Yokohama Statement '96 on Urban Cultural Individuality. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
Yokohama Statement '96 on Urban Cultural Individuality
We, the representative of local authorities, relevant organizations and academic
institutions, assembled at Yokohama, Japan from 25-27 March 1996 at the Regional
Seminar on Urban Cultural Individuality to discuss various issues relating
to urban heritage conservation with the intention of promoting better quality
of life for all.
Considering that:
Over the past quarter century, the unprecedented rate of concentration of
industry and people in large cities has resulted in the deterioration of
living conditions, particularly for people in major metropolitan areas in
the Asia-Pacific regions, as seen in housing shortages, traffic jams,
environmental degradation and the lack of basic services.
It appears that the rate of urbanization will continue acceleration for the
next few decades, and many of the old historic areas are in danger of being
destroyed in the name of economic development and modernisation;
Development has often worked at odds with creating environmentally friendly,
culturally vibrant and liveable cities. Cities' cultural and historic areas
have often suffered as a result of rapid economic development and.
Cities in Asia are becoming increasingly standardized as they become more
integrated into the global economy;
Recognizing that:
Creating "People Friendly Cities" that are socially just, environmentally
sustainable, economically productive, politically participatory and culturally
vibrant should be fundamental objective in the urban agenda;
A city should be a place where its residents can be proud of its cultural
individuality, uniqueness and charm;
Due in part to their recent economic emergence, many countries in
the Asia-Pacific region have restored confidence in their own cultures and
heritage. Preserving and promoting local heritage will provide an important
cultural anchor in an increasingly globalized society;
It is crucial to utilize the unique yet diverse features of Asian
cities as strength in the process of urban development;
Interventions by governments, community organizations and academic
institutions concerned is advisable, as market forces alone may not be sufficient
to protect and promote cultural and historical urban heritage, both physical
and intangible;
Participation of community members and various stockholders in the
decision making and planning processes of cities is the key to sustainable
It is the role and responsibility of the city administration to create
an appropriate environment for the growth of the local culture; and;
It is necessary to take a holistic approach to urban planning. This
requires strong institutional coordination among various governmental and
non-governmental organizations.
Acknowledging that:
Many cities are developing projects with the goal of creating more vibrant
cities, such as:
Penang, that has adopted a strategy of fostering economically viable
conservation that targets individual buildings as well as whole districts
of the city for renovation;
Indian cities, which are experimenting with the concept of Heritage
Economic zones. This concept put forth a variety of innovative measures such
as the use of Floor Area Ratio (FAR), the Transfer of Development Rights
(TDR) and other legal mechanisms to control the change of land use.
Colombo, which has put considerable effort into researching and
identifying historical sites in the city; and
Singapore, which over the past ten years has protected most of the
remaining traditional buildings through a combination of market forces,
conservation legislation and enforcing agencies, while at the same time
maintaining some of the highest rates of growth in the world.
We therefore affirm the importance of
1. Reviewing present urban policies and planning practices at national and
local levels in order to identify elements that could be strengthened, modified
or developed to promote unique local culture and identify as well as historical
2. Researching development strategies and mechanisms for conserving specific
areas as well as individual architectural entities. These strategies and
mechanisms must consider both historical heritage and local culture as strengths
and advantages;
3. Preserving intangible heritage, including neighbourhoods, communities
and unique local features as well as physical structures;
4. Taking a comprehensive approach to urban planning. Transportation, for
example, should be one of the considerations included in urban cultural
conservation process;
5. Securing the well-being of the people, which is the ultimate goal of
conservation projects.
6. Re-evaluating traditional settlement conditions and patterns, such as
mixed land-use development in search of examples that can be applied in modern
7. Researching mechanisms and incentives such as Floor Area Ratio and Transfer
of Development Rights in order to regulate changes in bulk, shape, design
and use of protected buildings;
8. Developing a quantifiable index which incorporates social and cultural
as well as economic costs and benefits to development projects;
9. Identifying and listing heritage buildings and designing guidelines for
urban conservation;
10. Promoting community participation and fostering awareness concerning
the advantages of cultural and historical preservation; and
11. Encouraging technical exchanges and information sharing among cities,
NGOs, bilateral and multilateral agencies, and other relevant organizations
towards the goal of conserving urban cultural identity.
For further information, please contact Ms. Mariko Sato of CITYNET, 5th
Floor, International Organizations Center, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1,
Minato-Mirai, Nishi-Ku, Yokohama 220, Japan. Tel: (81-45) 223-2161 Fax: (81-45)
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