United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Agenda 21, Chapter 7 Promoting Sustainable Settlement Development. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
United Nations Conference on Environment &
Development Agenda 21, Chapter 7 Promoting Sustainable Settlement Development
7.1. In industrialized countries, the consumption patterns of cities
are severely stressing the global ecosystem, while settlements in the developing
world need more raw material, energy, and economic development simply to
overcome basic economic and social problems. Human settlement conditions
in many parts of the world, particularly the developing countries, are
deteriorating mainly as a result of the low levels of investment in the sector
attributable to the overall resource constraints in these countries. In the
low-incone countries for which recent data are available, an average of only
5.6 per cent of central government expenditure went to housing, amenities,
social security and welfare.1 Expenditure by international support and finance
organizations are equally low. For example, only 1 per cent of the United
Nations system's total grant-financed expenditures in 1988 went to human
settlements,2 while in 1991, loans from the World Bank and the
International Development Association (IDA), for urban development, and water
supply, and sewerage, amounted to 5.5 and 5.4 per cent, respectively of their
total lending.3
7.2. On the other hand, available information indicates that technical
cooperation activities in the human settlement sector generate considerable
public and private sector investment. For example, every dollar of UNDP technical
cooperation expenditure on human settlements in 1988 generated a follow-up
investment of $122, the highest of all UNDP sectors of assistance.4
7.3. This is the foundation of the "enabling approach" advocated for
the human settlement sector. External assistance will help to generate the
internal resources needed to improve the living and working environments
of all people by the year 2000 and beyond, including the growing number of
unemployed - the no-income group. At the same time, the environmental
implications of urban development should be recognized and addressed in an
integrated fashion by all countries, with high priority being given to the
needs of the urban and rural poor, the unemployed, and the growing number
of people without any source of income.
Human Settlement Objective
7.4. The overall human settlement objective is to improve the social,
economic, and environmental quality of human settlements, and the living
and working environments of all people, in particular the urban, and the
rural poor. Such improvement should be based on technical cooperation activities,
partnership among the public, private, and community sectors, and participation
in the decision-making process by community groups, and special interest
groups, such as women, indigenous people, the elderly, and the disabled.
These approaches should form the core principles of national settlement
strategies. In developing these strategies, countries will need to set priorities
among the eight programme areas in this chapter in accordance with their
national plans and objectives, taking fully into account their social and
cultural capabilities. Furthermore, countries should make appropriate provision
to monitor the impact of their strategies on marginalized and disenfranchised
groups, with particular reference to the needs of women.
7.5. The programme areas included in this chapter are:
(a) Providing adequate shelter for all;
(b) Improving human settlement for all;
(c) Promoting sustainable land-use planning and management;
(d) Promoting the integrated provision of environmental infrastructure :
water, sanitation, drainage, and solid-waste
(e) Promoting sustainable energy and transport systems in human settlements;
(f) Promoting human settlement planning and management in disaster-prone
(g) Promoting sustainable construction industry activities;
(h) Promoting human resource development and capacity-building for human
settlement development.
Programme Areas
A. Providing Adequate Shelter for All
Basis of action
7.6. Access to safe and healthy shelter is essential to a persons
physical, psychological, social, and economic well-being, and should a be
fundamental part of national and international action. The right to adequate
housing as a basic human right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural
Rights. Despite this, it is estimated at the present time, at least 1 billion
people do not have access to
safe and healthy shelter, and that if appropriate action is not taken, this
number will increase dramatically by the end of the century and beyond.
7.7. A major global programme to address this problem is the Global
Strategy for Shelter of the Year 2000, adopted by the General Assembly in
December 1988 (resolution 43/181, annex). Despite the widespread endorsement,
the Strategy needs a much greater level of political and financial support
to enable it to reach its goal of facilitating adequate shelter for all by
the end of the century and beyond.
7.8. The objective is to achieve adequate shelter for rapidly growing
populations and for the currently deprived urban and rural poor through an
enabling approach to shelter development and improvement that is environmentally
7.9. The following activities should be undertaken :
(a) As a first step towards the goal of providing adequate shelter for all,
all countries should take immediate measures to provide shelter for their
homeless poor, while the international community and financial institutions
should undertake actions to support the efforts of the developing countries
to provide shelter for the poor;
(b) All countries should adopt and/or strengthen national shelter strategies,
with targets based, as appropriate, on the principles and recommendations
contained in the Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000. People should
be protected by law against unfair eviction from their homes or land;
(c) All countries should, as appropriate, support the shelter efforts of
the urban and rural poor, the unemployed, and the no-income group by adopting
and/or adapting existing codes and regulations, to facilitate their access
to land, finance and low-cost building materials and by actively promoting
the regularization and upgrading of informal settlements and urban slums
as an expedient measure and pragmatic solution to the urban shelter deficit;
(d) All countries should, as appropriate, facilitate access of urban and
rural poor to shelter by adopting an utilizing housing and finance schemes
and new innovative mechanism adapted to their circumstances;
(e) All countries should support and develop environmentally compatible shelter
strategies at national, state/provincial, and municipal levels through
partnerships among the private, public and community sectors and with the
support of community-based organizations;
(f) All countries, especially developing ones, should, as appropriate, formulate
and implement programmes to reduce the impact of the phenomenon of rural
to urban drift by improving rural living conditions;
(g) All countries, where appropriate, should develop and implement resettlement
programmes that address the specific problems of displaced populations in
their respective countries;
(h) All countries should, as appropriate, document and monitor the implementation
of their national shelter strategies by using, inter alia, the monitoring
guidelines adopted by the Commission on Human Settlements and the shelter
performance indicators being produced jointly by the United Nations Centre
for Human Settlements (Habitat) and the World Bank;
(i) Bilateral and multilateral cooperation should be strengthened in order
to support the implementation of the national shelter strategies of developing
(j) Global progress reports covering national action and the support activities
of international organizations and bilateral donors should be produced and
disseminated on a biennial basis, as requested in the Global Strategy for
Shelter to the Year 2000.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.10. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $75 billion,including about $10 billion from the internal community
on grant or concessionalterms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude
estimates only, and have notbeen reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and
financial terms, including anythat are non-concessional, will depend upon,
inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide
upon implementation;
(b) Scientific and technological means
7.11. The requirements under this heading are addressed in each of
the other programme areas included in the present chapter.
(c) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.12. Developed countries and funding agencies should provide specific
assistance to developing countries in adopting and enabling approach to the
provision of shelter for all, including the no-income group, and covering
research institutions and training activities for government officials,
professionals, communities, and non-governmental organization, and by
strengthening local capacity for the development of appropriate technologies.
B. Improving Human Settlement Management
Basis for action
7.13. By the turn of the century, the majority of the world's population
will be living in cities. While urban settlements, particularly in developing
countries, are showing many of the symptoms of the global environment and
development crisis, they nevertheless generate 60 per cent of gross national
productivity, improve the living conditions of their residents and manage
natural resources in a sustainable way.
7.14. Some metropolitan areas extended over the boundaries of several
political and/or administrative entities (countries and municipalities) even
though they conform to a continuous urban system. In many cases, this political
heterogeneity hinders the implementation of comprehensive environmental
management programmes.
7.15. The objective is to ensure sustainable management of all urban
settlements, particularly in developing countries, in order to enhance their
ability to improve the living conditions of residents, especially the
marginalized and disenfranchised, thereby contributing to the achievements
of national economic development goals.
(a) Improving urban management
7.16. One existing framework for strengthening management is in the
United Nations Development Programme/ World Bank/ United Nations Centre for
Human Settlements (Habitat)/ Urban Management Programme (UMP), a concerted
global effort to assist developing countries in addressing urban management
issues. Its coverage should be extended to all interested countries during
the period of 1993 - 2000. All countries should, with the assistance of
non-governmental organizations and representatives of local authorities,
undertake the following activities at the national, state/provincial and
local levels, with the assistance of relevant programmes and support agencies:
(a) Adopting and applying urban management guidelines in the areas of land
management, urban environmental management, infrastructure management, and
municipal finance and administration;
(b) Accelerating efforts to reduce urban poverty through a number of actions,
(i) Generating employment for the urban poor, particularly women, through
the provision, improvement and maintenance of urban infrastructure and services,
and the support of economic activities in the informal sector, such as repairs,
recycling, services and small commerce;
(ii) Providing specific assistance to the poorest of the urban poor through,
inter alia, the creation of social infrastructure in order to reduce
hunger and homelessness, and the provision on adequate community services.
(iii) Encouraging the establishment of indigenous community-based organization,
private voluntary organizations, and other forms of non governmental entities
that can contribute to the efforts to reduce poverty, and to improve the
quality of life for the low-income families;
(c) Adopting innovative city planning strategies to address environmental
and social issues by:
(i) Reducing subsidies on, and recovering the full cost of, environmental
and other services of high standard (e.g. water supply, sanitation, waste
collection rods, telecommunication), provided to higher income neighborhoods;
(ii) Improving the level of infrastructure and service provision in poorer
urban areas;
(iii) Developing local strategies for improving the quality of life and the
environment, integrating decisions on land use and land management, investing
in the public and private sectors and mobilizing human and material resources,
thereby promoting employment generation that is environmentally sound and
protective of human health.
(b) Strengthening urban data systems
7.17. During the period of 1993 - 2000, all countries should undertake,
with the active participation of the business sector as appropriate, pilot
projects in selected cities for the collection, analysis and subsequent
dissemination of urban data, including environmental impact analysis, at
the local, state/provincial, national and international levels, and the
establishment of city data management capabilities.5 United Nations
organizations, such as Habitat, UNEP, and UNDP, could provide technical advice
and model data management systems.
(c) Encouraging intermediate city development
7.18. In order to relieve pressure on large urban agglomerations of
developing countries, policies and strategies should be implemented towards
the development of intermediate cities that create employment opportunities
for unemployed labor in the rural areas, and support rural-based economic
activities, although sound urban management is essential to ensure that urban
sprawl does not expand resource degradation over an ever wider land area,
and increase pressures to convert open space, and agricultural/buffer lands
for development.
7.19. Therefore all countries should, as appropriate, conduct reviews
for urbanization processes and policies in order to assess the environmental
impacts of growth, and apply urban planning and management approaches
specifically suited to the needs, resource capabilities, and characteristics
of their growing intermediate-sized cities. As appropriate, they should also
concentrate on activities aimed at facilitating the transition from rural
to urban lifestyles, and settlement patterns, and at promoting the development
of small-scale economic activities, particularly the production of food,
to support local income generation, and the production of intermediate goods
and services for rural hinterlands.
7.20. All cities, particularly those characterized by severe sustainable
development problems, should, in accordance with national laws, rules and
regulations, develop and strengthen programmes aimed at addressing such problems,
and guiding their development along a sustainable path. Some international
initiatives in support of such efforts, as is the Sustainable Cities Programme
of Habitat, and the Healthy Cities Programme of WHO, should be intensified.
Additional initiatives involving the World Bank, the regional development
banks, and bilateral agencies, as well as other interested stockholders,
particularly international and
national representatives of local authorities, should be strengthened
and coordinated. Individual cities should, as appropriate:
(a) Institutionalize a participatory approach to sustainable urban development,
based on a continuous dialogue between the actors involved in urban development
(the public sector, private sector and communities), especially women and
indigenous people;
(b) Improve the urban environment by promoting social organization and
environmental awareness through the participation of local communities in
the identification of public services needs, the provision of urban
infrastructure, the enhancement of public amenities and the protection and/or
rehabilitation of older buildings, historic precincts, and other cultural
artifacts. In addition, "green works" programmes should be activated to create
self-sustaining human development activities, and both formal and informal
employment opportunities for low-income urban residents;
(c) Strengthen the capacities of their local governing bodies to deal more
with the broad range of developmental and environmental challenges associated
with rapid and sound urban growth through comprehensive approaches to planning
that recognize the individual needs of cities, and are based on ecologically
sound urban design practices;
(d) Participate in international "sustainable city networks" to exchange
experiences, and mobilize national and international, technical and financial
(e) Promote the formulation of environmentally sound, and culturally sensitive
tourism programmes as a strategy for sustainable development of urban and
rural settlements, and as a way for decentralizing urban development, and
reducing discrepancies among regions;
(f) Establish mechanisms, with the assistance of relevant international agencies,
to mobilize resources for local initiatives to improve environmental quality;
(g) Empower community groups, non-governmental organizations, and individuals
to assume the authority and responsibility for managing and enhancing their
immediate environment through participatory tools, techniques and approaches
embodies in the concept of environmental care.
7.21. Cities of all countries should reinforce cooperation among
themselves and cities of developed countries, under the aegis of non-governmental
organizations active in this field, such as the International Union of Local
Authorities (IULA), the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
(ICLEI), and the World Federation of Twin Cities.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.22. The Conference secretariat has estimated an average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) for implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $100 billion, including about $15 billion from the international community
on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude
estimates only, and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and
financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon,
inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide
upon for implementation;
(b) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.23. Developing countries should, with appropriate international
assistance, consider on training and developing a cadre of urban managers,
technicians, administrators, and other relevant stakeholders, who can
successfully manage environmentally sound urban development and growth, and
are equipped with the skills necessary to analyze and adapt the innovative
experiences of other cities. For this purpose, the full range of training
methods _ from formal education to the use of the mass media _ should be
utilizes, as well as the "learning by doing" option.
7.24. Developing countries should also encourage technological training
and research through joint efforts by donors, non-governmental organizations,
and private businesses in such areas as the reduction of waste, water quality,
saving the energy, safe production of chemicals, and less polluting
7.25. Capacity-building activities carried out by all countries, assisted
as suggested above, should go beyond the training of individuals and functional
groups to include institutional arrangements, administrative routines,
inter-agency linkages, information flows, and consultative process.
7.26. In addition, international efforts, such as the Urban Management
Programme, in cooperating with multilateral and bilateral agencies, should
continue to assist the developing countries in their efforts to develop a
participatory structure by mobilizing the human resources of the private
sector, non-governmental organizations and the poor, particularly women and
the disadvantaged.
C. Promoting Sustainable Land-Use Planning and Management
Basis for action
7.27. Access to land resources is an essential component of sustainable
low-impact lifestyles. Land resources are the basis for (human) living systems,
and provide soil, energy, water, and the opportunity for all human activity.
In rapidly growing urban areas, access to land is rendered increasingly difficult
by the conflicting demands of industry, housing, commerce, agriculture, land
tenure structures, and the need for open spaces. Furthermore, the rising
cost of urban land prevent the poor from gaining access to suitable land.
In rural areas, unsustainable practices, such as the exploitation of marginal
lands, and the encroachment on forests and ecologically fragile areas by
commercial interests and landless rural populations, result in environmental
degradation, as well as in diminishing returns for impoverished rural settlers.
7.28. The objective is to provide for the land requirements of human
settlement development through environmentally sound physical planning and
land use so as to ensure access to land to all households and, where appropriate,
the encouragement of communally and collectively owned and managed land.6
Particular attention should be paid to the needs of women and indigenous
people for economic and cultural reasons.
7.29. All countries should consider, as appropriate, undertaking a
comprehensive national inventory of their land resources in order to establish
a land information system in which land resources will be classified according
to their most appropriate uses and environmentally fragile or disaster-prone
areas will be identified for special protection measures.
7.30. Subsequently, all countries should consider developing national
land-resource management plans to guide land-resource development and utilization
and, to that end, should:
(a) Establish, as appropriate, national legislation to guide the implementation
of public policies for environmentally sound urban development, land utilization,
housing for the improved management of urban expansion;
(b) Create, where appropriate, efficient and accessible land markets that
meet community development needs by, inter alia, improving land registry
systems and streamlining procedures in land transactions;
(c) Develop fiscal incentives and land-use control measures, including land-use
planning solutions for a more rational and environmentally sound use of limited
land resources;
(d) Encourage partnerships among the public, private, and community sectors,
in managing land resources for human settlements development;
(e) Strengthen community-based land-resource protection practices in existing
urban and rural settlements;
(f) Establish appropriate forms of land tenure that provide security for
tenure for all land-users, especially indigenous people, women, local
communities, the low-income urban dwellers, and the rural poor;
(g) Accelerate efforts to promote access to land by the urban and rural poor,
including credit schemes for the purchase of land, and for the building/acquiring
or improving safe and healthy shelter, and infrastructure services;
(h) Develop and support the implementation of improved land-management practices
that deal with potentially competing land requirements for agriculture, industry,
transport, urban development, green spaces, preserves, and other vital needs;
(i) Promote understanding among policy makers of the adverse consequences
of unplanned settlements in environmentally vulnerable areas, and of the
appropriate national and local land-use and settlements policies required
for this purpose.
7.31. At the international level, global coordination of land-resource
management activities should be strengthened by the bilateral and multilateral
agencies and programmes, such as UNDP, FAO, the World Bank, the regional
development banks, other interested organizations, and the UNDP/ World Bank/
Habitat Urban Management Programme, and action should be taken to promote
the transfer of applicable experience on sustainable land-management practices
to and among developing countries.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.32. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $3 billion, including about $300 million from the internal community
on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude
estimates only, and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and
financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon,
inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decide
upon for implementation;
(b) Scientific and technological means
7.33. All countries, particularly developing countries, alone, or
in regional, or subregional groupings, should be given access to modern
techniques of land-resource management, such as geographical information
systems, satellite photography/imagery, and other remote-sensing technologies.
(c) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.34 Environmentally focused training activities in sustainable
land-resources planning and management should be undertaken in all countries,
with developing countries being given assistance through international support
and funding agencies in order to:
(a) Strengthen the capacity of national, state/provincial, and local education
research and training institutions to provide formal training of land management
technicians and professionals;
(b) Facilitate the organizational review of government ministries and agencies
responsible for land questions, in order to devise more effective mechanisms
of land-resource management, and carry out periodic in- service refresher
courses for the managers and staff of such ministries and agencies in order
to familiarize them with up-to-date land-resource-management technologies;
(c) Where appropriate, provide such agencies with modern equipment, such
as a computer hardware and software, and survey equipment;
(d) Strengthen existing programmes and promote an international and interregional
exchange of information and experience in land-management through the
establishment of professional associations in land-management sciences and
related activities, such as seminars and workshops.
D. Promoting the Integrated Provision of Environmental Infrastructure : Water,
Sanitation, Drainage, and Soil-Waste Management
Basis for action
7.35. The sustainability of urban development is defined by many
parameters relating to the availability of water supplies, air quality, and
the provision of environmental infrastructure for sanitation and waste
management. As a result of the density of users, urbanization, if properly
managed, offers unique opportunities for the supply of sustainable environmental
infrastructure through adequate pricing policies, educational programmes,
and equitable access mechanisms that are economically and environmentally
sound. In most developing countries, however, the inadequacy and the lack
of environmental infrastructure is responsible for widespread ill-health,
and a large number of deaths each year. In those countries, conditions are
set to worsen due to growing needs that exceed the capacity of Governments
to respond adequately.
7.36. An integrated approach to the provision to environmentally sound
infrastructure in human settlements, in particular for the urban and rural
poor, is an investment in sustainable development that can improve the quality
of life, increase productivity, improve health, and reduce the burden of
investments in curative medicine and poverty alleviation.
7.37. Most of the activities whose management would be improved by
an integrated approach, are covered in Agenda 21 as follows : chapter 6
(Protecting and promoting human health conditions), chapter 9 (Protecting
the atmosphere), chapter 18 (Protecting the quality and supply of freshwater
resources), and chapter 21 (Environmentally sound management of solid wastes
and sewage-related issues).
7.38. The objective is to ensure the provision of adequate environmental
infrastructure facilities in all settlements by the year 2025. The achievement
of this objective would require that all developing countries incorporate,
in their national strategies, programmes to build the necessary technical,
financial, and human resource capacity, aimed at ensuring better integration
of infrastructure and environmental planning by the year 2000.
7.39. All countries should assess the environmental suitability of
infrastructure in human settlements, develop national goals for sustainable
management of waste, and implement environmentally sound technology to ensure
that the environment, human health, and quality of life are protected. Settlement
infrastructure and environmental programmes designed to promote an integrated
human settlements approach to the planning, development, maintenance, and
management of environmental infrastructure, (water supply, sanitation, drainage,
solid-waste management), should be strengthened with the assistance of bilateral
and multilateral agencies. Coordination among these agencies, and with
collaboration from international and national representatives of local
authorities, the private sector and community groups should also be strengthened.
The activities of all agencies engaged in providing environmental infrastructure
should, where possible, reflect an ecosystem or metropolitan area approach
to settlements, and should include monitoring, applied research,
capacity-building, transfer of appropriate technology, and technical cooperation
among the range programme activities.
7.40. Developing countries should be assisted at the national and
local levels in adopting an integrated approach to the provision of water
supply, energy, sanitation, drainage, and solid-waste management, and external
agencies should ensure that this approach is applied in particular to
environmental infrastructure improvement in informal settlements based on
regulations and standards that take into account the living conditions and
resources of the communities to be served.
7.41. All countries should, as appropriate, adopt the following principles
for the provision of environmental infrastructure:
(a) Adopt policies that minimize if not altogether avoid environmental damage,
whenever possible;
(b) Ensure that relevant decisions are preceded by environmental impact
assessments, and also take into account the cost of any ecological consequences;
(c) Promote development in accordance to indigenous practices, and adopt
technologies appropriate to local conditions;
(d) Promote policies aimed at recovering the actual cost of infrastructure
services, while at the same time recognizing the need to find suitable
approaches, (including subsidies), to extend basic service to all households;
(e) Seek joint solutions to environmental problems that affect several
7.42. The dissemination of information form existing programmes should
be facilitated and encouraged among interested countries and local institutions.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.43. The conference secretariat has estimated most of the cost of
implementing the activities of this programme in other chapters. The secretariat
estimates the average total annual cost (1993 - 2000) of technical assistance
from the international community on grant or concessional terms to be about
$50 million. These are indicative, and order of magnitude only, and have
not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including
any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia,
the specific strategies and
programmes Governments decide upon for implementation;
(b) Scientific and technological means
7.44. Scientific and technological means within the existing programmes
should be coordinated wherever possible and should:
(i) Accelerate research in the area of integrated policies of environmental
infrastructure programmes and projects based on cost/benefit analysis and
overall environmental impact;
(ii) Promote methods of assessing "effective demand", utilizing environment
and development data as criteria fir selecting technology.
(c) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.45. With the assistance and support of funding agencies, all countries
should, as appropriate, undertake training and popular participation programmes
aimed at:
(i) Raising awareness of the means, approaches, and benefits of the provision
of environmenta infrastructure facilities, especially among indigenous people,
women, low-income groups, and the poor;
(ii) Developing a cadre of professionals with the adequate skills in integrated
infrastructural service planning and maintenance of resource-efficient,
environmentally sound and socially acceptable systems;
(iii) Strengthening the institutional capacity of local authorities and
administrators in the integrated provision of adequate infrastructure services
in partnership with local communities and the private sector;
(iv) Adopting appropriate legal and regulatory instruments, including cross
subsidy arrangements, to extend the benefits of adequate and affordable
environmental infrastructure to unserved population groups, especially the
E. Promoting Sustainable Energy and Transport System In Human
Basis for action
7.46. Most of the commercial and non-commercial energy produced today
is used in or for human settlements, and a substantial percentage of it is
used by the household sector. Developed countries are at present faced with
the need to increase their energy production to accelerate development, and
raise the living standards of their populations, while at the same time,
reducing energy production costs and energy-related pollution. Increase the
efficiency of the energy use to reduce its pollution effects, and to promote
the use of renewable energies must be a priority in any action taken to protect
the urban environment.
7.47. Developed countries, as the larger consumers of energy planning
and management, promoting renewable and alternative sources of energy, and
evaluating the life-cycle costs of current systems and practices, as a result,
of which many metropolitan areas are suffering from pervasive air quality
problems related to ozone, particulate matters, and carbon monoxide. The
causes have much to do with technological inadequacies and with an increasing
fuel consumption generated by inefficiencies, high demographic and industrial
concentrations, and a rapid expansion in the number of motor vehicles.
7.48. Transport accounts for about 30 per cent of commercial energy
consumption, and for about 60 per cent of total global consumption of liquid
petroleum. In developing countries, rapid motorization and insufficient
investments in urban-transport planning, traffic management, and infrastructure,
are creating increasing problems in the terms of accidents and injury, health,
noise, congestion, and loss of productivity similar to those in developed
countries. All of these problems have a severe impact o urban populations,
especially the low-income and no-income groups.
7.49. The objectives are to extend the provision of more energy-efficient
technology and alternative/renewable energy for human settlements and to
reduce negative impacts of energy production and use on human health and
to the environment.
7.50. The principal activities relevant to this programme are included
in chapter 9 (Protecting the atmosphere), programme area B, subprogramme
1 (Energy development, efficiency and consumption), and subprogramme 2
7.51. A comprehensive approach to human settlements development should
include the promotion of sustainable energy development in all countries,
as follows :
(a) Developing countries, in particular, should:
(i) Formulate national action programmes to promote and support reafforestation
and national forest regeneration with a view of achieving sustained provision
of the biomass energy needs of the low-income groups in urban areas and the
rural poor, in particular women and children;
(ii) Formulate national action programmes to promote integrated development
of energy-saving and renewal energy technologies, particularly for the use
of solar, hydro, wind, and biomass sources;
(iii) Promote wide dissemination and commercialization of renewable energy
technologies through sustainable measures, inter alia, fiscal, and
technology transfer mechanism;
(iv) Carry out information and training directed by manufacturers and users
in order to promote energy-saving techniques and energy-efficient appliances.
(b) International organizations and bilateral donors should:
(i) Support developing countries in implementing national energy programmes
in order to achieve wide spread use of energy-saving and renewable energy
technologies, particularly the use of solar, wind, biomass and hydro sources;
(ii) Provide access to research and development results to increase energy-use
efficiency levels in human settlements.
7.52. Promoting efficient and environmentally sound urban transport
system in all countries should be a comprehensive approach to urban-transport
planning and management. To this end, all countries should:
(a) Integrate land-use and transportation planning to encourage development
patterns that reduce transport demand;
(b) Adopt urban-transport porgrammes favoring high-occupancy public transport
in countries, as appropriate;
(c) Encourage non-motorized modes of transport by providing safe cycleways
and footways in urban suburban centres in countries, as appropriate;
(d) Devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient
operation of public transport, and maintenance of transport infrastructure;
(e) Promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives
of local and metropolitan areas;
(f) re-evaluate the present consumption and production patterns in order
to reduce the use of energy and national resources.
Means of implementation
(a) Financial and cost evaluation*
7.53. The Conference secretariat has estimated the costs of implementing
the activities of this programme in chapter 9 (Protection of the atmosphere);
(b) Human Resource development and capacity-building
7.54. In order to enhance the skills of energy service, transport
professionals, and institutions, all countries should, as appropriate :
(a) Provide on-the-job, and other training of the government officials, planners,
traffic engineers, and managers involved in the energy-service and transport
(b) Raise public awareness of the environmental impacts of transport and
travel behaviour through mass media campaigns and support for non-governmental
and community initiatives promoting the use of non-motorized transport, shared
driving, and improved traffic safety measures;
(c) Strengthen regional, national, state/provincial, and private sector
institutions that provide education and training on energy service and urban
transport planing and management.
F. Promoting Human Settlement Planning and Management in-Disaster-Prone Areas
Basis of action
7.55. Natural disaster cause loss of life, disruption of economic
activities and urban productivit, particularly for highly susceptible low-income
groups, and environmantal damage, such as loss of fertile agricultural land,
and contamination of water resources, and can lead to major resettlement
of populations. Over the past two decades, they are estimated to have caused
some 3 million deaths, and affected 800 million people. Global economic losses
have been estimated by the Office of the United Nationa Disaster Relief
Coordinator to be in the range of $30 - $50 billion per year.7
7.56. The General Assembly, in resolution 44/236, proclaimed the 1990's
as the Internal Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. The goals of the Decade8
bear relevance to the objectives of the present programme area.
7.57. In addition, there is an urgent need to address the prevention
and reduction of man-made disasters and/or disasters caused by, inter
alia, industries, unsafe nuclear power generation, and toxic waters (see
chapter 6 of Agenda 21).
7.58. Theobjective is to enable al countries, in particular those
that are disaster-prone, to mitigate the negative impact of man-made and
natural disasters on human settlements, national economics, and the environment.
7.59. Three distinct areas of activity are forseen under this programme
areas, namely, the development of a "culture of safety", pre-disaster planning,
and post-disaster reconstruction.
(a) Developing a culture of safety
7.60. To promote a "culture of safeety" in all coutries, especially
those that are disaster prone, the following activities should be carried
(a) Completing national and local studies on the nature and occurrence of
natural disasters, their impact on people and economic activities, the effects
of inadequate construction and land use in hazard-prone areas, and the social
and economic advantages of adequate pre-disaster planning;
(b) Implementing nation wide amd local awareness campaigns through all available
media, translating the above knowledge into information easily comprehensible
to the general public a,d to the populations directly exposed to hazards;
(c) Strengthening, and/or developing global,
regional, national, and local
early warning systems to alert populatios to impending disasters;
(d) Identifying industrially based environmental disaster areas at the national
and international levels, and implementing strategies aimed at the rehabilitation
of these areas through, inter alia:
(i) Restrucutring of the economic activities and promoting new job opportunities
in environmentally sound sectors;
(ii) Promoting close collaboration between governmental and local authorities,
local communities and non-governmental organozations, and private businesses;
(iii) Developing and enforcing strict control standards.
(b) Developing pre-disaster planning
7.61. Pre-disaster planning should form an integral part of human
settlement planning in all countries. The following should be included:
(a) Undertaking complete multi-hazard research to risk and vulnerability
of human settlement infrastructure, including water and sewerage, communication
and transportation networks, as one type of risk reduction may increase the
vulnerability of another (e.g. and earthquake-resistant house made of wood
may be more vulnerable in wind storms);
(b) Developing methodologies of determining risk and vulnerability within
specific human settlements, and incorporating risk and vulnerability reduction
into the human settlements planning and management process;
(c) redirecting inappropriate new development and human settlements to areas
not prone to hazards;
(d) Preparing guidelines on location, design and operation of potentially
hazardous industries and activities;
(e) Developing tools, (legal, economic etc.), to encourage disaster-sensitive
development, including means of ensuring that limitaions on development options
are not punitive to owners, or incorporate alternative means of compensation;
(f) Further developing and disseminating information on disaster-resistant
building materials and construction technologies for buildings and public
works in general;
(g) Developing training programmes for contractors and builders on
disaster-resistant construction methods. Some programmes should be directed
particularly to the small enterprises, which build the great majority of
housing and other small buildings in the developing countries, as well as
to the rural populations, which build their own houses;
(h) Developing training programmes for emergency site managers, non-governmental
organizations, and community groups which cover all aspects of disaster
mitigation, including urban search and rescue, emergency communications,
early warning techniques, and pre-disaster planning;
(i) Developing procedures and practices to enable local communities to receive
information about hazardous insallations or situations in these areas, and
facilitate their participation in early warning anddisaster abatement and
response procedures and plans;
(j) Preparing action plans for the reconstruction of settlements, especially
the reconstruction of community life-lines.
(c) Initiating post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation planning
7.62. The international community, as amajor partner inpost-reconstruction
and rehabilitation, should ensure that the countries involved derive the
greatest benefits from the funds allocated by undertaking the following
(a) Carrying out research on past experiences on the social and economic
aspects of post-disaster reconstruction and adopting effective strategies
and guidelines for post-disaster reconstruction, with particular focus on
development-focused strategies in the allocation of scarce reconstruction
rsources, and on the opportunities that post-disaster reconstruction provides
to introduce sustainable settlement patterns;
(b) Preparing and disseminating international guidelines for adaptation to
national and local needs;
(c) Supporting efforts of national Governments to initiate contingency planning,
with participation of affected communities, for post-disaster reconstruction
and rehabilitation.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.63. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) of implementing the activities ofthis programme to be
about $50 million from the international community on grant or concessional
terms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude estimates only, and have
not been reviewed by Governments. actual costs and financial terms, including
any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific
strategies and programmes Governmants decide upon for implementaion;
(b) Scientific and technological means
7.64. scientist and enginers specializing in this field, in both developed
and developing countries, should collaborate with urban and regional planners
in order to provide the basic knowledge and eans to mitigate losses owing
to disaseers as well asenvironmentally inappropriate development.
(c) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.65. Developing counries should conduct training programmes on
disaster-resistant construction methods for contractors and builders who
build the majority of housing in the developing countries. This should focus
on the small business enterprises, which build the majority of housing in
the develping countries.
7.66. Training programmes should be extended to government officials
and planners, community and non-governmental orgnaizationa to cover all aspects
of disaster mitigation, sucha d early warning techniques, pre-disaster
planning and construction,
post-disaster construction and rehabilitation.
G. Promoting Sustainable Construction Industry Activities
Basis of action
7.67. The activities of the construction sector are vital to the
achievement of the national socio-economic development goals of providing
shelter, infrastructure, and employment. However, they can be a major source
of environmental damage through depletion of the natural resource base,
degradation of fragile eco-zones, chemical pollution, and theuse of building
materials harmful to human health.
7.68. The objectives are, firstly, to adopt policies and technologies,
and to exchange information on them in order to enable the construction sector
to meet human settlement development goals, while avoiding harmul side-effects
on human health and the biosphere, and, secondly, to enhance the
employment-generationcapacity of the construction sector in achieving these
7.69. All countries should, as appropriate and in accordance with
national plans, objectives, and priorities:
(a) Establish and strengthen indigenous building materials industry, based
as much as possible, on inputs of locally available natural resources;
(b) Formulate programmes to enhance the uilization of local materials by
the construction sector by expanding technical support and incentive schemes
for increasing the capabilities and economic viability of small-scale and
informal operatives which make use of these materials, and traditional
construction techniques;
(c) Adopt standards and other regulatory measures which promote the increased
use of energy-efficient designs and technologies and sustainable utilization
of natural resources in an economically and environmentally appropriate way;
(d) Fromulate appropriate land-use policies, and introduce planning regulations
specially aimed at the protection of eco-sensitive zones against physical
disruption by construction and construction0related activities;
(e) Promote the use of labour-intensive constructuin and maintenance technologies
which generate employment in the construction sector for the unemployed labour
force found in most large cities, while at the same time promoting the
development of skills in the construction sector;
(f) Develop policies and practices to reach the informal sector and self-help
housing builders by adopting measures to increase the affordability of building
materials on the part of the urban and rural poor, through inter alia,
credit schemes, and bulk procurement of building materials for sale to small
scale builders and communities.
7.70. All countries should:
(a) Promote the free exchange of information on the entire range of environmental
and health aspects of construction, including the development and dissemination
of databases on the adverse on the adverse environmental effects of building
materials through the collaborative efforts of the private and pubic sectors;
(b) Promote the development and dissemination of of databases on the adverse
environmental and health effects of building materials and products that
create pollution in their lif cycle.
(c) Promote the use of economis instruments, such a project charges, to
discourage the use of construction materials and products thet create pollution
in thier life cycle;
(d) Promote information exchange and appropriate technology transfer among
allcountries, with particular attention to developed countries, for resource
management in construction, particularly for non-renewable resources;
(e) Promote research in construction industries and related activities, and
establish and strengthen insitutions in this sector.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evaluation*
7.71. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $40 billion, including about $4 billion from the international community
on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude
estimates only, and have not yet been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs
and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend
upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governmentsdecide
upon for implementation;
(b) Human resource development and capacity-building
7.72. Developing countries should be assisted by international support
and funding agencies in upgrading the technical and managerial capacities
of the small entrepreneur and the vocational skills of operatives and supervisors
in the building materials industry, using a variety of training methods.
These countries should also be assisted in developing programmes to encourage
the use of non-waste and clean technologies through apropriate transfer of
7.73. General education programmes should be developed in all countries,
as appropriate, to increase builder awareness of availabe sustainable technology.
7.74. local authorities are called upon to play a pioneering role
in promoting the increased use of environmentally sound building materials
and construction technologies, e.g. by pursuing an innovative procurement
H. Promoting Human Resource Development and Capacity-Building for Human
Settlements Development
Basis of action
7.75. Most countries, in addition to shortcomings in the availability
of specialized expertise in the area of housing, settlement management, lamd
management, infrastructure, construction, energy,transport, and pre-disaster
planning andreconstruction, face three cross-sectional human resource
development, and capacity-building shortfalls. First is the absence of an
enablingpolicy environment capable of integrating the resources and activitiec
of the public sector, the private sector and the community, or social sector;
second is the weakness of specialized training and research institutions;
and third is the insufficient capacity for technical training and assistance
for low-income communities, both urban and rural.
7.76. The objective is to improve human resource development and
capacity-building in all countries by enhancing the personal ans institutional
capacity of all actors, particularly indigenous people and women, involved
in human development. In this regard, acount should be taken of traditional
cultural practices of indigenous people and their relationship to the
7.77. Spcific human resource development and cepacity-building activities
have been built into each of the programme areas of this chapter. More generally,
however, additional steps should be taken to reinforce those activities.
In order to do so, all countries, as appropriate, should take the following
(a) Strengthening the development of human resources and capacities of public
sector institutions through technical asistance and internaional cooperation
so as to achieve, by the year 2000, substantial improvement in the efficiency
of governmental activities;
(b) Creating and enabling policy environment supportive of the partnership
between the public, private, and community sectors;
(c) Providing enhanced training and technical assistance to institutions
providing training for technicians, professionals, and administrators, and
appointed, elected, and professional members of local governments and strengthen
their capacity to address priority training needs, particularly in regard
to social, economic, and emvironmental aspects of human settlements development;
(d) Providing direct assistance for human settlement development at the community
level, inter alia, by:
(i) Strengthening and promoting programmes for social mobilization and raising
awareness of the potential of women and youth in human settlements activities;
(ii) Facilitating coorindation of the activities women, youth, community
groups, and non-governmental organizations in human steelements development;
(iii) Promoting research on women's programmes and other groups, and eveluating
progress made with a view to identifying bottlenecks and needed assistance;
(e) Promting the inclusion of integrated environmental management into general
local government activities.
7.78. Both international organizations and non-governmental organizations
should support the above activities by, inter alia, strengthening subregional
training institutions, providing updated training materials and disseminating
the results of successful human resource and capacity-building activities,
programmes and projects.
Means of implementation
(a) Financing and cost evalluation*
7.79. The Conference secretariat has estimated the average total annual
cost (1993 - 2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be
about $65 million from the international community on grant or concessional
terms. These are indicative, and order of magnitude estimates only, and have
not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including
any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific
strategies and programmes Governments decide upon for implementation.
(b) Scientific and technological means
7.80. both formal training and non-formal types of human resource
development, and capacity-building programmes should be combined, and us
should be made of user-oriented training methods, up-todate training materials,
and modern audio-visual communication systems.
* These paragraphs contain matters relating to means of implementation, including
cost estimates, which are indicative secretariat figures provided pursuant
to Preparatory Committee decision 3/2. They remain in brackets as they have
not been negotiated.
1. No aggregate figures are available on internal expenditure or official
development assistance on human settlements. However, data available in the
World Development Report, 1991, for 16 low-income developing countries show
that the percentage of central government expenditure on housing, amenities,
social security, and welfare for 1989 averaged 5.6 per cent, with a high
of 15.1per cent in the case of Sri Lanka, which was embarked on a vigorous
housing programme. In OECD industrialized countries, during the same year,
the percentage of central government expediture on housing, amenities, social
security, and welfare, ranged from a minimum of 29.3 per cent, to a maximum
of 49.4 per cent, with an aerage of 39 per cent (World Bank, World Development
Report, 1991, World Development Indicators, table 11 (Washington, D.C.,
2. See the report of the Director-Generalfor Development and International
Economic Cooperation containing
preliminary statistical data on operational activities of the United
Nations systems for 1988 (A/44/324-E/1989/106/Add.4, annex).
3. World Bank, Annual Report, 1991 (Washington, D.C., 1991)
4. UNDP, "Reported investment commitments related to UNDP-assiste projects,
1988", table 1, "Sectoral distribution of investment commitment in 1988 -
5. A pilot programme of this type, the city Data Programme (CDP), is already
in operation in the United Nation Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat),
aimed at the production and dissemination to participating cities of
micro-computer application software designed to store, process, and retrieve
city data for local,antional, and international exchange and dissemination.
6. The calls for integrated land-resource management policies, which are
also addressed in chapter 10 of agenda 21 (Integrated approach to planning
and management of land resources).
7. Estimates of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator.
8. The goals of the International Decede for Natural Reduction, set out in
the annex to General Assembly resolution 44/236, are as follows:
(a) To improve the capacity of each country to mitigate the effects of
naturaldisasters expenditiously and effectively, paying special attention
to assisting developing countries in the assesment of disaster damage potetial
and in the establihment of early warning system and disaster-resistant structures
when and where needed;
(b) To devise appropriate guidelines and strategies for applying existing
scientific and technical knowledge, takin ginto account the cultural and
economic diversity among nations;
(c) To foster scientific and engineering endeavours aimed at closing critical
gaps in knowledge in order to reduce loss of life and property;
(d) To disseminate existing and new technical information related to measures
of assessment, prediction, and mitigation of natural disasters;
(e) To develop the measures for the assessment, prediction, prevention, and
mitigation of natural disasters through programmes of technical assistance
and techology transfer, demonstration projects, and education and training,
tailored to specific disasers and locations, and to evaluate the effectiveness
of those programmes.
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