The type and extent of visualisation depends on the cultural characteristics and aesthetic values of the participants. As a facilitator you will also have an opinion on this and must be conscious of others' views. Due to its partial origins in Metaplan from Germany , there are German suppliers of various types of visualisation materials and equipment such as Neuland, Nitor and Dahle.
For facilitators who do not have sufficient funds for
purchasing supplies
from these companies, you can adapt locally available materials. For instance, the Centre for Integrated Agricultural Development at the Chinese Agricultural University in Beijing, People's Republic of China , produces pin boards and aluminium visualisation boxes for development projects that use ZOPP/GOPP and Metaplan/VIPP methods. The Indigenous Knowledge and People's Network in Chiang Mai , Thailand produces environmentally-friendly VIPP kits with baskets manufactured from bamboo and cards made out of Saa (paper mulberry), a common weed found across Southeast Asia.