey: Story of a Lasallian School in Penang, Malaysia after its book launch. Photograph courtesy of The Star Online.

The book was reviewed in the following publications and national newspapers:

Penang Monthly

The New Straits Times

The Star

Herald Malaysia

Books for the Penang State Libraries

The Hon. Mr Wong Hon Wai, Penang Executive Councillor (Town and Country Planning, Housing, Arts) and Ms Shukriah Binti Haji You, Director, Penang Public Library Corporation reviewing a Southbound book.

Southbound presented the Penang Public Library Corporation with 12 sets of publications which will be added to the collections of various branches of its public libraries located across the State of Penang, Malaysia. Each set comprises 30 titles from the Southbound catalogue of scholarly books which focuses on the role of the media, internet and human communication processes in supporting sustainable social change and development.

Ms Shukriah Binti Haji You, Director, Penang Public Library Corporation, who has devoted the past three decades towards building and consolidating the network of state libraries, informed Southbound that more than 100 public libraries make up the extensive network managed by her corporation. The network of libraries is the first in the country to be fully networked online. The corporation also operates a dedicated children’s library located next-door to the main public library in George Town, the capital of the State.

The Hon. Mr Wong Hon Wai, Penang Executive Councillor (Town and Country Planning, Housing, Arts) also presented at the same time a large collection of books published in the Malay, English and Chinese languages to the state libraries. His special interest in mobilizing individuals and companies to contribute books to the state libraries was piqued when a library user posted a comment online suggesting that the corporation improve its collection of Chinese-language books. The Hon. Mr Wong renewed his call to the private sector to contribute books to the libraries in the State.

The Penang Public Library Corporation’s collection comprises books published in four languages: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil. The libraries in its network also offers users access to electronic and digital material.

Southbound has also recently contributed sets of its books to libraries located in Kabul, Afghanistan and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Utilization Focused Evaluation:
A primer for evaluators

by Ricardo Ramírez and Dal Brodhead.
with contributions from Chelladurai Solomon, Shubh Kumar-Range, Sonal Zaveri, Sarah Earl and Matthew Smith

Utilization Focused Evaluation (UFE) facilitates a learning process in which people in the real world apply evaluation findings and experiences to their work. The focus is on intended users. UFE does not prescribe any specific content, method, or theory. It is a guiding framework, rather than a methodology. UFE can include a wide variety of evaluation methods within an overall participatory paradigm. Decision making, in consultation with those who can benefit from the evaluation, is an important part of the process. Intended users will more likely utilize an evaluation in which they have ownership. This Primer is for practitioner evaluators and project implementers who have heard of UFE and are keen to test-drive the approach.
Books for Royal University

Ms. Samoeun Koem (right), Librarian, Department of Media and Communications, Royal University of Phnom Penh formally receiving token copies of a set of Southbound and UNESCO monographs from Ms Jamie Hyo-Jin Lee (left), Communication and Information
Focal-Point, UNESCO.
The Department of Media and Communications (DMC) of the Royal University of Phnom Penh is the first and only training centre for media professionals in Cambodia. UNESCO and Southbound jointly presented a set of monographs on communication for development and social change to DMC. Ms Jamie Hyo-Jin Lee, UNESCO's communication expert in Phnom Penh formally handed the books over to Ms. Samoeun Koem Librarian, DMC at a simple ceremony held at the campus.

Mr Vichea Tieng, Director, DMC said in connection with the handover of books, that the Department "believes that the media play an important role in the promotion of non-violent conflict resolution" and that the mission of DMC is "to educate students as responsible, critical and creative practitioners of the mass media in order to foster free, pluralistic and accountable media in Cambodia. One way to complete its mission [is]... to have more books on media, journalism, communication, research and ICT fields."

Ms Lee noted in reply that "UNESCO has been a close partner of DMC in promoting journalist education and press freedom in Cambodia."

Southbound had previously made a similar contribution of monographs together with UNESCO to the Journalism Faculty of Kabul University, Afghanistan. Southbound has also previously copublished books on radio broadcasting management and the role of ICTs in development with UNESCO.

Southbound author and founder of DevCom honoured by LSE
Nora Cruz Quebral played a leading role in establishing development communication as a field of practice and study. She offers in this primer a succinct discussion highlighting the core attributes and mission of development communication: to circulate useful information and knowledge; provide a forum where people can air problems and issues; learn needed ideas, skills, and values; and create a base of consensus that stabilizes the state. The allegiance of the field is to the poor, the powerless and the disadvantaged in any society – in developing and developed countries.

The author: "This... primer... reflects the advances in the field itself, as well as its current issues and concerns. For instance, the role of big government as planner and implementer of development is greatly diminished today, and the nature of communication media has changed radically."

Browse for more information
Southbound awarded The 2008 Communication and Social Change Award

Southbound is the winner of the 2008 The Communication and Social Change Award given by the University of Queensland, School of Journalism and Communication to an individual or organisation for contributions to the theory and/or practice of communication for social change. Major theoretical contributions, and applied communication practices that are illustrative of frontline change and long-term sustainable development are considered for this award.

Paper presented by Southbound upon receipt of the award(580 Kb PDF file)

Archive of previous posts and past activities

The following are out-of-print publications, past activities and preious posts by Southbound to focus attention on various development issues and initiatives:

The Birthing of USM's Communication Program(John Lent recalls in this post arriving in Penang, Malaysia in the Summer of 1972 to help establish Universiti Sain Malaysia's Communication Program. "The faculty was like a miniature United Nations, with lecturers coming from many countries and from all over Malaysia." )

Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human Settlements Issues(Several chapters of this useful guidebook may be downloaded and read at this link.)

Scouting at SXI: Eight decades of memorable history(The Seventh George Town (North) Scout Group of SXI was founded in 1932. You can download this book in progress which will be published in 2032 to mark The Centenary of Scouting at SXI. Former Scouts at SXI, especially those who were members of the now disbanded First and Sixth George Town (North) Troops are invited to click on the link above and use the email address provided to contact the authors who are seeking to include more stories and memories about these large Troops of their days.)

CAPtoon(A cartoon strip that appeared forthnightly in the Utusan Konsumer newspaper published by the Consumers' Association of Penang by cartoonist Chin Mun Woh may be downloaded at this link.)

Teen Angels(A comic book we launched on World AIDS Day 2007 to support public health ampaigns on AIDS aimed at the youth. Some sample pages of this comic by author and illustrator Chin Mun Woh, may be downloaded at this link.)

Southbound Home Page
  We are a scholarly press dedicated to publications in the following areas:
  Development Communication
  ICT & the Internet
  Research & Development
  A PDF file of our cataloque is available for download here.
  We host the Community of Practice for facilitators of the VIPP participatory planning and visualisation process. Click here to visit the interactive website where you can share your experiences or pose questions to other VIPP facilitators.
VIPP Community of Practice
Southbound books on participatory development communication and ICT for social change.
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