Involving The Community A Guide to Participatory Development Communication
Guy Bessette
Publisher: Southbound in association with IDRC Published in 2004 ISBN-10: 983-9054-41-4 ISBN-13: 978-983-9054-41-5 EAN: 9789839054415
168 pages. 14 X 21.5 cm. Paperback: US$18
This guide is intended for people working in research and development. It introduces participatory development communication concepts, discusses the use of effective two-way communication approaches, and presents a methodology to plan, develop and evaluate communication strategies to address the following questions:
How can researchers and practitioners improve communication with local communities and other stakeholders?
How can two-way communication enhance community participation in research and development initiatives and improve the capacity of communities to participate in the management of their natural resources?
How can researchers, community members and development practitioners improve their ability to effectively reach policy makers and promote change?
Contents of the book
•Foreword by Nora Quebral
• Roles The researcher or development practitioner as a communication actor
The researcher and the development practitioner
as a communication actor
Participatory development communication
The researcher and the development practitioner as a facilitator
Making participatory research and development more effective
Where does it come from?
Major trends in development communication
The limits of participatory development communication
Implementing a participatory view of development
Community participation
Using communication to facilitate participation
Participatory research and participatory development communication
Methodology How to plan a participatory development communication strategy
The methodological approach
Step 1: Establishing a relationship with a local community and understanding the local setting
Step 2: Involving the community in the identification of a problem,
its potential solutions, and the decision to carry out a concrete initiative
Step 3: Identifying the different community groups and other stakeholders concerned with the identified problem (or goal)
and initiative
Step 4: Identifying communication needs, objectives and activities
Step 5: Identifying appropriate communication tools
Step 6: Preparing and pre-testing communication content and materials
Step 7: Facilitating partnerships
Step 8: Producing an implementation plan
Step 9: Monitoring and evaluating the communication strategy and documenting the development or research process
Step 10: Planning the sharing and utilization of results
Concluding remarks
Tools Using communication tools with a participatory approach
Using communication tools with a participatory approach
Interpersonal communication tools
Group media tools
Traditional media tools
Mass media tools
Information and communication technologies tools
Identifying communication tools for different kinds of applications
Triggering the process of participatory communication
Supporting and moderating discussion groups
Extending group discussion sessions
Reaching other groups or participants beyond the immediate locale
Supporting learning and the exchange of knowledge
Helping participants communicate with each other
or with a specific group
Evaluating and keeping a record of activities
• Bibliography
Annex Major trends in development communication
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