Information Resources: Useful Articles and Publications. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
Information Resources
Useful Articles and Publications*
This compilation a description of selected publications on urbanisation and
human settlements issues available in some resource centres in Asia. The
resource centre where the publication is available for reference is indicated
in abbreviated form after each bibliographic entry. The present collection
has been scanned from Asia Pacific 2000 - Kuala Lumpur, the Asian Coalition
for Housing Rights (ACHR) - Bangkok, the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
- Bangkok, Centre for Holistic Studies (CHS) - Bombay, CityNet - Yokohama,
Japan, Human Settlement Unit of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific (HSU-ESCAP)-Bangkok, Lumanti - Support Group for Shelter
- Kathmandu, Nepal, SEVANATHA - Urban Resource Centre - Colombo, Sri Lanka,
UN-ESCAP Library - Bangkok, UNDP library - Kuala Lumpur, WASTEWISE - Bangalore,
and YUVA Bombay.
The entries are classified under the following topics:
1. Urban issues,
2. Water and Sanitation,
3. Human Settlements and Housing,
4. Slums and Squatter Settlements, and
5. Community Participation.
Each entry provides the following information: author, title, editor (ed.),
compiler (comp.), series title, place of publication, publisher, date of
publication (n.d. for not dated), and number of pages (var.pag. indicates
various pagination, where pages are numbered separately under sections),
followed by a brief synopsis of the publication. It also includes, where
possible, the address from where the publication can be obtained.
This bibliography is by no means exhaustive. Entries have been selected for
their relevance to the activities of the Urban Resource Centres in Asia.
Care has been taken to include recent publications, from 1990 to 1997. However
some entries dating back to the 1980s, have been included because they are
considered important and useful.
Urban Issues
Abdullah, Pura, comp. Asian Megacities: basic facts and figures.
Mimeograph. Kuala Lumpur: Urban Management Programme for
Asia and Pacific, 1996. 27p. (AP 2000/YUVA)
Contains information on thirteen Asian megacities: Dhaka in Bangladesh, Beijing
and Shanghai in China, Mumbai/Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and New Delhi in India,
Jakarta in Indonesia, Tokyo in Japan, Seoul in Korea, Karachi in Pakistan,
Manila in the Philippines, and Bangkok in Thailand. Information includes
statistics on land area, land use, population, employment, housing, poverty,
economy, water, sanitation, transportation, and crime. Available from:
UNDP/UMPAP, PO Box 12544, 50782 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Action for Better Cities. Kit. Kuala Lumpur: Asia Pacific 2000, 1997.
Var.pag. (AP2000)
This publication is the outcome of a workshop "Moving Forward Towards Our
Sustainable Cities" sponsored by Asia Pacific 2000-UNDP, LOCOA, and CO-TRAIN
and held at Tagaytay, Philippines, Apr.22-26, 1997. It contains the following:
*Situational Analysis of urbanisation in South East Asia, *Action for Better
Cities: ten roads to sustainable cities and communities, *Plan of Action
for Better Cities, and *Directory of Participants. Available from: Asia Pacific
2000, PO Box 12544, 50782, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ambrose, Peter. Urban Process and Power. London/New York:
Routledge, 1994. 245p. (AIT)
This book explains the processes fashioning the built environment and shows
how they reflect the dominant social and political values and the economic
circumstances in which they are taking place. It focuses on recent changes
in the control of environment-shaping processes and the ideology that has
brought about these changes. The author argues that the growth of urban
inequalities and the misuse of resources is taking place in the context of
an accelerating process of de-democratisation and erosion of accountability
to users. Available from: Routledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4PEE, United
Kingdom, or 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY10001, USA.
Angotti, Thomas. Metropolis 2000: planning poverty and politics.
London/New York: Routledge, 1993. 276p. (AIT)
It analyses metropolitan development and planning under different economic
and environmental conditions of the world's regions. Attempts to achieve
physical integration of cities without economic equality have failed. The
author, in this study, proposes the principle of `integrated diversity' which
emphasises linking neighbourhood planning with a broader vision of an integrated
metropolis. Applying a political economy approach, the author argues for
a new pro-urban, ecologically sound thinking. Chapters focus on the dominant
regimes of urbanisation and models of planning in North America, Europe,
the former Soviet Union and the developing nations of the South. He argues
that only when the metropolis is understood as a necessary and beneficial
accompaniment to social progress can a progressive, humane approach to city
planning be developed. Available from: Routledge, 11 New Fetter Lane, London
EC4PEE, United Kingdom, or 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY10001, USA.
Ashton, John, ed. Healthy Cities. Milton Keynes: Open University
Press, 1992, 235p. (AP2000)
This book introduces the Healthy Cities Project initiated by the World Health
Organization. The Project involves several hundred cities around the world,
that have adopted a programme intended to produce policies for a better
environment and improvements in lifestyles and public health. The book describes
the objectives of the Project and, using case studies, examines its performances
and effects in improving housing, work, recreation, education, environment
and transport in cities around the world. Available from: Open University
Press, Milton Keynes, USA.
"Asia's Best Cities: The Top 40 as Places to
Live", Asiaweek, December 5, 1997. pp. 38-55. (AP2000)
Asiaweek ranks the top 40 cities to live in this region following
its survey which was based on 24 statistical indicators that carried different
weightings which include average life expect
ancy, sulfur dioxide in the
air (ppm), ratio of housing price to income, sq meter of parks and field
per capita, vechicles per km city road, annual urban inflation rate, percentage
of population with sewerage, percentage of population with piped water, and
criminal cases for every 10,000 persons.
Baken, Robert-Jan and Jan van der Linden. Land Delivery
for Low-Income Groups in Third World Cities. Aldershot: Avebury, 1992.
112p. (AP2000)
This study is a review of literature on land with individual chapters dealing
with specific subjects such as land, land markets and land prices, land delivery
systems catering to the urban poor, role of governments, and a case study
on land policy in India. It includes the new urban policy agenda of the World
Bank and its implications in terms of land and housing policy. Available
from: Ashgate Publishing Group, Grower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hamshire
GU11 3HR, England. United Kingdom.
Beall, Jo. Urban Governance: why gender matters. New York:
United Nations Development Programme, 1996. 27p. (UNDP,KL)
Deals with the themes of participation and partnership in urban governance,
a concept which refers to both government responsibility and civic engagement.
It is informed by the premise that participation in political or organisational
processes in the city is related to command over resources of the city. This
paper looks at gender issues in participation, responsible urban government
and civic engagement which are important themes in the Habitat Agenda. The
paper also explores the difficulties associated with incorporating a gender
perspective into urban policy-making and planning processes and challenges
facing women working to promote gender interests in urban practice from different
institutional locations. Available from: UNDP - Gender in Development Programme,
One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.
"The Best Cities in Asia", Asiaweek, October 25, 1996.
pp. 32-51. (AP2000)
Asiaweek ranks the region's 40 most liveable cities following its
liveability survey of 40 of the region's most important urban centres. The
article includes top ten profiles of the best places to live and work, and
contains statistics.
Borja, Jordi and Manuel Castells. The Local & Global:
Management of Cities in the Information Age. London: Earthscan Publications
Ltd, 1997. 277p. (AP2000).
Written by two of the world's most highly respected urbanists, the book
challenges the current orthodoxy on the future development of cities, using
a wealth of case study material and closely-argued analysis. The authors
argue that we are witnessing the rebirth of global cities as networks of
connectivity. urban environments are being restructured around new principles
of industrial and technological space. In order to perform as effective political
entities, cities are developing flexible management mechanisms which allow
them to adapt the emergent international economic system - a case of `think
locally, act globally'. At the same time, old community structures are being
discarded, sometimes resulting in regional disparities and marked social
segregation in metropolitan areas. In order for the indigenous urban population
to adapt to such economic and social upheaval, the authors argue that it
is crucial to involve both citizens and NGOs in the collective development
programme, allowing strategic plans to be rooted in the consensus of the
diverse groupings of the urban area. They also contend that unless a dynamic
and creative relationship between the local and the global is established,
the gathering social and environmental problems of urbanisation will prove
to be unmanageable.
Boyden, Jo and Pat Holden. Children of the Cities.
London/New Jersey: Zed Books, 1991. 152p. (AP2000)
It explores evidence from a range of countries about the circumstances of
young people in cities and discusses some of the major issues of child and
youth welfare. It also examines the trends in social planning in relation
to the urban young and suggests the introduction, where appropriate, of new,
innovative policy and progressive responses to the problems of young people.
Available from: Zed Books, 57 Caledonian Road, London N19BU, United Kingdom,
or 165 First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey 07716, USA.
Buch, M.N. Environmental Consciousness and Urban Planning. Tracts
for the Times Series - 2. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1993. 81p. (SEVANATHA)
The book aims to bring about awareness of the human and environmental
implications of development strategies. The author questions the standards
through which we measure societal development and discusses the urbanisation
issue in India within the global context. The author makes a critique of
existing systems of urban planning in India, and argues for an alternative
planning approach that would be more functionally viable and environmentally
compatible. Available from: Orient Longman Limited, 1/24 Asaf Ali Road, New
Delhi -110 002, India.
Buendia, Hernando Gomez, ed. Urban Crime: global trends and
policies. Tokyo: United Nations University, 1989. 450p. (AP2000)
The book presents case studies of eight cities _ Bangkok, Bogota, Lagos,
Nairobi, San Jose, Singapore, Tokyo and Warsaw - representing a broad range
of regional differences, differences in cultural and legal traditions, in
political and socio-economic systems, and in levels of criminal incidence.
For each, a detailed analysis of crime trends, policy measures that appear
to be most successful in ordinary crime prevention and control, function
of criminal justice systems and the situation of juvenile delinquency is
presented. Available from: United Nations University, 53-70, Jingumae 5-chome,
Shi buya-ku, Tokyo 150, Japan.
Cities & Citizens: The AP2000 Experience. Metro-Manila: Inter
Press Service-Asia Pacific, 1997. 66p. (AP2000)
This book documented the experiences of the various activities and initiatives
supported by Asia Pacific 2000, an initiative of the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) to strengthen the effort and work of civil society on
urbanisation issues. The book was put together by the Inter Press Service
(IPS) - Asia Pacific team, and they captured this new "Asian Drama" of merciless
urbanisation, its consequences and the often courages and creative activities
of community organisations. The book also gives insights on how this particular
UN pro gramme had generated
new ideas, launched new initiatives and, most importantly, created a highly
conducive climate for working together, sharing and supporting. Available
from Asia Pacific 2000, P. O. Box 12544, 50782 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Costa, Frank J. et al. Asian Urbanization: problems and
processes. Berlin: Gebrudr Borntraeger, 1988. 165p. (AIT) Costa, Frank
J. et al, eds. Urbanization in Asia: spatial dimensions and policy
issues. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989. 412 pp. (AIT)
These two volumes contain studies presented at the First International Conference
on Asian Urbanization held at the University of Akron, Ohio (USA) in April
1985. The second volume contains 19 studies selected for inclusion in this
volume because of their broad spatial dimensions or their implications for
urban policy development. They cover the spectrum from macro-level national
views to regional studies to micro-level case studies of individual cities.
Available from: University of Hawaii, 874 Dillingham Blvd., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dawe, Gerald, ed. The Urban Environment: A sourcebook for the
1990s. Birmingham: Centre for Urban Ecology, 1990. 636p. (AIT)
This publication draws together vast amounts of research from the 1980s in
the form of 1768 cross-referenced abstracts, derived from a systematic search
of around forty periodicals . The major topics covered are: climate and
pollution, wildlife and nature, planning and urban environment, urban forestry,
landscape design, environmental policy in urban areas, studies of urban
ecosystem, and information about 900 towns and cities. Available from: Centre
for Urban Environment, Birmingham Settlement, 318 Summer Lane, Birmingham
B193RL, United Kingdom.
de Silva, M.V. Amarasiri and K.A. Jayaratne, eds. Proceedings
of the Consultative Meeting on Participatory Research in Urban Asia,
April 95. Colombo: Sevanatha, 1995. 78p. (ACHR/SEVANATHA)
This report presents the proceedings of the consultative meeting on participatory
action, learning and extension process in Urban Asia held in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. It includes papers presented at the meeting, case studies of peoples'
experiences and recommendations of ACHR/Training Advisory Programme. Available
from: SEVANATHA - Urban Resource Centre, 220/3, Nawala Road, Rajagiriya,
Sri Lanka.
Directory of NGOs for Migrants in Asia. Second edition. Quezon City:
Scalabrini Migration Center, 1997. 216p. (AP2000)
Includes non-government organisations working on the issue of migrants in
Asia - Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan,
Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand.
It also contains an index of the services offered. Available from: The Scalabrini
Migration Center, 4, 13th Street, New Manila, Quezon City, Philippines.
Douglass, Mike, Yok-Shiu F.Lee and Kem Lowry.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Community Based Urban Environmental
Management in Asia. Asian Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 2
(1) May 1994. pp.vii-xiv. (SEVANATHA)
This special issue draws on papers presented at the Second International
Workshop on Community-Based Environmental Management, Hong Kong, Sept. 6-10,
1993. Papers deal with case studies of Bangkok, Bombay, Hong Kong, and Seoul.
The project initiated in 1991 is concerned with improving the capacity of
environmental management in low-income urban communities in Asia.
Elkin, Tim, Duncan McLaren and Mayer Hillman. Reviving the
City: towards sustainable urban development. London: Friends of the
Earth/Policy Studies Institute, 1991. 278p. (AIT)
This report deals with urban development in the developed countries. It is
divided into two sections. The first discusses topics related to sustainable
urban development: built environment, transport, energy, natural environment,
food and agriculture, waste and pollution. The second section discusses broader
issues relating to the socio-economic problems and organisation of cities,
a summary of the importance of resource economy in sustainable urban development,
and a discussion of parallel policy issues of equity and of equality of life
in terms of the ways in which they can be promoted through sustainable
development. It also outlines the roles of different sectors in making practical
progress towards sustainability. Available from: Friends of the Earth, 26-28
Underwood Street, London N17JQ, United Kingdom.
Environmental Planning and Management Source Book. Vol.1
_ Implementing the Urban Environment Agenda. Nairobi: UNCHS/UNEP, 1997.
108p. (YUVA)
This volume synthesises and analyses the practical experiences of cities
and programmes in urban environmental planning and management. Brief case
studies drawn from practical lessons of 150 experiences illustrate the steps
in the EPM process. These are referenced with names and contact addresses.
Vol. 2 - City Experiences and International Support, contains 33 case study
abstracts, descriptions of 22 international support programmes, and the 1996
Istanbul Manifesto. Vol. 3 - The Urban Environment Forum Directory contains
full contact addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers of the Urban Environmental
Forum, organised by city, programme and organisation. Available from: UNCHS
(Habitat), P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
ESCAP. Development of Urban Transport: the case for balanced transport
development in Asian cities. New York: United Nations, 1996. 35p. (HSU-ESCAP)
This document suggests ways of reducing demand for urban transport through
land-use planning and restraining the use of private cars, but balancing
this restraint with improved bus services and metropolitan railway systems.
It discusses the contribution of road traffic to environmental problems,
both locally and globally, and the urgent need to modify travel habits is
highlighted. Available from: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific, Publications Division , United Nations Building, Rajadamnern
Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
ESCAP. Living in Asian Cities: the impending crisis, _ causes,
consequences and alternatives for the future. Report of the Second
Asia-Pacific Urban Forum. New York: United Nations, 1996. 186p. (HSU- ESCAP)
This report includes four papers presented at the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum.
Paper I - historical perspective and major trends,
Paper II - the need for a new
approach to policy, Paper III - the present urban dilemma: macro imperatives
versus micro needs, Paper IV - the new urban contract: institutional change
and finally the report of the Urban Forum. It includes 12 specific issues
which were drawn from the discussion papers as subjects for "focus group
discussions". This resulted in a total of 14 group discussions that are
summarised in the second part of this document. It also contains summarised
texts of the four sub-regional urban forums which examine urban issues in
a sub-regional context. This report is a reflection of current debates on
issues raised by the dramatic changes that rapid urbanisation has brought
to bear on the citizens in the Asian and Pacific region. Available from:
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Publications Division
, United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
ESCAP. Regional Action Plan on Urbanization and Bangkok Declaration
on Sustainable Urban Development and Management in Asia and Pacific.
New York, United Nations, 1994. 34p. (YUVA)
The Ministerial Conference on Urbanization in Asia and the Pacific was convened
in Bangkok, Thailand, Oct. 27- Nov. 2, 1993. It endorsed the Regional Action
Plan and adopted the Bangkok Declaration The Action Plan and the Declaration
were reviewed and accepted by representatives of local authorities,
non-governmental organisations, human settlements research and training
institutes and the media at the Ministerial Conference. Available from: United
Nations Publications Sales and Marketing Section, Room DC2-0853, New York,
NY 10017, USA.
ESCAP. State of Urbanization in Asia and the Pacific
- 1993. New York: United Nations, 1993. Var. pag. (HSU-ESCAP)
This report provides a comprehensive picture of the urbanisation process,
the present trends and complexities, the problems brought about by it and
its multi-sectoral nature. It also provides an analytical review of urbanisation
policies implemented by countries in the ESCAP region, identifies the problems
associated with urbanisation, and records successful cases where important
urban issues have been adequately addressed. The chapters, containing detailed
statistics, include: urbanisation trends, patterns and impacts, urban economy
and national productivity, urban poverty and policy alternatives, urban
environment - an agenda for urban research and towards a sustainable future.
Available from: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific,
Publications Division , United Nations Building, Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok
10200, Thailand.
Fazal, Anwar and Sri Husnaini Sofjan, comps. Network for
Urban Action: a guide on the who, what, and where on urban management in
Asia and the Pacific. Kuala Lumpur: UMPAP/UNDP, 1997. 36p. (AP2000/UNDP)
This guide lists major global and regional initiatives that are involved
in urbanisation and housing issues. The publication serves as an interactive
tool to strengthen groups and their work and make necessary linkages between
groups in the region. It contains names of groups, networks and initiatives,
a brief description of their work, contact persons and addresses. Available
from: Urban Management Programme for Asia and the Pacific, PO Box 12544,
50782 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Flyen, Cecilie and Clementine M.Thore. Historic City Core
of Kathmandu - Changes and Upgrading of Public Areas. M.Sc Thesis
in town and regional planning. Oslo: University of Trondheim, 1990. 340p.
This monograph examines the main challenge for all inner city cores to maintain
and upgrade the historical city core of Kathmandu in Nepal. The study seeks
ways to maintain both traditional use and needs, and to meet basic and modern
needs of outdoor public and private areas. It also looks at how to ensure
a self-sustainable upgrading of the overall physical standard and functioning.
The thesis identifies different typologies of urban structure, including
built-up areas private and public space. It looks at the urban development
of Nepal in historic periods and of Kathmandu, past and present, and traditional
Newari culture; and contains case studies of streets, water supply system,
courtyards, and stone ghats.
Franceys, Richard and Andrew Cotton. Services for Urban
Poor: a select bibliography. London: Intermediary Technology Publications
and Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), 1993. 89p. (SEVANATHA)
This bibliography details sources of information on infrastructure for
appropriate low-income settlements. The focus of the references is on the
provision of site-level infrastructure for sites and services schemes, slum
improvement programmes, and urban area upgrading programmes. The subjects
covered are infrastructure planning, site preparation, drainage, roads and
access, water supply, power supply, sanitation and solid waste management.
Available from: Intermediary Publications: 103/105 Southampton Row, London
WC1B 4HH, United Kingdom, or WEDC, Loughborough University of Technology,
Lecestershire LE113TU, United Kingdom.
From Want to Work: job creation for the urban poor. Geneva: International
Labour Office, 1993. 56p. (SEVANATHA)
This publication looks at urban environment from the perspective based on
the need to draw attention to the informal sector. It calls for the need
to develop methods and techniques where the informal sector can be brought
more effectively into the economic mainstream and to contribute to the national
development efforts. One such technique is the application of labour-intensive
participatory methods in the construction industry, especially public works.
This publication is intended to be a practical guide for local municipal
officials, non-governmental and community-based organisations, and external
support agencies who assist them. It is based largely on work carried out
by the UNDP-financed project "Employment Promotion in Urban Work Programmes
through the Efficient Use of Local Resources". Available from: ILO, CH 1211
Geneva 22, Switzerland.
Gaye, Mallick. Entrepreneurial Cities: public services at the
grassroots. Occasional Papers No. 184-185. Dakar: ENDA, 1996.164p. (YUVA)
This book shows how urban public services are no longer simply being produced
by architects, town planners and administrators, but by a host of new actors
coming from all sectors of the city. It shows how a new urban culture where
spontaneous grassroots collective action is changing partnerships and poli
tics. It also shows how the
popular urban imagination is producing a new type of co-operative spirit,
one which is concrete, dynamic and enterprising. It includes a case study
of ENDA's experience in setting up new partnerships between municipal
authorities, non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations.
Available from: ENDA, P.O.Box 3370, Dakar, Senegal.
Getubig, I., J. Remenyi and B.Quinones, eds. Creating the
Vision: Microfinancing the Poor in Asia-Pacific - issues, constraints and
capacity-building. Kuala Lumpur: Asian and Pacific Development Centre,
1997. 127p. (AP2000/YUVA)
Increasing numbers of microfinance institutions are providing microfinance
services through credit for income-generating activities, but large majority
of them are small, undercapitalised, and financially unsustainable. They
also lack the level of commitment and support by governments, development
organisations and financial institutions required to enable them to reach
large numbers of poor people. Creating the Vision, a monograph prepared for
the Microcredit Summit in Washington, D.C. in February 1997, is about reaching
out to poor people, especially women, so they can access microfinancial services
in a way that is sustainable and financially viable. Available from: APDC,
Pesiaran Duta, P.O.Box 12224, 50770 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Gilbert, Alan and Josef Gugler. Cities, Poverty, and
Development: urbanization in the Third World. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1992. 331p. (AIT)
Presents a comprehensive account of Third World urbanisation, spanning three
continents, Asia, Africa and Latin America. It discusses the evolution of
Third World cities as part of the world system, the nature of urban and regional
disparities within countries, the causes and patterns of rural-urban migration,
the structure of urban labour markets and the lack of productive employment,
urban housing market, and popular responses to it. Discussion include urban
ways of life, the adaptation of migrants, patterns of political conflict
and current issues in urban and regional planning. Available from: Oxford
University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX26DP, United Kingdom.
Gugler, Josef, ed. The Urbanization of the Third World. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1990. 421p. (AIT)
Contains 21 studies which explore seven aspects of urbanisation - the distinctive
characteristics of rapid urban growth in the Third World, the relationship
between the urban and the rural sector, rural-urban migration as it relates
to the urban labour market, the housing question, survival strategies in
the city, forms of integration and social control, and the politics played
out in the urban arena. Available from: Oxford University Press, Walton Street,
Oxford OX2 6DP, United Kingdom.
Hall, Nicholas, Rob Hart and Diana Mitlin. The Urban
Opportunity: the work of NGOs in cities of the South. London: Intermediate
Technology, 1996. 128p. (AP2000)
Details work of the following NGOS in cities of the South: Agency for Cooperation
and Research in Development, Appropriate Health Resources & Technologies
Action Group (AHRTAG), HelpAge International, Intermediate Technology, Homeless
International, International Cooperation for Development, International Institute
for Environment and Development, Oxfam-UK & Ireland, and WaterAid. Available
from: Intermediate Technology Publications, 103/105 Southampton Row, London
WC1B 4HH, United Kingdom.
Harris, Nigel, ed. Cities in the 1990s: the challenge for developing
countries. London: University College London, 1992. 232p. (AIT)
Contains highlights from a workshop organised for representatives of
international aid agencies and governments in developing countries to consider
the new urban policy statements of the World Bank, the United Nations Development
Programme and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements in November
1991. The chapters include: urban development strategies in urban management,
national urban development policies and strategies, and productivity and
poverty in the cities. Available from: Development Planning Unit, University
College, 9 Endsleigh Gardens, London WC1HOED, United Kingdom.
Harris, Nigel. Urbanization, Economic Development and Policy in
Developing Countries. Working Paper No. 19. London: University College
London, 1990. 44p. (AIT)
The paper provides an account of the economic significance of urbanisation,
cities in the process of economic development to understand the demographic
transition in predominantly urban societies. It examines the strength of
the correlation between the size and growth of the urban population and the
level and rate of change in national output. It discusses why the correlation
exists, and the effects of economic development in creating patterns of
territorial specialisation, between urban and rural, between countries, and
in metropolitan areas. It also discusses trends in world economy, examines
population distribution in developing countries, urbanisation and growth
of cities and enumerates some of the resulting policy problems. Available
from: Development Planning Unit, University College, 9 Endsleigh Gardens,
London WC1HOED, United Kingdom.
Hurley, Donnacadh et al. Income Generation Schemes for the Urban
Poor. Development Guidelines, No.4. Oxford: OXFAM, 1990. 136p. (AIT)
This book examines the reasons for the failure or success of urban
income-generation schemes. It emphasises the importance of poor people themselves
setting objectives and priorities, and gives special attention to the problems
faced by poor urban women. The relationship between social and economic
development is discussed, and income generation is considered in the context
of other strategies for poverty alleviation. The book stresses the need for
a market-oriented approach and gives practical advice on developing effective
business methods and organisation. The different ways in which agencies can
facilitate income generation are covered in detail. Available from: OXFAM,
274 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DZ, United Kingdom.
Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development in Asia, 1996.
New Delhi: Urban Management Programme/HSMI/IHSP, 1996. Var. pag. (AP2000)
This is a compilation of seminar papers and recommendations
of the International Seminar
on Integrated Urban Infrastructure Development in Asia, organised by the
Human Settlement Management Institute of India (HSMI), the India Human
Settlements Programme (IHSP), the Indian Ministry of Urban Development, USAID
and ESCAP in February 1995. The book presents models and practices of integrated
urban infrastructure development mainly from countries in the region, and
looks at the future of urban infrastructure development. Available from:
UMP, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, P.O.Box 12224, 50770 Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
Joshi, Jigbar. Trends and Priorities of Urban Development in South
Asia. South Asian Conference of Mayors and Local Authorities, Kathmandu,
April 8-10, 1996. 43p. (SEVANATHA)
Discusses the problems caused by recent trends of urbanisation in Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, covering issues such as
water supply, sanitation, environment and health. It recommends priorities
for urban development.
Kothari, Miloon and Nasreen Contractor. Planned Segregation:
riots, evictions and dispossession in Jogeshwari East. Bombay: Youth
for Unity and Voluntary Action, 1996. 109 pp. (YUVA)
This research study presents and analyses the phenomenon of riots and evictions
in a northern suburb of Bombay, within the framework of human rights by specially
applying the housing perspective. It exposes how the persistent inadequacy
of housing and living conditions sustains an air of insecurity on a daily
basis which in conjunction with other factors leads to riots. The study aims
to give an understanding of the situation in Jogeshwari East which experienced
a violent cycle of evictions and communal riots. It also raises questions
about ghettoisation and governance; about social exclusion and integration.
Available from: YUVA, 53/2, 2nd Floor, Nare Park Municipal School, Opp. Nare
Park Ground, Parel, Bombay - 400 012, India.
Khoo, Salma Nasution, comp. Heritage Habitat: A Source Book of
the Urban Conservation Movement in Asia and the Pacific. Penang: AWPNUC,
1997. 112 p.
An increasing number of historic areas and buildings are gradually succumbing
to the pressures of modern development. Numerous attempts are being made
to preserve and promote heritage habitats. One such attempt is to learn from
each other thereby motivating community action - the Heritage Habitat is
a directory of organisations and individuals involved in the urban conservation
movement in the Asia Pacific region. It aims to encourage conservation advocates
and practitioners to contact, exchange resources and develop common resources,
strategies and partnerships.
Lea, John P and John M. Courtney, eds. Cities in Conflict:
studies in the planning and management of Asian cities. Washington: World
Bank, 1985. 122p. (AIT)
Contains a collection of studies on the four large metropolitan cities of
Manila, Jakarta, Calcutta and Madras. The chapters, written mainly by architects
and planners, describe recent experience with large-scale urban planning
initiatives. The case studies are introduced by an overview of conflicts
facing the planning professional in the Third World, a review of urban management
strategies in Asia. and a summary of the Bank's experience with its urban
projects. It contains an appendix with comparative data on the Philippines,
Indonesia, India and their four metropolitan cities. Available from: The
World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20433, USA.
Leman, Edward. Urban Management: a primer. UMP-Asia Occasional
Paper No.3. Kuala Lumpur: Urban Management Programme, 1993. 15p. (AP2000)
Contains the following: scope of urban management, urban management as a
process, functions of urban management, the spatial scales of urban management,
the role players in urban management, the overall framework for urban management
Available from: Urban Management Programme, Regional Office for Asia and
Pacific, Wisma APDC, Pesiaran Duta, PO Box 12224, 50770, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Lo, Fu-chen and Yue-man Yeung, eds. Emerging World
Cities in Pacific Asia. Tokyo/New York/Paris: United Nations University
Press, 1996. 528 p.
Focuses on the functional characteristics and linkage effects of pacific
Asia's world cities against the background of global economic restructuring
since the 1980's. These cities are examined as individual entities, in their
original setting, and in the context of subreagional cooperative development
environment. Emphasis is placed on the functional importance and complexity
of world cities in the global and regional economies. The book provides a
comprehensive assessment of the interplay between global structural adjustments
and the changing role and configuration of Asia's world cities at the close
of the twentieth century.
The Management of Secondary Cities in Southeast Asia. Nairobi: United
Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), 1996. 160p. (HSU- ESCAP/AP2000)
This report discusses current urbanisation patterns in Southeast Asia, spatial
policies adopted by governments, and the management of secondary cities based
on the case studies conducted in five cities: Can Tho in Vietnam, Mandalay
in Myanmar, Nakon Ratchasima in Thailand, Ipoh in Malaysia and Balikpapan
in Indonesia. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
Mathur, Om Prakash and Nathaniel Von Einsiedel, eds.
Increasing the Income of Cities: tapping the potentials of non-land-based
sources of municipal revenues. New Delhi/Kuala Lumpur: Centax
Publications/UNDP, 1996. 307p. (AP2000/YUVA)
This book explores the potentials of increasing the income of cities through
non-land-based sources such as property taxes, as an alternative to traditional
sources to enable cities to assume larger responsibilities for economic and
social development. It includes five country studies from India, Korea, Malaysia,
Philippines and Thailand. The studies were sponsored by the UNDP's Urban
Management Programme based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Available from: Centax
Publications, 1512-B, Bhishm Pitamah Marg, New Delhi - 110003, India
May, Richard, Jr. The Urbanization Revolution: planning a new agenda
for human settlements. New York: Plenum Press, 1989. 271p. (AIT)
Contains selected papers delivered at the annual conference of the American
Planning Association in April 1987 in New York
and in San Antonio in 1988.
The papers illustrate some of the new approaches which form the basis for
shelter and urban development assistance in the 1990s. They describe methods
of mobilising the requisite housing finance, private-public sector cooperation
and urban management skills in the context of sound fiscal policies, role
of small towns in linking rural and urban development and the need for a
more closely integrated physical or spatial planning with the achievement
of economic and social objectives. The book includes case studies of self-help
and informal sector efforts in shelter and community building, emerging role
of NGOs and CBOs, and papers on strategies for resource mobilisation for
shelter and development plans with integrated and sustainable approach. Available
from: Plenum Press, 233 Spring Street, New York NY 10013, USA.
McCarney, Patricia L. ed. The Changing Nature of Local Government
in Developing Countries. Toronto: Centre for Urban and Community Studies
and International Office Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 1996. 314p.
The essays in this collection contain profiles of the systems of local government
in 10 countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa, giving an understanding
of the changing nature, structures and functions of local government in
developing countries. It also features introductory and regional overview
essays, providing insight into the increasing significance of the local
government in the governing relationship. Available from: Centre for Urban
and Community Studies, University of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave., Toronto M5S2G8,
McCarney, Patricia L. ed. Cities and Governance: New Directions
in Latin America, Asia and Africa. Toronto: Centre for Urban and Community
Studies, 1996. 208p. (AP2000)
This is a report of a research study on urban governance in the cities of
Latin America , Asia and Africa. It is the result of an urban research network
involving some 50 countries, to consider the new challenges confronting the
development community, governments, civic groups, researchers and international
donors concerned with the changing nature of "urban governance" in developing
countries. Available from: Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University
of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave., Toronto M5S2G8, Canada
McGee, T.G. and Ira M. Robinson, eds. The Mega-Urban Regions
of South East Asia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995. 384p. (AIT)
Focusses on the massive social, economic, cultural, and political transformation
that take place as South Asian countries develop vast urban centres. It focusses
on: urbanisation and its primary manifestation, the huge, sprawling regions
centred on the old urban cores of Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta,
and Manila. The book evaluates policy options for planning and development
of these large urban regions. Available from: UBC Press, University of British
Columbia, 6344 Memorial Road, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2, Canada.
Menon, Lakshmi, comp. and ed. Understanding Urbanisation: A
Sourcebook. Mumbai/Kuala Lumpur: YUVA/AP2000, 1998. 120p. (AP2000 &
The many complexities of urbanisation need to be better understood if appropriate
solutions are to be found. The issues range from cities, housing, water and
sanitation, governance and transportation to issues which touch human lives
in urban areas, such as evictions, violence, community action and problems
of women, children, elderly, migrants and the economically disadvantaged.
Understanding Urbanisation serves as an important reference point for this
purpose. It is comprised of three sections: information sources, containing
a selective annotated bibliography with a list of websites; information tool
with a manual on information processing and electronic information system;
and information networking resources with a directory of useful contacts,
and a list of keywords on urban issues to facilitate information search.
Milton, Diana and John Thompson, eds. Special Issue on
Participatory Tools and Methods in Urban Areas. RRA Notes 21. Nov. 1994.
Contains articles dealing with training, learning and rapid analysis methods
in urban management and participatory experiences of various communities
in India, Zambia, Ethiopia, Dominican Republic Mexico City and Sri Lanka.
Available from: Sustainable Agricultural Programme and Human Settlements
Programme, International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED),
3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H0DD, United Kingdom.
Mitra, Arup. Urbanisation, Slums, Informal Sector Employment and
Poverty: an exploratory study. Delhi: B.R.Publishing, 1994. 303p. (AIT)
This study provides a framework for analysing inter-relationships among urban
growth, migration, labour market conditions, employment pattern, levels of
living and dwelling conditions. The study examines the nature and pattern
of urbanisation in India, analyse the employment problem in cities, to assess
the impact of rural-urban migration on employment in low productivity activities,
and to examine the functioning of the slum economy with a view to explore
its links with the informal sector and urban poverty. Available from:
D.K.Publishers & Distributors, 1 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi -
110 002, India.
Mohanty, Bidyut, ed. Urbanisation in Developing Countries: basic
services and community participation. Urban Studies Series-I.
New Delhi: Institute of Social Sciences/Concept Publishing, 1993. 421p. (YUVA)
The book examines problems of access to adequate basic civic amenities specially
for the urban poor in Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India Kenya, Nepal,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey. It focusses on local community participation
and empowerment of urban communities through revitalisation of local
self-government institutions. Available from: Concept Publishing Company,
A/15-16 Commercial Block, Mohan Garden, New Delhi 110 029, India.
Municipal Land Management in Asia: a comparative study. Yokohama:
CityNet, 1995. 115p. (CityNet)
A practical source for analysis of land management options. It includes studies
of six municipalities in South and South-East Asia. Available from: CityNet
Secretariat, 5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1
Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Municipal Revenue Enhancing Strategies. Bangkok: CityNet/ESCAP, 1996.
Proceedings of a Regional Workshop on Municipal Revenue
Enhancing Strategies, held
at Bandung, Indonesia, Dec. 4-6, 1995. It contains an overview of problems
and concerns of revenue-enhancing strategies. It looks at different sources
of revenue, in particular, property taxation and non-land-based revenue potential
as well as inter-governmental transfers. Available from: CityNet Secretariat,
5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Murphy, Denis. A Decent Place to Live: urban poor in Asia.
Bangkok: Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, 1990. 130p. (ACHR)
The book is divided into two parts. The first part presents six cities, each
of which illustrates a characteristics of major Asian cities, including Bangkok,
Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Manila and Seoul. Through interviews, it presents
poor people's views of urban life and problems. The second part discusses
the phenomena common to all cities, including evictions, housing solutions,
informal employment and people's organising efforts. It also contains a chapter
on women and culture. Available from: ACHR, 73 Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao
Road 110, Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
On the Inter-regional Exchange and Transfer of Effective Practices for
Urban Management. Monograph. United Nations Development Programme, 1995.
133p. (SEVANATHA).
This monograph contains 30 case studies documenting the experiences of countries
in different regions of the world, some of the practices which have been
effective in addressing critical urban problems. The monograph may be used
as a basis for facilitating an exchange of ideas, experiences, policies and
practices on sustainable urban development to provide participants with a
wider choice of options in addressing urban problems.
NGO Committee on UNICEF. Women and Children in Urban Poverty: what
way out? NGO action for HABITAT. Geneva: UNICEF.1997. 80p. (YUVA)
This publication is about ideas and activities of child-related NGOs in human
settlement development, both at Habitat II conference and in the towns, cities
and villages. It describes the work of the Rights of the Child Caucus and
summarises the presentations at the workshop on "Women and Children in Urban
Poverty: What Way Out?", sponsored by the NGO Committee on UNICEF at the
parallel NGO Forum for Habitat II. Available from : NGO Section, UNICEF,
Palais des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Partnership for a Livable Environment. Washington, D.C: Cooperative
Housing Foundation, 1992. 40p. (SEVANATHA)
This document explores the relationship between the growth of informal urban
settlements in developing countries and the living conditions of people who
reside there. It promotes an ecological perspective on urban development,
focusing on the practices found within informal settlements and their impact
on the surrounding environment. It identifies the problems of environmental
degradation and describes selected community-based approaches used for resolving
environmental problems in informal settlements. Available from: Cooperative
Housing Foundation, P.O. Box 91280, Washington, D.C., 20090-1280, USA.
Partnerships for a Better Urban Future: a question of political will
experiences from the city of Mumbai (Bombay), India. Bombay:
Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action, 1996. 30p. (YUVA)
This is a report on the city-level dialogue wherein representatives of NGOs,
CBOs, academic institutions and police, municipal and state authorities
participated. They discussed the constraints and opportunities of collaborations
with a view to identify ways for enhancing the possibilities of future
partnerships for improving the housing and living conditions in cities,
particularly for the urban poor. Available from: YUVA, 53/2, 2nd Floor, Nare
Park Municipal School, Opp. Nare Park Ground, Parel, Mumbai 400 012,
Patel, Sujata and Alice Thorner, eds. Bombay: metaphor for
modern India. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1996. 298p. (YUVA/AP2000)
This book identifies the key characteristics of the city and explores the
processes which have led to its conspicuous successes and hidden conflicts.
The three main themes treated are labour and enterprise, claims on land,
housing and health politics and populism. The contributors deal with the
present as well as with its roots in the recent and colonial past. Available
from: Oxford University Press, YMCA Library Building, Jai Singh Road, New
Delhi-110 001, India.
Potter, Robert B. and Ademola T. Salau, eds. Cities and
Development in the Third World. London: Mansell, 1990. 200p. (ACHR/AIT)
Provides empirical material on the relations between cities and development.
It is comprehensive in its coverage of Third World regions and also in its
treatment of spatial consideration ranging from global to local. Various
chapters focus on specific issues of housing, services and welfare primarily
at the level of individual urban areas. It includes case studies of urban
structure and development at the inter-urban scale drawn from Africa,, South
East Asia and Polynesia, the Indian subcontinent and the Caribbean. These
case studies are related to current debates about Third World development.
Available from : Mansell Publishing House, Villiers House, 41/47 Strand,
London WC2N 5JE, England.
Potter, Robert B. Urbanisation and Planning in the Third World:
spatial perceptions and public participation. New York: St Martin's Press,
1985. 284p. (AIT)
This book attempts to provide more information to students of urban geography
on Third World urbanisation and development. The theme of this book serves
to stress that urbanisation and urban growth are fundamental contemporary
processes affecting humanity and that reacting to the challenges presented
by them will undoubtedly tax severely the capabilities, resources and
inventiveness of governments and communities. It points out that dealing
with these processes will entail more than responding to them in piecemeal
fashion. Instead, it will involve an ideological commitment to promoting
a more balanced and equitable pattern and process of development. Available
from: St Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010, USA
Proceedings of the ESCAP/CityNet High-Level Policy Seminar on Financial
Management of Local Authorities. Yokohama: CityNet,
1993. 110p. (CityNet)
The Seminar held in Bombay, India in November 1993, discuss land-based and
non-land-based municipal revenue systems, and innovative ways to generate
resources through public participation. The document includes three case
studies on municipal finance systems Available from: CityNet Secretariat,
5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Report and Proceedings of the CityNet/ESCAP/Dhaka City Corporation Seminar
on Privatisation of Urban Environmental Infrastructure and Services.
Yokohama: CityNet/ESCAP, 1995. 109p. (CityNet)
This seminar, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in June 1995, discussed the benefits
and difficulties of the privatisation of urban environmental services and
facilities. The report also includes technical papers presented at the seminar.
Available from: CityNet Secretariat, 5F, International Organisations Centre,
Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Richards, P.J. and A.M.Thomson, eds. Basic Needs and the
Urban Poor: the provision of communal services. London/Sydney: Croom
Helm, 1984. 276p. (AIT)
This study is intended to investigate means by which satisfaction levels
of basic needs of the urban poor can be improved by the conscious application
of public policies and programmes. Referring specifically to Asia, it looks
at a number of specific fields, including housing policy, building codes,
water supply, sanitation, transport, health and education. For each one,
it reviews the specific situation of the urban poor and the actual potential
means available to improve their lot. It includes a chapter on the role of
public sector. Available from: Croom Helm, Provident House, Burrell Row,
Beckenham, Kent BR31AT, United Kingdom, or, Croom Helm, 1st Floor, 139 King
Street, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia.
Rodgers, Gerry, ed. Urban Poverty and the Labour Market:
access to jobs and incomes in Asian and Latin American cities. Geneva:
International Labour Organization, 1989. 257p. (AIT)
The book investigates the ways in which poverty can be traced to labour market
mechanisms in cities of Asia and Latin America, on the basis of a series
of empirical studies. It documents trends in different dimensions of urban
poverty, assesses how they affect different population groups, analyses current
trends in labour market outcomes, and evaluates the relative importance of
labour market and other factors in the evolution of poverty. The longer term
objective is to contribute to the design of labour market policies, in the
context of overall strategies for the reduction of urban poverty. Available
from: International Labour Organization, CH 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
Rondinelli, Dennis A. and G. Shabbir Cheema, eds. Urban
Services in Developing Countries: public and private roles in urban
development. Hamshire: Macmillan, 1988. 266p. (AIT)
This book, sponsored by the United Nations, examines the means to provide
minimum levels of service to rapidly growing urban populations in developing
countries. It focuses on the urban poor for whom access to urban services
is essential to raise their standards of living, productivity and income.
It contains comparative case studies of urban service needs and problems
in specific countries. It includes chapters which explore the organisational
and administrative aspects of urban service, delivery and policy implications
of extending and maintaining services on a large scale. It examines the
innovative efforts of governments, international agencies, businesses, voluntary
organisations and community groups. Available from: Macmillan, Houndsmills,
Basingstoke, Hamshire RG212XS, United Kingdom.
Sachdeva, Pradeep, ed. Revamping Urban Governments in India.
New Delhi: Kitab Mahal, 1995. 260p. (AIT)
This is an anthology of articles by eminent academicians and experienced
administrators on urbanisation. It outlines numerous challenges, especially
those of slums, environmental pollution and housing, critical appraisal of
select municipal corporations and committees, and also of urban development
authorities, municipal finance, people's participation, urban leadership
and urban politics. In the concluding chapter, the editor examines the failure
of urban local governments to achieve the twin objective of providing political
education as well as basic services and amenities of minimum standard to
the citizens. Available from: Kitab Mahal, 28 Netaji Subhash Marg, New Delhi
- 110 002, India
Seabrook, Jeremy. In the Cities of the South: scenes from a developing
world. London:Verso, 1996. 303p.(CHS).
Gives an account of the experiences of people in the vast and ever-expanding
cities of Asia - Bangkok, Bombay, Dhaka, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh, Manila and
Kuala Lumpur. They are stories of survival and endurance, and special attention
is given to the position of labour in the cities, both organised and unorganised.
These stories are evocative of daily life with vivid description of besieged
communities - of thousands of migrants who arrive daily in these megacities
of the south. Available from: Verso, 6 Meard Street, London W1V 3HR, United
Kingdom, or at 180 Varick Street, NY 10014-4606, USA.
Second Asian Urban Inquiry 1992-3. Kobe: Asian Urban Information Centre
of Kobe, 1993. 68p. (ACHR)
This publication is based on an inquiry in which urban administrators were
asked to identify some of the major problems faced in their work and the
solution sought. It compares and contrasts data collected from 133 completed
questionnaires in areas such as migration, fertility and family planning,
pollution, employment, housing and crime. Available from: AUICK, 6th Floor,
Edo-machi, SK Building, 92 Edo- machi, Chou-ku, Kobe 650, Japan.
Seneviratne, Kalinga, ed. Habitat II: Broadcasting the Voices of
Asia. Mimeo. Kuala Lumpur: UNDP, 1996. 59p. (AP2000)
This document is based on the radio project "Broadcasting Habitat II, produced
by Inter Press Service - Asia in collaboration with Asia Pacific 2000 and
UN Radio. It includes a debate on living in Asian cities, Urban Settlements
Forum in Bangkok, an interview with Anwar Fazal, Regional Coordinator of
Asia Pacific 2000, for discussion on delegation of power to grassroots, with
examples of Bangkok, Manila, Sydney. It
also covers Grameen Bank, SEWA
Bank in India, micro-credit ideas and the Orangi Pilot Project's credit scheme.
Also includes a debate: "Did greater access for NGOs to Habitat II make any
difference?", and "Voices" presented at the Istanbul Conference. Available
from: Asia Pacific 2000/UNDP, PO Box 12544, 50782 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sivaramakrishnan, K.C. and Leslie Green. Metropolitan
Management: the Asian Experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986,
290p. (AIT)
This World Bank publication surveys the experience of eight cities in Southeast
Asia: Bangkok, Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Jakarta, Karachi, Madras and Manila.
Detailed profiles of the eight cities underscore similarities in their problems
and describe the changes they have made in planning processes, development
programmes and institutions. The authors emphasise the need for routine delivery
of essential works and services, innovative planning and execution of urgently
needed large-scale projects, and appropriate managerial processes as opposed
to the creation of new institutions. Available from: World Bank, 1818 H Street
N.W., Washington D.C. 20433, USA.
Stren, Richard.ed. Urban Research in the Developing World.
Vol.1-Asia. Toronto: Centre for Urban and Community Studies, 1994. 324p.
This volume presents the findings of the first phase of a project on the
role of research on urban development involving 50 countries. Covering South,
South-East Asia and China, it examines the significance and structure of
urban research in each of the Asian countries involved - Bangladesh, China,
India, Indonesia, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Available from: Centre for Urban and
Community Studies, University of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave., Toronto M5S2G8,
Training Manual on Urban Local Government Finance for South Asian Countries:
readings and case studies in urban finance. Nairobi: United Nations
Commission for Human Settlements (Habitat), 1991. 174p. (YUVA)
This volume contains materials for use in courses in urban financial management,
particularly in relation to the rapidly growing cities and towns of South
Asia. It describes the components of sound financial management. It prescribes
and illustrates a strategy for reform, a process by which central and local
governments understand and commit themselves to a series of comprehensive
measures, to provide a sound financial base for local governments by planned
and feasible stages. This manual is one of a series intended to assist training
institutions in developing countries in strengthening their curricula in
the human settlements sector. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), PO Box 30030,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Trends, Patterns and Implication of Rural-Urban Migration in India, Nepal
and Thailand. Asian Population Studies Series No. 138. New York: United
Nations. 1995. 243p. (YUVA)
Gives a detailed analysis of rural-urban migration based on results of 1990-91
population consensus discussions in India, Nepal and Thailand. It offers
a wide range of policy recommendations. Available from: United Nations,
Publications Sales and Marketing Section, Room DC2-0853, New York NY 10017,
Troy, Patrick, ed. Technological Change and the City. Sydney:
The Federation Press, 1995. 202p. (AP2000/UNDP)
The book focuses on the impact of technological change on the development
patterns of Australian cities and to a lesser extent on the role of cities
as foci for technological innovation. The book includes chapters devoted
to a historical perspective on infrastructure technology; the impact of
transportation, water, sewerage and drainage and communications technologies,
location issues and innovation; cities as technology generators; and a look
at information technology in the city. Many contributors take a long historical
perspective and some make comparisons with experiences elsewhere, especially
with North America and Europe. Available from: Australian Habitat II Secretariat,
GPO Box 9834, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.
Twenty Steps for Developing a Healthy Cities Project. 2nd. ed. Copenhagen:
World Health Organization, 1995. 58p. (YUVA)
This publication is intended to provide guidance and a reference framework
for cities that are in the process of introducing a Healthy Cities Project,
or to review and expand an existing one. The booklet's main thrust is the
description of the three phases of development: the initiation process, project
organisation and areas for action, and strategic work. It is based on the
insights and experience gained from the first implementation phase of the
WHO Healthy Cities Project. Available from: WHO Regional Office for Europe,
Scherfigsvej 8, DK 2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark.
Urban Agriculture: food, jobs and sustainable cities. UNDP Publication
Series for Habitat II, Volume I. New York: United Nations Development
Programme, 1996. 300p. (AP2000/YUVA)
This volume focuses on urban agriculture in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
It reviews the history and current status of urban farming and its relevance
for the future, describes some of the urban agricultural enterprises that
exist in other countries, and explores potential methods of promoting urban
agriculture industry. Available from: UNDP, One UN Plaza, New York, 10017,
The Urban Environment in Developing Countries. New York: United Nations
Development Programme, 1992. 96p. (AP2000)
This paper describes the process of urbanisation, social change and poverty,
the world economy and the sources of urban environmental damage. It also
discusses the urban environmental issues in developing countries, both the
causes and consequences, including issues of water supply, waste disposal,
air pollution, land degradation, environmental hazards and physical planning,
and access by the poor to urban services. It also outlines policy and programme
interventions, including the role of national government policies, role of
institutions and local authorities and agencies, the private sector and NGOs.
The paper provides a perspective on the role of international agencies, focusing
on UNDP's strategy for urban environment, and includes an exposition on changes
in policy perspective, programmes and agendas, role and operational implications
for UNDP in improving the urban environment. Available from: Environment
and Natural Resources Group, UNDP, One UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.
Urban Environmental Management Guidelines for Thailand. Bangkok:
Department of Local Administration, 1994. 12 booklets. (AP2000)
Translated and edited from the original Thai, they contain the following:
conceptual frameworks, problem analysis, solutions, related laws and regulations
on water pollution, drainage, solid waste management, air pollution control,
environmental health, traffic and transport, city greening, building, slum
improvement, and land-use planning.
Urban Management: CityNet policy seminar on participatory urban
management. Bangkok: CityNet/ESCAP, 1997, 190p. (CityNet)
Report and Proceedings of the Policy Seminar on Participatory Urban Management,
held at Shanghai in November 1996. It contains an overview of participatory
and strategic approaches to urban management, with issue papers on finance,
project implementation, integrated planning approaches, involving communities
and environmental protection. It also includes case studies of various member
cities, including several on Shanghai. Available from: CityNet Secretariat,
5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220 .
Urban Policy Issues; seminar on major national urban policy issues,
Manila, 3-7 Feb.1987. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 1987. 822p.
Proceedings based on the discussions of the seminar dealing with national
objectives and strategies for urban development in Asia. It included defining
roles of the public and private sector in urban development, financing of
urban development, urban environment, and strengthening urban institutional
capabilities. Country papers include Bangladesh, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia,
Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Available
from: ADB, 6 ADB Avenue, 1501 Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines
Urban Transport. Bangkok: CityNet,1997. 59p. (CityNet)
Proceedings of the CityNet Regional Policy Seminar on Urban Transport and
Mass Transit held in New Delhi, Oct. 14-17 October 1996. The seminar discussed
the management of urban transport and measuring policies at the local level.
It includes the Collective Commitment for Sustainable Cities: Local Agenda
for Urban Transport Infrastructure and Services which was an outcome of the
Seminar. This was submitted and adopted at the UN-ESCAP Ministerial Conference
on Infrastructure held in New Delhi, Oct.23 to 31 1996. Also includes technical
papers and city papers from Bandung, Bangalore, Bangkok, Colombo, Delhi,
Dhaka, Hanoi, Hue, Kuala Lumpur, Metro Manila, Kathmandu, Muntinlupa, Tel
Aviv, Wuhan, and Yokohama. Available from: CityNet Secretariat, 5F, International
Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama,
Japan 220.
Urbanization in Asia and the Pacific. New York: United Nations, 1994.
195p. (HSU-ESCAP)
Proceedings of the UN-ESCAP Ministerial Conference held in Bangkok, Oct.
27-Nov. 2, 1993 which deliberated on the issues of urbanisation. The Conference
endorsed the Regional Action Plan on Urbanisation and adopted the Bangkok
Declaration on Sustainable Urban Development and Management in Asia and the
Pacific both of which are included in this publication. Available from: Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Publications Division, United
Nations Building, Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
An Urbanizing World: global report on human settlements - 1996. Oxford:
Oxford University Press/UNCHS (Habitat), 1996. 559p. (ACHR)
This report was compiled for presentation at the Habitat II Conference on
Human Settlements. It contains an assessment of the main challenges of
urbanisation, identifying human settlements, development constraints at local,
national and international levels. It builds upon the basis of available
knowledge, a vision of sustainable human settlements and adequate shelter
for all. It includes: conditions and trends, global context of economic
conditions and population change and urbanisation, regional perspectives,
environmental conditions and trends, human settlements, land, housing and
new directions in sustainable development in human settlements. Available
from: United Nations Commission on Human Settlements (Habitat), PO Box 30030,
Nairobi, Kenya., or Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP,
United Kingdom.
"Villes, Cities, Ciudades: social cohesion and territorial dynamics,
living in the city and urban vitality" - The Cities Summit: June 1996,
Courrier du CNRS, No.82, 1996. 212p. (AP2000)
This special issue of Courrier du CNRS presents the results of research
projects providing new insights into our world and future prospects. The
articles present the recent and ongoing investigations of 90 research teams
on such subjects as social exclusion and social cohesion, partnerships between
public and private sectors, competition and collaboration between cities,
population mobility patterns, urban pollution and traffic, ethnic and social
identities and problems of integration, attitudes towards nature, relationships
between centre and periphery, and globalisation of urban economies. They
examine key issues from different points of view: the search for a "cybernetic"
model to describe "urban governance", the time-based approach to the city,
the implicit refusal of the city by urban residents longing for what is "natural"
and ecological, and how new technologies can be applied to the city. Available
from: Descartes & Cie, 52 rue Madame, 75006 Paris, France.
Women Constructing Their Lives : women construction workers - four evaluative
case studies. Nairobi : UNCHS (Habitat), 1997. 144p. (YUVA)
Includes case studies from Ghana, India, Jamaica and Mexico. They describe
how women, both trained and untrained, have participated in the construction
sector with varying degrees of success and personal fulfillment. They also
describe the obstacles: from lack of access to training to unequal pay, to
harassment on construction sites. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box
30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
World Resources 1996-97. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
365p. (AP2000)
A joint publication of the World Resources Institute, UNEP,
UNDP and the World Bank, it
focusses on critical environmental challenges facing the world's rapidly
expanding urban areas. It explores the range of urban problems in developing
and developed countries and analyses key policies for addressing them. It
surveys conditions and trends for important global issues and includes core
country data in each of the major resource categories from population to
land cover to water to energy. It contains natural resources data for 152
countries. Available from: United Nations, Publications Sales and Marketing
Section, Room DC2-0853, New York, NY 10017, USA.
World Urbanisation Prospect: the 1994 revision. New York: United Nations,
1995. 178p. (AP2000).
The Department of Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis of
the UN has put out the results of the UN 1994 Revision of the estimates and
projections on urban and rural populations and urban agglomerations for major
areas, regions and countries of the world. This publication, which is updated
every two years, analyses growth patterns of urban settlements and provides
comparative figures on size and distribution. It also gives a specific listing
of information sources in each of the countries noted. Projections are made
in five-year periods that start from 1950-55 to 2020-2025. Available from:
United Nations, Publications Sales and Marketing Section, Room DC2-0853,
New York, NY 10017, USA.
Water and Sanitation
Lubis, Abdil-Razzaq. Water Watch - A Community Action Guide.
Penang: Asia-Pacific People's Environmental Network, 1998. 96 p. (AP2000)
This Action Guide compiles water facts which everyone needs to know, introduces
us to the water cycle and the essential role of wetlands, and distills words
of widom on water's central importance to life and spirituality. It presents
a step-by-step- guide on how to map out our watersheds, how to conduct a
field study and how to adopt a stream. It highlights simple projects that
can be undertaken by community-based organisations, youth and school groups.
The content include practicle tips on how best to make use of our water
resources, how to save water and how not to contaminate it. The Guide also
lists water groups throughout the world who can provide resources for a growing
water movement.
Angelakis, A. et al, ed. "Waste Water Reclammation and
Reuse", in Water, Science and Technology, vol.33 (Nos.10-11),
1996. (AIT)
This special issue contains the proceedings of the IAWQ 2nd International
Symposium on Waste Water held in Iraklio, Crete, Greece, Oct. 17-20, 1995.
It includes case studies from Greece, Namibia, France and Japan. Available
From: International Association of Water Quality, Elsevier Science Limited,
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Oxford OX 1 GB, United Kingdom.
Community-Managed Sewer Disposal System: process and progress. Colombo:
SEVANATHA _ Urban Resource Centre, 1993. 12p. (SEVANATHA)
This report gives details of a sewage system implemented and monitored by
community participation. It examines the community mobilisation, construction
and supervision of the sewer and also includes "Training on Operation" and
"Maintenance of the System". Available from: SEVANATHA Urban Resource Centre,
220/3 Nawala Road, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.
Guidelines on the Participatory Approach to Urban Environmental
Management. Yokohama: CityNet, 1996. 93p. (CityNet).
Practical manual outlining various composting technologies and methodologies
currently in use. It also contains a discussion of landfill strategies and
policies. Available from: CityNet Secretariat, 5F, International Organisations
Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan
Hall, Alex. The Integrated Approach to Waste Water Engineering.
CityNet Waste Water Management Seminar - Colombo, 1996. Colombo: WS Atkins
International Ltd, 1996. 10p. (SEVANATHA)
This paper discusses the various aspects of construction of the waste water
engineering project and gives two case studies to illustrate the successful
adoption of the integrated approach. The case studies are (1) the greater
Colombo Flood Control and Environment Improvement Project, and (2) Design
Environmental Assessment and Supervision of Implementation of an Improved
Sewerage System Under the Beira Lake Restoration Project.It shows that the
construction of the project must be part of the wider project which must
satisfy the needs of the community it seeks to serve. Further, in the long
term, the implementing organisation must be capable of operating and maintaining
the works properly. Available from: WS Atkins International Ltd., 39 St Michaels
Road, Colombo -3, Sri Lanka.
Hasan, Arif. The Low-Income Sanitation Programme of the Orangi
Pilot Project: six questions. Karachi: Research and Training Institute
for the Development of Katchi Abadis - Orangi Pilot Project, 1987. 24p.
The paper outlines the HIC case study of Orangi Pilot project and discusses
the OPP's low-cost Sanitation Programme which led to a major environmental
and social change along with improvement of peoples homes. Available from;
RTI-OPP for Development of Katchi Abadis, 1-D/26, Daulat House, Orangi Township,
Karachi, Pakistan.
International Source Book on Environmentally Sound Technologies for Municipal
Solid Waste Management. Osaka/Shiga: UNEP International; Environmental
Technology Centre, 1996. 427p. (WASTEWISE)
This Source Book focuses on one of the factors that is contributing to the
degradation of the urban environment: the difficulty of managing solid waste
(MSW). The book brings together experiences and ideas regarding MSW management
from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
and North America. It provides substantive information and ideas about MSW
management , along with a long list of institutional sources of information
about these issues. It is divided into Section 1: Toward a Framework for
Waste Management, Section 2: Sound Practices, Section 3: Regional Overviews
and Information Sources, Appendix 1: public Health Aspects of MSWM, Appendix
2: Costs of MSWM, Appendix 3: UNEP Contact information, and includes a
bibliography and a glossary.
Available from: UNEP IETC, 2-110 Ryokuchi Koen, Tsurumi-ku, Osaka 538, Japan,
E-mail <> or, UNEP IETC, 1091 Oronoshimo-cho, Kusatsu
City, Shiga 525, Japan.
Khanna, P. and Kanl, S.N., eds. "Appropriate Waste Management
Technologies for Developing Countries", Water, Science and Technology, vol.
33 No.8, 1996. 153p. (AIT)
This special issue deals with appropriate technologies for the management
of waste water and solid wastes. Available from: International Association
of Water Quality, Duchess House, 20 Masons Yard, Duke Street, St. James's,
London SW1Y6BU, United Kingdom. Fax. (44-171) 839 8299.
Kumar, Adarsha and Pradeep Monga. Urban Waste Management:
innovative practices in Shimla. Paper presented at the South Asian Conference
of Mayors and Local Authorities (Habitat II Conference sub-regional
consultations), Kathmandu, Nepal, April 8-10, 1996. Monograph, 12p. (SEVANATHA)
Contains background information regarding the geography and population of
Shimla, capital city of Himachal Pradesh in north India, and describes the
status of urban solid waste management with demographical details. It identifies
the problems of garbage disposal and the various innovative practices in
urban waste management which ensure people's participation and active cooperation
and involvement of NGOs in successful implementation of such programmes.
Report of the CityNet/UNCRD/City of Makati Seminar on Recycling in Asia.
Yokohama: CityNet, 1994. 151p. (CityNet)
The Seminar held in Manila, the Philippines, in November 1994, discussed
the role of local governments in recycling projects. The report contains
technical papers on urban strategies for the implementation and management
of recycling projects. Available from: CityNet Secretariat, 5F, International
Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama,
Japan 220.
Sharma, Kalpana. Waiting for Water: the experience of poor communities
in Bombay. Monograph. Bombay: SPARC, n.d. 15p.(ACHR)
This study examines the struggle of poor people in a large metropolis like
Bombay to obtain adequate supplies of water. It outlines the ways in which
lack of information skews official schemes leaving the poor open to the worst
forms of exploitation. This study aims to make available to poor communities
information on the issue of water so that they can use it to negotiate with
the local authorities for a better deal for themselves. Available from: Society
for Promotion of Area Resource Centers, P.O. Box 9389, Bhulabhai Desai Road,
Mumbai/Bombay-400 026, India.
The Urban Poor and the Basic Infrastructure Services in Asia and the Pacific.
3 Vols. Manila: Asian Development Bank/Economic Development Institute,
1991. 804p. (AIT)
Report on the Seminar held in Manila, Jan. 22 to 28, 1991, to review past
approaches, and explore new ways and means of improving the access of the
poor to services that include land, housing, water supply, sanitation, drainage,
solid waste collection, public lighting, roads and public transport services.
Volume I of this report contains a summary of the main proceedings of the
Seminar, including recommendations of the Working Groups and resource papers.
Volume II contains country papers of Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia,
South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri
Lanka and Thailand. Volume III contains the five case studies presented at
the Seminar. Available from: Asian Development Bank, P.O.Box, 789, 1099 Manila,
Wastewater Management in Asia. Bangkok: CityNet, 1997 183p. (CityNet)
Proceedings from the CityNet/LIFE Regional Training Workshop on Wastewater
Management held in Colombo, from 23 to 26 July 1996. The workshop was
specifically designed to transfer knowledge and skills on waste water management.
Training included skills necessary to manage domestic and industrial waste
water treatment facilities, planning of drainage and sewerage, and water
pollution control. It also contains city and technical papers from various
member cities and organisations in the region. Available from: CityNet
Secretariat, 5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1
Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Human Settlements and Housing
Angel, Shlomo and Thipparat Chirathamkijkul. "Slum
Reconstruction: land sharing as an alternative to eviction in
Bangkok". Reprinted from Land for Housing The Poor. Edited by S. Angel
et al. Singapore: Select Books, 1983. pp.430-60. (ACHR/AP2000)
The paper aims to test the validity of a method of granting land tenure and
improving the housing conditions of slum dwellers in the urban areas of
developing countries. Slum reconstruction is a process of rehousing slum
dwellers on land which they currently ocuppy. The paper focuses on Bangkok
where slum reconstruction appears to hold promise in a number of slums which
are under threat of eviction. Available from: Select Books, 03-15 Tanglin
Shopping Centre, 19 Tanglin Road, Singapore 1024.
Anzorena, Eduardo Jorge. Housing the Poor: the Asian experience.
Cebu City: Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, 1993. 137p. (ACHR/HSU-
This is a compilation of experiences of Asian groups documented under the
following themes: community organising, reducing the cost of housing, bringing
financial opportunities to the poor, professional inputs for housing the
poor, community initiating a housing movement, incremental development, bringing
government programmes to the people, learning how to compromise and get results,
middle class joining the struggle, and the challenge of the masses. Available
from: ACHR, 102 P. Del Rosario Ext., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines, or ACHR,
73 Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
Aresvik, Kirsten Dawn et al. Proposals for Housing Upgrading, Kathmandu
City Core. M.Sc. thesis in Building Technology and Town & Regional
Planning. Oslo: University of Trondeim, 1991. 210p. (Lumanti).
The main objective of this study is to contribute to the development of better
housing for the low-income groups in the historical inner city core of Kathmandu
in Nepal. It contains exam
ples of rehabilitation, restoration and reconstruction of general value based
on pre-studies in Ward 19. It discusses appropriate methods of housing upgrading
of low-income residential areas, identifies main approaches, brief surveys
in traditional houses, and proposes building designs and construction details.
Arrossi, Silvana, et al. Funding Community Initiatives: the role
of NGOs and other intermediary institutions in supporting low-income community
organisations in improving housing and living conditions in the Third
World. London: Earthscan, 1994. 190p. (AP2000)
This study was undertaken by the International Institute for Environment
and Development (IIED) for the United Nations Development Programme. It explores
the financing of community-based initiatives to address problems faced by
the urban poor. Based on case studies of 18 intermediary institutions which
provide technical, legal and financial services to low-income households
for infrastructure development, the book examines the role of intermediary
institutions in supporting low-income groups and their community organisations
in improving housing and living conditions. Through the analysis of innovative
financial systems, it considers the feasibility of loans for addressing current
urban housing problems. Available from: Earthscan Publications Limited, 120
Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN, United Kingdom.
Benjamin, Solomon. Toward Responsive Projects and Programs: lessons
from a site and services project. Colombo: National Housing Development
Authority, 1987. 83p. (ACHR)
This report is on a site and services project in Colombo, the Navagamgoda
project at Baseline Road. It is an attempt to outline the complexity of an
area where the projects are introduced. It discusses reasons why some policies
do not work and explains processes that are not clearly understood. It also
attempts to view projects as related to larger urban processes rather than
focus on them as isolated projects. The report suggests an approach that
encourages existing processes. It is linked to an attempt to improve general
conditions could help spread benefits more equitably. Available from: NHDA,
P.O. Box 1826, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Beyond Housing: child and community-centered habitat transformation.
New Delhi: PLAN International, 1994. 271p. (AP2000)
This publication presents the question of Habitat and housing in the South
Asian context. It attempts to integrate a wide diversity of cultures,
institutional perspectives, entry points, and styles, which were presented
at the Asian Regional Housing Conference held in June 1994 in Colombo, Sri
Lanka. Available from: PLAN International, Region of South Asia, 8/16 Sarvapriya
Vihar, New Delhi -110 126, India.
Bhattacharya, K.P. Human Settlements in Developing Countries:
appropriate approach and alternatives. Calcutta: Habitat Centre, 1986.
346p. (AIT)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Human Settlements in Developing Countries
held in Calcutta, India, Dec.12-15, 1984. It includes papers presented for
workshop with the sub-themes: urbanisation, resources (land and finance),
housing for the urban poor, small and medium towns, food and fuel,
non-conventional settlements, and issues and impact of human settlements
on the environment. Available from: Centre for Human Settlements, 25-27,
Netaji Subhas Road, Calcutta - 700 001, India.
Chant, Sylvia. Gender, Urban Development and Housing. New York:
United Nations Development Programme, 1996. 73p. (UNDP, KL)
This publication highlights key aspects of gender and housing affecting
low-income women in urban areas. Its main aims are to demonstrate the interacting
dynamics between gender and urbanisation processes, to review key problems
associated with gender- differentiated experiences of shelter, and to identify
the importance of mainstreaming gender in urban planning and policy making.
It locates gender as a central and organising construct for the dialogues
at the Habitat II and the ensuing policies and programmes. Available from:
UNDP, One UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA.
de Vries, I.C.and S. Kuezenkamp. Compendium Women and Habitat.
Nijmegen (Netherlands): Department of Spatial Planning, University of
Nijmegen, 1996. 160p. (YUVA)
This Compendium gives a brief summary of important issues concerning women,
non- governmental organisations and habitat. It contains all the relevant
world conference papers and resolutions on gender and habitat issues. Available
from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
ESCAP. Study and Review of the Human Settlements Situation in Asia
and the Pacific. vol. 2 - Country Monographs. New York: United Nations,
n.d. 328 pp. (HSU-ESCAP)
This volume documents the country monographs from 16 countries and areas:
Bangladesh, China, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives,
New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore,
Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tonga. Available from: United Nations Publications
Sales and Marketing Section, Room DC2 -0853, NY10017, New York, USA.
Finance and Resource Mobilisation for Low-Income Housing and Neighbourhood
Development - a workshop report. Cebu City: Pagtambayaong Foundation
1994. xxiv, 67p. (ESCAP-HS Bangkok, SEVANATHA)
The report of the workshop which was held at Bantayan Island, Cebu, Philippines,
Oct. 2-6, 1993, which brought together 16 professionals from 10 countries.
It contains the reflections and conclusions of the workshop and the experiences
of NGOs in credit programmes for low-income housing and neighbourhood development
in urban areas of the Third World, particularly Asia and Latin America. It
also includes discussions on future activities and a bibliography. Annexes
gives further case studies on Catholic Social Services in Karachi, Mahila
Milan in Bombay, UCDO in Bangkok and Vikas in Ahmedabad. Available from:
Pagtambayayong Foundation, 102 P.Del Rosario Ext., Cebu City 6000, Philippines.
Gardner, Donald A. Policy and Institutional Study of Housing Finance
in Pakistan. Vols. 1&2. Washington, U.S.Leagues International, 1988.
113p. (ACHR)
This study focuses on government policies and the institutional make-up of
the housing finance sector. The objective of the study is to identify and
explore approaches that should be followed to develop a dynamic market-oriented
housing finance system. The
intention is to find ways for the government of Pakistan to shift the financial
burden of housing production to private financing. The study identifies problems
and constraints and offers recommendations.
Ghosh, Santosh, ed. Housing Development and Management. Calcutta:
Centre for Built Environment, 1996. 280p. (AP2000)
This book contains proceedings of the international workshop held in December
1994 in Calcutta. It includes discussions on housing policies and strategies,
housing supply, finance and other related issues. Available from: Centre
for Built Environment, 2/5 Sarat Bose Road, Calcutta - 700 020, India.
Gunaratna, K. Locana et al. Shelter in Sri Lanka 1978-91: an overview
of policies and performance. Colombo: National Housing Development Authority,
This book summarises and provides a broad overview of Sri Lankan policies,
strategies and achievements in housing. The focus is on the dynamics in the
main trends and on the handling of internal contradictions. It discusses
two time frames to look at housing programmes: covering pre-independence
and post-independence and the other during 1984-89, including the role of
government. It also includes the trends and challenges and a bibliography.
Habitat Agenda and Istanbul Declaration: The Second United Nations Conference
on Human Settlements. Istanbul, Turkey, 3-14 June 1996. New York:
United Nations Department of Public Information, 1996. 190p. (AP2000)
This is edited and official version of the agenda of Habitat II and the Istanbul
Declaration, the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements at II held
at Istanbul, Turkey, June. 3 to 14, 1996.
Hassan, Arif. Housing Crisis in Central Asia. Karachi: City
Press, 1997. 221 p. (ACHR/AP2000).
In 1995, The Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) was requested to provide
technical assistance and advice to the Central Asian and foreign NGOs for
their housing-rights-related activity in Almaty and Bishkek, the capitals
of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan respectively. Two ACHR missions, of which the
author was a member, visited Almaty and Bishkek in 1996 and 1997. Part one
of this book consists of the mission reports that analyse the housing situation
in the two Central Asian republics and propose ways of initiating processes
that can lead to the development of community-managed housing and infrastructure
projects. The author's travel notes form the second part of the book which
describe people and places. It gives an interesting account of how people
feel and think, what their aspirations and problems are, how they view the
changes that have taken place in Central Asia after the disintegration of
the Soviet Union and how these changes have affected their lives. This book
tries to give a better understanding about housing situation in Central Asian
Health Principles of Housing. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1989.
44p. (ACHR)
The document discusses the relationship between housing and health, setting
out eleven key principles. These principles cover the linkagess between health
and people's habitation and living conditions. It also looks at the public
health approaches needed to ensure that maximum health benefit is obtained
from housing improvements. If these principles are adapted appropriately
for local conditions and situations, they can serve as a checklist of problems
to be tackled by health authorities and others involved in social development.
Available from: Publications Division, WHO, Appia Avenue, 1211 Geneva,
"Homing Hopes: housing finance industry", Chartered Financial
Analyst, Jan. 1997. pp.51-60. (YUVA)
This issue spotlights housing finance industry in India dealing with the
boom in the housing industry, housing regulations, loans and housing finance
companies. Available from: Chartered Financial Analyst, ICFAI, 10-1-126,
Asoka Plaza, Masab Tank X-Roads, Hyderabad -500 028, India.
HSD Student Research Summary 1975-1992. HSD Reference Material
No.26. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 1993. 330p. (AIT)
This is a compilation of the collective research summaries of student research
projects completed in the Human Settlements Division of AIT from 1975 to
1992. They are grouped into Doctoral Dissertation, Master's Thesis, Research
Study and Diploma Program Special Study in the field of human settlements
and development. Available from: AIT, GPO Box 2754, Bangkok 10501, Thailand.
Human Settlements in Asia and the Pacific. Human Settlements Information
Kit. 2nd ed. Bangkok: UN/ESCAP, 1993. 11 leaflets. (HSU- ESCAP)
These leaflets give background information for the Mission Statement in the
field of human settlements, evolution of the concept, current trends and
statistics in urban growth, shelter, services and environment for the urban
poor and land issues. They also contain government responses to shelter to
the year 2000, enabling policies, some innovative approaches, list of ESCAP
activities in the area human settlements and list of ESCAP publications.
Available from: Publications Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building,
Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
The Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat Agenda with Subject Index.
Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat) 1997. 172p. (YUVA)
This book contains both the Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat Agenda adopted
at the United Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) at Istanbul, Turkey,
Jun 3-14, 1996. It contains an alphabetical subject index to facilitate easy
and quick reference to any issue of specific interest. Available from: UNCHS
(Habitat), P. O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
Legal Provisions on Housing Rights: international and national
approaches. COHRE Booklet Series No.4. Utrecht: Centre on Housing Rights
and Evictions, 1994. 87p. (AP2000/YUVA)
This document deals primarily with international and national legal resources
of housing rights. It also includes a comprehensive listing of all national
constitutions which contain housing rights provisions and other excerpts
from several national laws outlining the positive dimensions the law can
take when supported by popular pressure. Available from: COHRE, 8 Gustav
Moynier, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland.
Legal Sources of the Right to Housing in International Human Rights Law.
Utrecht: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 1992. 21p. (YUVA)
First in the series of COHRE publications, it is aimed at increasing public
awareness about how housing rights can be transformed into reality. This
booklet lists International Conventions and Covenants, International
Declarations, Regional Human Rights Instruments, U.N. Resolutions, constitutional
sources of housing rights and other relevant documents. Available from: COHRE,
8 Gustav Moynier, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland.
McAuslan, Patrick. Urban Land and Shelter for the Poor. London:
Earthscan, 1985. 143p. (AIT)
The book examines ways in which nations hold, sell, finance, tax, administer,
control and publicly acquire and allocate urban land. It also looks at how
all these activities affect who is housed, where and how. The provision of
safe, legal urban land for the poor to live on is a crucial problem facing
city administrators most. The author argues that housing is the best indicator
of the city's functioning. Available from: Earthscan, 3 Endsleigh Street,
London WC1HODD, United Kingdom.
Miraftab, Faranak. Women's Empowerment: participation in shelter
strategies at the community level in urban informal settlements. Nairobi:
UNCHS (Habitat) 1996. 119p (YUVA)
This manual is prepared by the UNCHS (Habitat) Women and Human Settlements
Development Programme as a means of making the participation of women in
shelter more visible. It contains a questionnaire as well as a guide about
how to implement the survey and analyse the data gathered through the use
of a series of indicators. It includes key indicators and procedures for
their use. The objective of the research is to help the survey team and women
in communities understand their situation vis-a-vis that of men, and think
of ways in which that situation can be improved. Available from:UNCHS (Habitat),
P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
Mukherjee, Dhurjati and Rabial Mallik. Housing for the Urban
Poor: challenge and response. Calcutta: Christian Institute for the Study
of Religion and Society, 1996. 117p. (AP2000)
This publication presents a cross section of relevant views and experiences
on the problems of the urban poor, especially housing. It contains selected
papers presented at the Indian national convention on urban poor held in
March 1996. It includes two critiques on the national report, which was to
be presented at the Habitat II conference. The main thrust of the publication
is to show that there are many imaginative approaches to deal with the country's
housing problems to make it more livable and sustainable. Available from:
CISRS, 14/2 Sudder Street, Calcutta, India.
Mukoko, Samba and Rimadewi Supriharjo. Low-income Housing
in Growing Urban Economies: a case study of Surabaya, Indonesia. Nagoya
(Japan): UN Centre for Regional Development, 1996, 107p. (SEVANATHA)
This is part of the research project "Urban Environmental management in Asia:
Strengthening Capabilities at the Local Level". The publication documents
the innovative and enabling strategies for shelter development and improvement
in the city of Surabaya in Indonesia. It demonstrates that a great deal of
resource saving can be achieved through working with the local communities
in urban environmental improvement programmes. It also demonstrates the role
of appropriate forms of land tenure for shelter upgrading programmes in
developing countries. It reconfirms the necessity of an integrated approach
in human settlement development to promote sustainable land- use planning
and management and reduce the waste resulting from unplanned and environmentally
non-viable housing development for low- income people. Available from: UNCRD,
Nagono 1-47-1, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450, Japan.
National Experiences with Shelter Delivery for the Poorest Groups.
Nairobi: United Nations Commission for Human Settlements (Habitat), 1994.
122p. (HSU-ESCAP)
This report deals with the problems of the poor in their struggle for shelter,
and specifically addresses the issue of how current shelter policies are
leaving the poor out of the shelter- delivery processes. The report includes
brief descriptions of successful projects shelter improvement for the poor.
It is based on national experiences from India, Indonesia, Mexico and Nigeria.
Also included are discussions of the shelter situation of the poor and on
policies and strategies for betterment. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat),
PO Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
A New Perspective on Settlements in the 21st Century,
No.4. Yokohama Housing and Architecture Bureau, City of Yokohama, 1995.
This newsletter addresses the problems associated with the improvement of
the residential environment, mainly in developing countries. These issues
introduce the personal profile of Jorge Anzorena who was awarded the Magsaysay
prize for International Understanding, and his article "The Provision of
Shelter: learning from NGO". It also includes an article outlining the new
training programme for Building Networks and Partnerships by ACHR and a unique
housing development project of Khuda ki Basti in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Available
from: Private Housing Division, Housing and Architecture Bureau, City of
Yokohama, 1-1 Minato-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231, Japan.
Prasetiyo, Gatut. "Equitable Housing Development 1:3:6 by REI
SURABAYA (Indonesia)". Paper prepared for the Global Forum 94 in
Manchester (England), 24-28 June 1994. (SEVANATHA)
The paper briefly explains the importance of equitable housing development
within the context of realising the concept "sustainable development". It
gives a description of the situation in Surabaya and the working of the Real
Estate Indonesia (REI), a professional organisation of estate businessmen,
housing developers in Jakarta.
Report and Proceedings of the ESCAP/CityNet High-Level Policy Seminar
on Shelter for the Urban Poor: Interface between Governmental and
Non-governmental Sectors. Bangkok: UN-ESCAP/CityNet, 1994. 46p. (CityNet)
Discusses cooperative strategies for local governments, NGOs and community
groups. This report includes conference papers. Available from: CityNet
Secretariat, 5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1
Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
Report on the Asian Regional Consultation for Habitat II: Financing Habitat
for the Urban Poor. April 12-14 1996. Manila, PAG-IBIG Fund. 60p. (SEVANATHA)
This is a report of the regional preparatory conference organised by the
Philippines National Executive Committee for Habitat II and the Home Development
Mutual Fund, in coordination with the Urban Management Programme of the
UNDP/UNCHS/World Bank and the ECO-HAB International Foundation. It focuses
on the issue of housing finance, a significant component in shelter provision.
It seeks to contribute a distinctly Asian regional perspective to housing
finance for the urban poor to the City Summit's global agenda. The presentations
and discussions highlighted models of partnerships among different sectors
for more effective resource mobilisation and investment.
Rodwin, Lloyd, ed. Shelter, Settlement and Development. Boston:
Allen and Unwin, 1987. 475p. (HSU-ESCAP)
This study was commissioned by UNCHS to evaluate shelter, settlement and
development policies and programmes in Third World countries based on extensive
research and advisory experience. Traditional concepts, such as the appropriate
roles of the public and private sectors, are challenged. New ideas are introduced
on many subjects. These range from spatial strategies to land policy, from
shanty town settlements to infrastructure standards and construction obstacles,
and from the intricacies of housing finance to accumulating evidence on household
behaviour and preferences. There is a special focus on the necessary learning
processes so that whatever action is taken is likely to be self-correcting
in the light of subsequent experience, reflection and changing circumstances.
Available from: Unwin Hyman, 8 Winchester Place, Winchester, MA 01890, USA.
"Shelter and Cities" in The Survey of the Environment 1996.
The Hindu, 1996. pp.5-125. (ACHR)
Contains a survey of 14 cities in India where housing is a severe problem.
Includes the following articles: 1. Housing for Urban Poor: shouldn't society
care Shirish B.Patel 2. Right to Housing: for a Secure Shelter
Jai Sen 3. Housing Standards: who should decide norms? Sheela Patel
4. Urban Renewal: conserving city centres P.T. Krishnan 5. Conservation:
labyrinth mess Elias Koshy 6. Conservation: district character under
siege A Srivathsan 7. Slum Resettlement: when imposition fails
Meera Bapat 8. Shelter for all: an achievable dream T. Karunakaran
Shelter From Projects to National Strategies: International
Year of Shelter. Nairobi: United Nations Commission for Human Settlements
(Habitat), 1990. 184p. (HSU-ESCAP)
This publication is a brief description of the activities, experiences and
achievements of the various governments participating in the International
Year of Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH). It covers the objectives and programmes
of IYSH, and gives an overview of national action and progress for formulation
of new or revised shelter policies and strategies, and also specific examples
of implementation. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), PO Box 30030, Nairobi,
Shidlo, Gil, ed. Housing Policy in Developing Countries. London:
Routledge, 1990. 240p.(ACHR)
Discusses housing in India, and includes observations on the government's
intervention policies by K.P. Bhattacharya from the period prior to independence
to the late 1980. It also contains a chapter on housing development and reform
in China by Joochul Kim. Available from: Routledge, 11 Fetter Lane, London
EC4P 4EE, United Kingdom.
Skinner, Reinhard J., John L. Taylor and Emiel A. Wegelin,
eds. Shelter Upgrading for the Urban Poor: evaluation of Third World
experience. Nairobi/Rotterdam/Manila: UNCHS/Institute of Housing
Studies/Island Publishing House, 1987. 261p. (ACHR/Lumanti)
Brings together the emerging experience with the evaluation of shelter upgrading
approaches. It contains case studies that depict a wide range of upgrading
situations from across Asia, Africa and Latin America. It also presents
experiences in Asia from Baldia (Karachi), Calcutta, Jakarta, Metro Manila,
Ashok Nagar (Madras). Available from: UNCHS, PO Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya,
or Island Publishing House, Sta Mesa, PO Box 406, Manila, Philippines.
Squatter-Free Urban Development. Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat), 1996. 16p.
This is a report of the panel discussion on the possibility and sustainability
of squatter-free urban development during the HABITAT Conference at Istanbul,
Turkey, in June 1996. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi,
Struk, Raymond J. Assessing Housing Needs and Policy Alternatives
in Developing Countries. Urban Institute Report 88-4. Washington DC:
The Urban Institute Press, 1988. 121p. (ACHR)
This report describes a model for developing alternative policies by determining
housing needs in developing countries and discusses their applications. Available
from: Urban Institute Press, 2100 M Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20037, USA.
Suri, Promila. Urban Poor: their housing needs and government
response. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 1994. 293p. (AIT)
This study gives an insight into the problems of housing of the urban poor
and the solutions to housing problems. Available from: Har-Anand Publications,
364-A Chirag Delhi, New Delhi - 110 017, India.
UNCHS (Habitat). A Human Rights Resource Packet: linking issues
of sustainable human settlements to existing human rights norms and
standards. New York: People's Decade for Human Rights Educations, 1997.
Var. page. (YUVA)
These materials give a holistic view of human rights as they relate to
sustainable human settlements. They outline the commitments made in Istanbul,
Cairo, Copenhagen, Bejing and Rio.They further underline the importance of
linking the experiences on the ground with the rights stated in international
human rights documents and with the established understanding of customary
law. Available from: PDHRE, 526 W 111th Street, Suite 4E, New York, NY 10025.
UNCHS (HABITAT). An Urbanizing World: global report on human
settlements, 1996. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. 559p. ( YUVA)
This report contains a comprehensive review of conditions and
trends in cities and settlements
around the world and of the urbanisation process through which more than
half the world's population will soon live in urban centres. The book shows
how the growth in urban poverty has been underestimated and describes what
is being done to address the problems of poor housing and environmental
degradation. The book recommends the need for good governance in cities and
describes how cities have great potential to combine healthy and safe living
conditions, cultural riches and environmental advantages. It also provides
illustrative case studies of cities where poverty, very poor housing conditions
and lack of basic services have been tackled, environmental performance improved
and dependence on motor cars reduced. The book is presented in four parts:
I Conditions and Trends with perspectives on population and development,
and social, environmental and institutional conditions and trends; II
Inside Human Settlements dealing with housing, land use, settlement planning,
infrastructure and services; III Responses to conditions and trends
dealing with settlements planning and management, housing and basic services,
housing finance; and IV recommends new directions for human settlements.
Lastly, it also includes a statistical annex. Available from: Oxford University
Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, United Kingdom.
Von Rabenau, Burkhard. Issues in Housing Development.
Kathmandu: GTZ/UDLE, 1990. 61p. (Lumanti)
This paper looks at several policy issues including rental housing , squatter
settlements, the potentaial for long-term finance and the future of Nepal's
Department of Housing and Urban Development (DHUD) as an agency active in
project development and policy formulation. Available from: Urban Development
Through Local Efforts, New Baneshwar, P.O.Box 1457, Kathmandu, Nepal.
What Should We Lobby For: the laws, programs and policies people's groups
and NGOs should work for in the field of land and housing. Manila:
Partnership of Philippines Support Services Agencies and Urban Poor Associates,
1995. 47p. (ACHR)
This pamphlet presents the deliberations of the Urban Colloquium which discussed
its position on basic issues such as land pricing and markets, demolition,
evictions and relocation and community organising approaches. Available from:
Urban Poor Associates, 14A Manhattan, Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila,
Slum and Squatter Settlements
Basti Movement in Calcutta: housing struggle of basti dwellers in the
1950s in Calcutta. Calcutta: Unnayan, 1992. 137p. (ACHR)
The report documents the housing struggle by slum dwellers in Calcutta through
interviews. It gives a history of state policies and views on bastis (squatter
settlements) and the conditions prevalent in the bastis at the time of their
struggle. It gives a detailed account of the movement covering over a decade,
its different phases on the basis of different issues, and the role and
involvement of political parties. It includes the resettlement efforts of
the government to rehouse the basti dwellers. The report examines why the
movement died and what it achieved in securing housing rights. Available
from: Unnayan, 36/1A Garcha Road, Calcutta 700 019, India.
Battle for Housing Rights in Korea: report of the South Korea Project
of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights. Bangkok/Penang: ACHR/Third
World Network, 1989. 72p. (ACHR)
Documents the battle against evictions in South Korea where evictions by
force in the name of the City Redevelopment Programme are most brutal and
inhuman. The South Korea project aims to stop the brutal eviction and bring
world attention to the whole issue of housing in a new light: as an absolute
necessity and a fundamental right for human existence. This report also includes
the report of the Fact-Finding Mission which visited Seoul in 1988. Available
from: ACHR, 102 P. Del Rosario Ext., Cebu City 6000, Philippines; or ACHR,
Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok, 10310, Thailand.
Bibliography on Housing Rights and Evictions. CHORE Booklet Series
2. Utrecht: CHORE, 1993. 47p. (YUVA)
This bibliography provides an overview of the information available with
housing rights and forced evictions to expand access to this literature.
The sources included are limited to documents which have attempted to relate
their analysis to the framework of housing as a human right. It includes
issues such as homelessness, human rights, low-income housing, housing
settlements and displacement.Available from: CHORE, 8 Gustav Moynier, 1202
Geneva, Switzerland.
Bijlani, H. U. and Prodipto Roy, eds. Slum Habitat: Hyderabad
slum improvement project. New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications and Vikas,
1991. 220p. (AIT)
This study is based in a General Household Survey of about 400 households
to ascertain household response to family planning, schools, immunisation
and other activities under the Slum Improvement Programmes. A special feature
of the study was the assessment of the Employment Loan Scheme. The study
is aimed at systematic evaluation of slum upgradation projects. Available
form: Vikas Publishing House, 576 Masjid Road, Jangpura, New Delhi 110 014,
Birdi, H.D. Slum Law and Urbanisation New Delhi: Vidhi Publishing,
1995, 325p. (AIT)
The book highlights the process of urbanisation in India and in the developed
countries of the world. It includes a comparative study of the slum law in
various states in India, in the United Kingdom, Scotland and other developed
counties. Available from: Standard Book Company, 125 Municipal Market, Super
Bazar Compound, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001, India.
Cairncross, Sandym Jorge E. Hardoy and David Satterwaite. The
Poor Die Young: housing and health in Third World cities. London: Earthscan,
1990. 309p. (AIT)
This book describes the ways in which problems of ill-health in squatter
settlements can be solved or alleviated quickly and cheaply. The problems
pertain to overcrowded housing, unsafe water, bad sanitation and non-availability
if health care. Available form: Earthscan, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1
HODD, United Kingdom.
Fernandes, Kenneth, comp & ed. Eviction Watch Asia _ Draft
Report 1996 on Forced Eviction and Housing Rights Abuses in Asia. Bangkok:
ACHR, 1997. (YUVA)
It documents incidences of forced evictions in Asia and shows
how substandard living conditions
of the urban poor deny them a basic right to decent life. The report gives
greater understanding of evictions and its consequences, and hopes that effective
action would be taken to prevent them. Available from: ACHR, 73 Soi Sonthiwattana
4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok 10310, Thailand.
A Global Survey of Forced Evictions: violations of human rights. Mexico:
Habitat International Coalition, 1992,14p. (SEVANATHA)
Paper presented at the 48th Session of the Commission on Human Rights, gives
an overview of forced evictions in Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
India, Israel, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Panama,
Papua New Guines, Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Sudan, Thailand,
Tibet, Vietnam, U. S. A. and Zimbabwe. Available form: HIC, Cordobanes, No.
24, Col. San Jose Insurgents, Mexico DF 03900.
Hardoy, Jorge E. and David Satterwaite. Squatter Citizens:
life in the urban Third World. London: Earthscan Publications, 1989.
374p. (AIT)
This book challenges many common assumptions about the urban Third World
_ for example, that urban citizens live in very large cities and that cities
are growing rapidly, or that city dwellers benefit from `urban bias' in
government and aid policies. This book is about squatter citizens and the
problems they face in their struggle for survival. It deals with the following
issues: housing, urban growth, government response to tenements and squatter
settlements, new attitudes and policies for housing, environment problems
at home, workplace and neighbourhood, and dimensions of urban change. Available
form: Earthscan, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1HODD, United Kingdom.
Hasan, Arif. Manual for Rehabilitation Programme for Informal
Settlements Based on the Orangi Pilot Project Model. Karachi:
OPP-RTI, 1992. 158p. (SEVANATHA)
The purpose of this manual is to assist architects and planners in developing
effective projects for rehabilitating low-income informal settlements. It
is based on the methodology used and lessons learnt from upgrading the
neighbourhoods and improving the lives of residents of Orangi (the largest
squatter settlement in Karachi). It gives details of the project plan and
operation, expansion of project activities and its specific programmes such
as sanitation, health, housing and urban spaces programmes. Available form:
Orangi Pilot Project _ Research and Training Institute (OPP-RIT) for Development
of Katchi Abadis, 1-D/26 Daulat House, Orangi Township, Karachi, Pakistan.
Hashim, Mohammed Nasir. Urban Pioneers: the struggle for justice
Kuala Lumpur: Daya Komunikasi, 1996. 63p.
This booklet is based on the experiences of the urban settlers in Malaysia
who refer to themselves as urban pioneers. It documents the recognition of
the history of rural-urban migration in the wake of industrialisation in
Malaysia and steering away from the negative connotations implicit in common
references such as squatters and slum dwellers. It examines the actions of
both the dwellers and the urban settlers in dealing with disputes over `land
allocated for development'. It comprehensively covers the action and the
role of politicians, the mass media, lawyers, police and government agencies;
the strengths of urban pioneers; negotiations processes and agreements in
an attempt to document an often-unrecognised struggle within a national
developmental context. Available from: UMP-Asia, Urban Management Programme,
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, P. O. Box 12224, 50770 Kuala Lumpur,
Igel, Barbara. The Economy of Survival in the Slums of Bangkok.
Studies on human settlements development in Asia. Research Report 27.
Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology, 1992. 42p. (ACHR)
The report represents a summary of three chapters dealing with the urban
section of a greater research study on the survival economy of poor population
groups in Thailand. The research was conducted in seven slum areas in Bangkok
and Chahoengsaro, and two villages in Buriram, as part of a dissertation
at the International Economics Division, Frieie University, Berlin, Germany
in 1989. Available form: Division of Human Settlements Development, Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT), G. P. O. Box 2754, Bangkok 10501, Thailand.
Jayaratne, K. A. Case Study on Land Tenure Regularisation in
Wanathamulla Squatter Upgrading Projects. Colombo: National Housing
Development Authority, 1987. (SEVANATHA)
This paper focuses on the experience gathered by the Project Team at the
Wanathamulla Squatter Upgrading Project in the tenurial regularisation and
lot allocation process. It describes the process of community involvement
in on-site planning and tenure regularisation.
Leckie, Scott. Destruction by Design: housing rights violation
in Tibet. Geneva: Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 1994. 199p.
The book offers an alternative approach for Tibet's future development which,
in contrast to the present, firmly entrenches the rights of Tibetans to
participate in and control their nation's economic, social and political
development leading ultimately to the full protection of housing rights.
This report represents evidence that the Chinese government has systematically
violated the housing rights of the Tibetan people through a series if acts
and omissions, resulting in several distinct infringements, including racial
discrimination in the housing sphere; housing demolitions and forced evictions
(both past and pending); increased levels of homelessness; undue restrictions
on residency and residential options; the active perpetuation of housing
insecurity and inadequate living conditions; the selective and inequitable
public housing investment; restrictions on the right to popular participation
in planning, design and other housing-oriented decisions by dwellers; and
the expropriation of housing, sometimes as a punitive measure. It also includes
recommendations to the Chinese government to halt eviction, and legal complaint
procedures under international law. Available from: CHORE, 8 Gustav Moynier,
1202 Geneva, Switzerland.
Manandhar, Ramesh and Misty Baloiloi, eds. Squatter Settlements
Conference Proceedings, 1-2 July 1989. Mimeo. Lae: the Papua New Guinea
University of Technology, 1990. 109p. (ACHR)
Proceedings of a national conference included the participation of squatters,
landowners, government officials and representatives of international agencies
and NGOs. The papers presented are on government policies and programmes,
land and squatters' social problems, women in squatter settlements, and
experiences of Bangladesh,
Korea, Philippines and Thailand. It also includes papers by participants
on problems faced by squatters, and suggestions for alternative policies,
landowners' perspectives and discussions. Available from: PNG University
of Technology, Private Mail Bag, Lae, Papua New Guinea.
Murphy, Denis and Minar Pimple. Eviction Watch Asia: forced
evictions and housing rights abuses in Asia. Manila: Asian Coalition
for Housing Rights/Urban Poor Associates, 1995. 104p. (ACHR)
This is the first formal report of Eviction Watch Asia. The report describes
suffering caused by forced evictions which range from 100,000 to 300,000
urban poor families a year in Asia. It also gives examples of how the poor
resist evictions and how they organise themselves to take part in urban decision
making processes. The report covers evictions in Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia,
China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua
New Guinea, Philippines and Thailand. Available from: ACHR, 73 Soi Sonthiwattana
4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok, Thailand; or Urban Poor Associates,
14A Manhattan, Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Murphy, Denis. The Urban Poor Land and Housing.
Bangkok: ACHR/HIC. 1993. 91p. (AP 2000/ACHR)
This study on Bangkok's housing problems for the urban poor analyses the
physical problems of Bangkok's slums and the underlying social and psychological
aspects of the community, and also the question of land tenureship and rental
system. Available from: ACHR, 73 Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao,
Bangkok, Thailand.
Pornchokchai, Supon. Bangkok Slums: review and recommendations.
Bangkok: Agency for Real Estate Affairs (AREA), 1992. 184p (HSU-ESCAP)
This study on Bangkok's housing problems for the urban poor analyses the
physical problems of Bangkok's slums and the underlying social and psychological
aspects of the community, and also the question of land tenureship and rental
system. Available from: AREA, 99/395 Sri Pramote Nonsee Road, Yannawa, Bangkok
10120, Thailand.
Seong-Kyu Ha. Housing the Poor and Forced Evictions
the South Korean Experience. Seoul: Korea National NGOs and CBOs Forum
on Habitat II, 1995. 16p. (SEVANATHA)
Contains information on urban housing situation in Korea and the problem
of housing the poor. It discusses evictions and urban renewal programmes,
and offers practical alternatives for urban poor communities and the role
of CBOs and NGOs in Korea. Available form: KOCER, Soang University, ILM Building,
#1 Shinsoo-gond, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121 742, South Korea.
Urban Poor Housing and Voluntary Agencies: case studies in Bombay.
New Delhi: Institute of Social Services, 1989. 72p. (YUVA)
This study is intended to examine the praxis of voluntary agencies in social
action. The study included a local community where the voluntary agencies
were involved. As urban housing was a major problem, it formed the main focus
of the study. Available from: Institute of Social Studies, B-7/18 Safdarjang
Enclave, New Delhi 110 029.
Urban Poor Housing Rights in South Korea and Hong Kong: fact-finding and
assessment mission report. Bangkok: Asian Coalition for Housing Rights,
1991. 83p. (ACHR)
The Fact-Finding Mission on Urban Poor Housing Rights in South Korea and
Hong Kong, September 7-18, 1990, examined the conditions of housing for urban
and interviewed squatter people, and government officials. This report includes
recommendations of the Mission. Available form: ACHR, 73 Soi Sonthiwattana
4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok, Thailand.
Yami, Hisila and Steven L. Mikesell, eds. The Issues of
Squatter Settlements in Nepal. Kathmandu: Concerned Citizen Group of
Nepal, 1990. 111p. (ACHR)
Proceedings of a national seminar held in February 1990, which discussed
problems and solutions of urban squatter settlements in Nepal.
Community Participation
Albee, Alana and Nandasiri Gamage. Our Money, Our Movement:
building a poor people's credit union. London: intermediate Technology
Publications, 1996. 46 pp. (AP2000).
Credit and savings mechanisms are increasingly becoming a powerful tool in
development, but many initiatives are only now aimimg for the ownership of
these mechanisms to be in the hands of the borrowers themselves. Women's
Credit Union in Sri Lanka shows how the poor women manage and control financial
services. While describing the working of the Union, the book also includes
women's potrayal of their lives and their efforts to overcome poverty. Available
from: Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., 102/105 Southampton Row,
London WCIB 4HH, United Kingdom.
Badshah, Akhtar. Our Urban Future. London/New Jersey: Zed Books
Ltd, 1996. 220 p. (AP2000)
In recent years, new approaches to urban planning and development have generated
some optimism that the failure of earlier strategies to address the overwhelming
problems entailed can be overcome. In this book, the author seeks out those
innovative approaches that have actually worked in various large cities in
India, Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia and elsewhere. His aim is to identify effective
urban practices that are socially equitable, ecologically sustainable,
economically viable and replicable. All of them share a commitment to the
genuine participation of the poor in the urban development process, starting
right from the planning and design stages. They also tackle issues of housing
and shelter holistically, recognising the need to improve urban environments
overall in terms of infrastructure, services and income-generating opportunities.
This up-to-date presentation of some of the most fruitful current approaches
to tackling urban problems vividly illustrates the effectiveness of partnership
between urban dwellers, non-governmental organisations, private investors
and local authorities in tackling the problems of the urban poor.
Catalogue of Training and Information Tools on Community Participation
in Human Settlements. Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat), 1992. 55p. (Lumanti)
Training material to support the practical application of community participation
as a technique for carrying out shelter activities at the local levels. It
contains 48 items of training materials. The catalogue is composed of loose
sheets with informa tion such
as specific training tool, name of producer, description of its contents
and purpose, and an appraisal of use. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box
30030, Nairobi, Kenya.
Community Action Planning. CAP Workshop Module Guideline Series.
Colombo: UNCHS/Danida/National Housing Development Authority and Ministry
of Housing, Construction and Public Utilities, 1994. (Lumanti)
Contains five booklets: 1) Maintenence of Common Amenties, 13p. (2) Formation
of Community Development Councils, 15p. (3) Community-based Monitoring and
Evaluation of Settlement Improvement, 22p. (4) Making Micro Plans for Community
Improvement, 24p. (5) Land Regularisation and Blocking Out, 18p.
Community Leadership and Self-Help Housing. Nairobi: INCHS (Habitat),
1988. 50p. (Lumanti)
Discusses the role of community leadership within low-income urban settlements.
Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Community Participation Series Training Modules.
Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat), 1986. (Lumanti)
This is a set of nine training modules for community participation: 1. Low-cost
Drainage, 1986, 59p. 2. Low-cost Sanitation, 1986, 81p. 3. Execution of Squatter
Settlement Upgrading Projects, 1985, 44p. 4. Road Planning in Squatter Settlement
Upgrading, 1983, 56p. 5. How People can afford shelter, 1988, 52p. 6. Sites
and Services Schemes: the scope for community participation, 1984, 44p. 7.
The Role of Women in the Execution of Low-Income Housing Projects, 1986,
64p. 8. Mutual-Aid House Construction Through Building Groups, 1986, 47p.
9. Water Supply in Low-income Housing Projects: the scope for community
participation, 1989, 60p. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Gopalan, Prema. Learning Exchanges: a tool for women's collectives
to access resources. Mimeo Bombay: Swayam Shikshan Prayog, 1996.
4p. (AP2000)
This paper aims to share insights from collective learning strategies initiated
by Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP) a self-education network of organisations
and women's groups in India. The paper documents the experiences of organisations
and community groups in their struggles to gain access and control over resources
such as credit, land, housing and basic services.Available from: SSP, SPARC,
PO Box 9398, Bombay 400 026, India.
Human Settlements Development through Community Participation. Nairobi:
UNCHS (Habitat), 1991. 59p. (Lumanti)
This publication presents an assessment of experiences gained with the Community
Participation Training Programme conducted by UNCHS (Habitat). It contains
examples of effective amd practical cooperation between the public sector
and poor urban communities. Available from: UNCHS (Habitat), P.O.Box 30030,
Nairobi, Kenya
Manandhar, Ramesh. Self Reliance in Small Communities. New
Delhi: Oxford/IBH, 1992. 439p. (Lumanti)
This book examines the question of sustainable development and the choice
of technology. The conventional notion of appropriate technology is questioned,
based on field experiments of earth (roof) construction conducted in two
countries. While the application of appropriate technology of earth roofing
was found to be successful in a small town in Australia, similar attempts
in Nepal led to many social, economic, technological, cultural and psychological
problems. Instead, participatory action research process leading to the
facilitation of indigenous technology systems of handloom, mat making is
encouraged for community self-reliance. The book recommends innovative model
for community self-reliance in developing countries based on Gandhian ideas.
Available from: Oxford & IBH Publishing Company. Pvt. Ltd., 66 Janpath,
New Delhi - 110 001. India.
Participatory Local Governance: LIFE's Method and Experience 1992-1997.
Technical Advisory Paper 1. New York: United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), 1997. 123 p.
This UNDP technical advisory paper analyses processes, methods and experience
of participatory local governance as demonstrated by the Local Initiative
Facility for Urban Environment (LIFE), a global programme launched at the
Earth Summit in 1992. It shares lessons and insights concerning the "local-local"
dialogue of the local actors - the local authorities, the non-governmental
organisations and the community-based organisations - in improving the living
conditions in low-income urban communities in developing countries around
the world.
Partnership for Local Action: A Sourcebook on Participatory Approaches
to Shelter and Human Settlements Improvement for Local Government
Officials. Bangkok: UNCHS (Habitat)/CityNet, 1997. 172 p. Recognising
the important role of local governments in tackling people's problems, it
became necessary to strengthen their capacities in dealing with human settlements
issues in participatory way.
The Sourcebook identifies issues and case studies which illustrate how local
authorities can respond to problems of urban poverty in a community-sensitive
way. It provides a guide to a range of training materials and institutions
available to assist local governments, and includes a bibliography. It also
gives an overview of demographic, social, economic and environmental trends
in Asian cities, a rationale for upgrading low-income settlements in cities,
and includes a chapter on local authorities and the need for institutional
reform and capacity building.
Promotion of Community-Managed Development Projects. Yokohama:
CityNet, 1991. 33p. (CityNet)
This training manual discusses factors contributing to the
success of the Grameen Bank Project, Bangladesh and Orangi Pilot Project,
Karachi, Pakistan. It contains study exercises for professional training
in development projects management. Available from: CityNet Secretariat,
5F, International Organisations Centre, Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1 Minato Mirai,
Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan 220.
TAP/ACHR. Community-Based Habitat Processes in Sri Lanka: a report
on the workshop held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 11-21 Sept. 1995.
Mimeo. Bangkok/Colombo: Asian Coalition for Housing Rights/Sevanatha/PSS,
1995. 29p. (ACHR)
The objective of the workshop was to provide opportunities for community
development practitioners and promoters to study and
discuss support-based housing
programme and community processes in Sri Lanka. The workshop programme focused
on four major community processes: community action plan methodology, community
savings and credit: the Women's Bank, community-built sanitation project
and community contracts for settlement development. The report covers the
processes, discussions and the outcome of the workshop.Available from: ACHR,
73 Soi Sonthiwattana 4, Ladprao Road 110, Ladprao, Bangkok 10310, Thailand,
or, Sevanatha Urban Resource Centre, 220/3 Nawala Road, Rajagriya, Sri Lanka.
Urban Poor as Agents of Development: Community Action Planning in Sri
Lanka. Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat), 1993. 88p. (Lumanti)
This publication aims to empower urban poor to improve their living conditions
through self-help with external agencies acting as supporters and facilitators.
It gives background information on housing in Sri Lanka, community action
planning, economic support programme, case studies and statistics. Available
from: UNCHS, PO Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya
Yeung, Y.M and McGee, T.G., eds. Community Participation
in Delivering Urban Services in Asia. Ottawa: IDRC, 1986. 279p. (AIT)
This volume presents the highlights of a five-country study involving Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. It attempts to provide
information on the development and operation of a range of basic urban services
based on the principle of self-help. Available from: International Development
Research Centre, Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada K1G 3H9.
*Adapted from Menon, Lakshmi, comp. and ed. Understanding Urbanisations:
A Sourcebook., with updates by AP2000 Secretariat.
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