Publisher: Southbound and Institut Masyarakat Published in 1995 ISBN-10: 983-9054-09-0 ISBN-13: 978-983-9054-09-5 EAN: 9789839054095
245 pages
14.5 x 21.5cm Paperback: US$9.00. 1995
Khor Cheang Kee was a pioneer of Malaysian journalism, with a career spanning over half a century. This volume is a compilation of his warm, humorous columns about the people, events and places on his beloved island of Penang, located in the northeast of the Malaysian Peninsular. The book is a moving history of the islanders and the exciting years which saw Penang emerge from the backwaters of the Malacca Straits to become one of the most vibrant centres of the new Southeast Asia.
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