Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements
1. We, the Heads of State, Government and official delegations of
countries assembled at the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
(Habitat II) held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 3-14 June 1996, take this opportunity
to endorse the universal goals of ensuring adequate shelter for all and making
human settlements safer, healthier, more livable, equitable, sustainable
and more productive. Our deliberations on the two major themes of the Conference,
adequate shelter for all and sustainable human settlements development in
an urbanising world, have been inspired by the Charter of the United Nations
and are aimed at reaffirming existing and forging new partnerships for action
at the international, national and local levels to improve our living
environment. We commit ourselves to the objectives, principles and
recommendations contained in the Habitat Agenda and pledge our mutual support
for its implementation.
2. We have considered, with a sense of urgency, the continuing
deterioration of conditions of shelter and human settlements. At the same
time, we recognise cities and towns as centres of civilisation, generating
economic development and social, cultural, spiritual and scientific advancement.
We must take advantage of the opportunities presented by our settlements
and preserve their diversity to promote solidarity amongst all our peoples.
3. We reaffirm our commitment to better standards of living in large
freedom for all humankind. We recall the United Nations Conference on Human
Settlements held in Vancouver, Canada, the celebration of the International
Year of Shelter for the Homeless and the Global Strategy for Shelter, all
of which contribute to increased global awareness of the problems of human
settlements and called for action to achieve adequate shelter for all. Recent
United Nations world conference, including, particularly, the United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development, have given us a comprehensive
agenda for the equitable attainment of peace, justice and democracy built
on economic development, social development and environmental protection
as interdependent and mutually reinforcing components of sustainable development.
We have sought to integrate the outcomes of these conferences into the Habitat
4. To improve the quality of life within human settlements, we must
combat the deterioration of conditions that in most cases, particularly in
developing countries, have reached crisis proportions. To this end, we must
address comprehensively, inter alia, unsustainable consumption and production
patterns, particularly in industrialised countries; unsustainable population
changes, including structure and distribution, giving priority consideration
to the tendency towards excessive population concentration, homelessness;
increasing poverty, unemployment; social exclusion; family instability,
inadequate resources; lack of basic infrastructure and services; lack of
adequate planning; growing insecurity and violence; environmental degradation
and increased vulnerability to disasters.
5. The challenges of human settlements are global but countries and
regions also face specific problems which need specific solutions. We recognise
the need to intensify our efforts and cooperation to improve living conditions
in the cities, towns and villages throughout the world, particularly in
developing countries where the situation is especially grave and in countries
with economies in transition. In this connection, we acknowledge that
globalisation of the world economy presents opportunities and challenges
for the development process, as well as risks and uncertainties, and that
achievement of the goals of the Habitat Agenda would be facilitated by inter
alia, positive actions on the issues of financing of development, external
debt, international trade and transfer of technology. Our cities must be
places where human being lead fulfilling lives in dignity, good health, safety,
happiness and hope.
6. Rural and urban development are interdependent. In addition to
improving the urban habitat, we must also work to extend adequate infrastructure,
public services and employment opportunities to rural areas in order to enhance
their attractiveness, develop an integrated network of settlements and minimise
rural-to-urban migration. Medium-and small-sized towns need special focus.
7. As human beings are at the centre of our concern for sustainable
development, they are the basis for our action in implementing the Habitat
Agenda. We recognise the particular needs of women, children, and youth for
safe, healthy and secure living conditions. We shall intensify our efforts
to eradicate poverty and discrimination, to promote and protect all human
rights and fundamental freedom for all and to provide for basic needs, such
as education, nutrition and life-span healthcare services and especially,
adequate shelter for all. To this end, we commit ourselves to improving the
living conditions in human settlements in ways that are consonant with local
needs and realities and we acknowledge the need to address the global, people.
We shall also ensure the full and equal participation of all women and men,
and the effective participation of youth in political, economic and social
life. We shall promote full accessibility for people with disabilities, as
well as gender equality in policies, programmes and projects for shelter
and sustainable human settlements development. We make these commitments
with particular reference to the more than one billion people living in absolute
poverty and to the members of vulnerable
and disadvantaged groups identified
in the Habitat Agenda.
8. We reaffirm our commitment to the full and progressive realization
of the right to adequate housing as provided for in international instruments.
To that end, we shall seek the active participation of our public, private
and non-governmental partners at all levels to ensure legal security of tenure,
protection from discrimination and equal access to affordable adequate housing
for all persons and their families.
9. We shall work to expand the supply of affordable housing by enabling
markets to perform efficiently and in a socially and environmentally responsible
manner, enhancing access to land and credit, and assisting those who are
unable to participate in housing markets.
10. In order to sustain our global environment and improve the quality
of living in our human settlements, we commit ourselves to sustainable patterns
of production, consumption, transportation and settlement development, pollution
prevention; respect for the carrying capacity of ecosystems and the preservation
of opportunities for future generation. In this connection, we shall cooperate
in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health
and integrity of the Earth's ecosystem. In view of different contributions
to global environmental degradation, we affirm the principle that countries
have common but differentiated responsibilities. We also recognise that we
must take these actions in a manner consistent with the precautionary principle
approach which shall be widely applied according to the capabilities of
countries. We shall also promote healthy living environments, especially
through the provision of adequate quantities of safe water and effective
management of waste.
11. We shall promote the conservation and maintenance of buildings,
monuments, open spaces, landscapes and settlement patterns of historical,
cultural, architectural, manual, religious and spiritual value.
12. We adopt the enabling strategy and the principles of partnership
and participation as the most democratic and effective approach for the
realization of our commitments. Recognising local authorities as our closest
and essential partners in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, we must
promote, within the legal framework of each decentralisation through democratic
local authorities and work to strengthen their financial and institutional
capacities in accordance with the conditions of countries, while ensuring
their transparency, accountability and responsiveness to the needs of people,
which are key requirements for governments at all levels. We shall also increase
our cooperation with parliamentarians, the private sector, labour unions
and non-governmental and other civil society organisations will due respect
for their autonomy. We shall also enhance the role of women and encourage
socially and environmentally responsible corporate investment by the private
sector. Local action should be guided and stimulated through local programmes
based on Agenda 21, the Habitat Agenda, or any other equivalent programme,
as well as drawing upon the experience of worldwide cooperation initiated
in Istanbul by the World Assembly of Cities and Local Authorities without
prejudice to national policies, objectives, priorities and programmes. The
enabling strategy includes a responsibility for governments to implement
special measures for members of disadvantaged vulnerable groups when appropriate.
13. As the implementation of the Habitat Agenda will require adequate
funding, we must mobilize financial resources at the national and international
levels including new and additional resources from all sourcesmultilateral
and bilateral, public and private. In this connection, we must facilitate
capacity buildings and promote the transfer of appropriate technology and
know-how. Furthermore, we reiterate the commitments set out in recent United
Nations conferences, especially those in Agenda 21 on funding and technology
14. We believe that the full and effective implementation of the Habitat
Agenda will require the strengthening of the role and functions of the United
Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), taking into account the necessity
for the centre to focus on well-defined and thoroughly-developed objectives
and strategic issues. To this end, we pledge our support for the successful
implementation of the Habitat Agenda and its Plan of Action. We also recognise
the need to strengthen the role and functions of the United Nations Centre
for Human Settlements as a major requirement for the successful implementation
of the Habitat Agenda and its Global Plan of Action.
15. This Conference in Istanbul marks a new era of cooperation, an
era of a culture of solidarity. As we move into the twenty-first century,
we offer a positive vision of sustainable human settlements, a sense of hope
for our common future and an exhortation to join a truly worthwhile and engaging
challenge, that of building together a world where everyone can live in a
safe home with a promise of a decent life of dignity, good health, safety,
happiness and hope.
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