96 Action Ideas for Action. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
96 Action Ideas for Action
What You Can Do to Promote the Following:
Social Justice
Formulate comprehensive legislation on resettlement programmes which
promote a policy of no demolition or eviction until all alternative logistical
support, infrastructure, health and educational facilities are in place.
Lobby for the repeal of gender discriminatory policies and procedures
and formulation of gender responsive procedures and standards for housing
Organise forums which encourage partnerships with the private sector
and which discuss their role in the provision of shelter and urbanisation.
Campaign for the government to establish an independent body legally
responsible for preventing illegal forced evictions and the monitoring,
documenting and reviewing any ongoing or proposed or intended evictions.
Campaign for the prohibition of sale of government-owned urban lands,
foreclosed or sequestered lands and lands of public domain to domestic and
foreign investors.
Identify and strengthen existing alternative initiatives and mechanisms that
are already responding to domestic and other violence against women
in urban and rural areas.
Lobby local and national government to outlaw child labour and to
protect children from physical abuse, sexual and workplace exploitation.
Promote the use of mixed land use policies and development programmes.
Call for legislators to promote financial and tax incentives for
environmentally friendly developments projects and reforestation programmes.
Promote the concept of incorporating costs for relocation in the project
costs of government infrastructure (national and local) projects which result
in the displacement of families.
Lobby for the funding of safe houses, support services and educational
facilities for street children.
Institute progressive taxation of urban lands to prevent over
commercialised speculation in particular that which makes housing prohibitively
expensive for the lower income groups and poor.
Lobby government to ensure that rural people everywhere have access to
safe water and sanitation for healthy lives, while maintaining essential
local environments.
Organise campaigns which encourage the provision of basic health care
for children, including immunisation and nutrition.
Campaign for the provision of curative health care and advice and
the development of support centres to encourage such health practices.
Promote the training of legislators, professionals, public civil
servants to develop an understanding and support of sustainable settlements
Lobby Legislators both a local and national level to promote and support
Rent Acts to control rental prices and to provide security to tenants.
Organise campaigns for the institution of appropriate legislation and regulations
to enable punitive action on graft and corruption, and red tape on
housing projects.
Lobby legislators to introduce laws which increased warrantee periods
for houses and buildings constructed and materials used the construction.
(eg. material specification)
Campaign for the introduction of procedural guidelines effecting the
transfer of idle government lands to be utilised for socialised housing.
Call on the government to organise in co-operation with industry and the
consumer movement, educational programmes which encourage sustainable
methods of production and patterns of consumption.
Lobby local and national authorities to fine or delay approval of housing
projects which do not provide adequate free family and youth recreational
Lobby the government to increase access for the poor to land, finance,
infrastructure and building materials in both urban and rural areas.
Cultural Vibrancy
Work with local educational establishments and national educational planners
to promote to school children and college students sustainable
lifestyles and environmentally and socially friendly practices.
Introduce new educational curriculums and courses in schools, colleges
and institutes of higher education on urban management with an emphasis on
creating more social responsibility.
Organise community cleanliness and awareness programmes on health,
safety and environment protection.
Lobby government to provide women-centred, women managed, safe and effective
reproductive health care and affordable, accessible services for responsible
family planning.
Campaign for proper lighting and safety features to prevent accidents,
crime, sexual crimes and harassment.
Promote the active use of appropriate traditional and indigenous land-use
practices, such as pastoralism, traditional land reserves and terraced
agriculture in land management.
Lobby for the inclusion of specialised facilities and services for the
elderly and ageing population in the community.
Organise campaigns which promote the recognition of the rights of indigenous
people to their land, traditions, knowledge and livelihoods.
Organise public-awareness programmes that promote environmental
labelling and other information that inform people of the health and
environmental impact of products.
Encourage the use of traditional knowledge in national health systems.
Lobby the government to institute legislation banning of smoking in
all public places and in venues commonly used by juveniles/youth.
Promote exchange programmes amongst all sectors to enable the sharing
of expertise, ideas, experiences and solutions on Habitat issues.
Increase co-operation with international professional organisations
and support the establishment of professional associations in developing
countries to enhance exchanges of personnel, information and technology.
Promote the introduction of proper footpaths to encourage the reduction
of short-distance vehicle travel. Include seating along footpaths and walkways
in city centres to encourage walking as a enjoyable and viable means of
transportation for all ages young and old.
Promote the concept of marked, gazette and safe bicycle paths along
all roads with the exception of super-highways and highways.
Decentralise large schools systems and promote the development of smaller
schools incorporated into housing projects to reduce unnecessary travel.
Call for the development of family friendly buildings, shopping complexes
with crèches, short-term child care facilities and breast feeding
designated areas.
Encourage the revival and re-development of derelict inner city areas
involving the local inhabitants.
Lobby local and national governments to improve rural living in order
to reduce the attractiveness of urban living and migration.
Promote the establishment of national emergency life services to deal
with injury and serious illness and disasters.
Political Participation
Ask Legislators both at local and national level and civil servants to
gazette and publicise all infra-structural developments in the mass
Encourage the authorities to adopt more "open door" practices, and
to consult the public on methods, policies and procedures utilised when creating
new development projects or revamping existing projects to facilitate healthy
consumer input and cross-sectional opinion and suggestions.
Encourage the increased participation of women at all levels in project
and programme research, design, planning and implementation to facilitate
women user friendly products and developments.
Conduct disabled peoples forums on how to improve disabled access
in transportation, housing, offices, public amenities and awareness programmes
to promote sensitivity in planning and implementation of all development
Promote sanitation, with a strategy of community-based labour-intensive
construction of sewerage and stabilisation ponds.
Request and suggest to shopping complexes and building owners, to build
more energy efficient and human friendly buildings.
Promote gender sensitisation for policy makers, government agencies,
urban planners religious authorities, the judiciary, police and institutions
that hamper women's status to ensure better safety and protection.
Conduct youth forums on what young people want to see introduced to
improve the quality of future cities and settlements which they will have
to live in.
Discuss with property developers, real-estate agents your requirements of
a environmentally and user friendly habitat as a potential buyer.
Organise a national health watch to monitor and forecast the introduction
of or increase in communicable diseases.
To encourage the members of a community to conduct environmental audits
by utilising members of the community and experts from the local authorities
or environmental organisations and departments.
Encourage the establishment of local and national councils for sustainable
development, both in the formal business community and in the informal
sector which includes small-scale businesses to promote equitable and sustainable
income generating practices.
Involve Professional Associations in the training of governmental agencies
and non-governmental organisations to facilitate contribution towards
research, planning, organisation of community projects which work towards
the goals of Habitat II.
Encourage the government to establish specialist department for Housing
and Urban development and to train the staff to undertake overall
responsibility for the countries policy, programmes, monitoring and evaluation.
Promote the development of national advisory groups to assist academics,
business persons, scientists, government officials and members of the public
to assist with the formulation of urban policies, environmental standards,
and regulations and societal ethics.
Promote the composition of an overall national development policy
grounded on sustainable and equitable development, which includes the nations
policy of industrialisation, agricultural development, infrastructural
development, housing and poverty alleviation programmes.
Encourage the establishment of urban resources centres to provide
information, facilitate networks and to support poor communities through
the organisation of training and skills development for individuals, CBOs
and the smaller NGOs.
Local authorities and municipalities should conduct needs assessments
and surveys on improving the policies and systems to promote programmes
and methods for the provision of adequate housing and sustainable settlements.
Ecological Sustainability
Inform the public of the need for and lobby legislators/policy makers to
enact legislation making Environmental Impact Assessments compulsory
for all development.
Organise campaigns to promote greening of urban areas through tree
planting, improved sporting facilities and public spaces.
Campaign for the enactment of legislation which introduce heavy fines
for smoke belching and emissions from all vehicles.
Encourage the protection of green lung areas and recreational parks
in cities and promote the understanding of their importance.
Promote the use of solar lighting systems or other efficient and
environmentally friendly energy systems in housing and building projects.
Lobby for the provision of legal support and powers for local
municipalities which enables them to fine or restrain violators of environmental
Lobby the government to compel the use of anti-pollution devices and
strictly regulate and monitor companies on the use of anti-pollution devices.
Encourage the development of treatment centres for hazardous wastes
and for industry to treat, recycle or reuse such wastes.
Formulate and implement a policy to prevent large waste disposal and
treatment plants being located in nature preserves or environmentally important
Promote the increased number of categorised garbage collection points
and organise awareness programmes on environmentally friendly domestic disposal
Encourage government and developers to use techniques like landscape ecological
planing that focus on an ecosystem or a watershed.
Organise campaigns which advocate minimal, integrated or non-pesticide
and artificial fertiliser use in agriculture and food production and
rural and urban pest and weed control.
Promote the concept of local Municipalities adopting a compre-hensive
and effective Health Plan to improve living conditions such as waterquality,
solid waste manage-ment, proper public health facilities and social services.
Economic Productivity
Promote the concept of integrated land-management and project development
to local authorities, planners, and developers in the private and public
Promote the decentralisation of lending operations and the increased
competitiveness of mortgage markets to reduce artificially high consumer
borrowing rates.
Promote the provision of credit facilities to women for income generation
activities, housing and family support.
Encourage tie-ups between investors, community based organisations and
housing developers to promote low-cost housing and increased employment
opportunities for the residents and inhabitors.
Lobby local and national government to increase allocations of the national
budget to upgrading slums, low cost housing programmes, health and
agricultural programmes aimed to benefit the poorer groups in society.
Allocate funds for the acquisition and distribution of lands for
socialised housing
Encourage the government to increase expenditure on research and
development of cheap and environmentally friendly energy.
Lobby government to establish appropriate financial institutions to
ensure availability of finance for the development of human settlements and
implementing community based housing-finance systems for the benefit of
low-income groups.
Extend the repayment period for 30 years for socialised housing.
Lobby government to develop specialist research and training
institutions and specific mechanisms which promote integrated urban
management in order to overcome the constraints created by sectoral approaches,
in particular, by separate management of road development, public transport,
land-use, water management.
Encourage the training of young professionals in the field of housing
and urban management, with the co
operation of institutes and colleges of higher education.
Lobby Members of Parliament to enact legislation which apply the principle
of "polluter pays" and introduce incentives to reduce pollution of rivers
and seas.
Encourage companies to provide in-house child care facilities and/or
vouchers for child care services.
Conduct workshops to promote the establishment of Housing Workers
Co-operatives and a national fund for the financing of these co-operatives.
Encourage the development and use of affordable public transport systems
both through discussion and consultation.
Campaign for the introduction of private vehicles restricted zones
and car passes for single occupancy private vehicles in city centres.
Promote the establishment of training centres in areas of unemployment
in rural and urban centres, whilst making funds available for start up loans
to provide skills training to the unemployed and to "entrepreneurs".
Formulate education policies and programmes that will enhance the skill
and increase the earning capacities of those in the informal sector in
rural and urban areas, particularly young people and women.
Encourage trade unions, farmers, and women's associations to set-up financial
co-operatives or credit unions to increase access to cheap financial
Promote the adoption of land sharing schemes for government lands
presently occupied.
Promote the up-grading of houses by individual households with support
from community development association, local NGOs and municipal agencies,
using local materials and labour-based environmentally friendly technologies.
Encourage the utilisation of innovative housing technologies and building
materials and allocate funds for incentives to individuals/organisations
which develop new/improved housing technologies.
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