Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
A to Z Guide on Human Settlements Issues
Access to land and legal security of tenure must be advocated as birthright
for all individuals and communities. They are strategic prerequisites for
the provision of adequate shelter for all and for the development of sustainable
human settlements affecting both urban and rural areas. It is also one way
of breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. Every government must show a commitment
to promoting the adequate supply of land in the context of sustainable land-use
Accreditation of Demolition Crews
The accreditation of demolition crews, e.g. wearing name or identification
tags will reduce the incidence of violence and unlawful action by those involved
in demolition or eviction. The current practice encourage abuses as the offending
individuals cannot be easily identified.
Acid Rain
Acid rain with its corrosive properties affects both the natural and artificial
environment. Its long-term effects are devastating as excessive acidification
of land and ground water affects the food chain and kills the natural ecosystem.
Many urban centres are facing the problem of airborne pollution, particularly
sulphur, which results primarily from industrial and vehicle emissions. The
reduction of fossil fuel use and strict controls in emission from industrial
and vehicles can reverse high acid rain levels. Lobby governments to monitor
acid rain levels, set and enforce safe emission standards, reduce vehicle
use and compel the use of catalytic converters for all vehicles.
Adaptable Housing
Housing which looks "normal" but which has been adapted to include features
that can be adjusted, added or removed to suit the occupants. This type of
housing will assist people with disabilities and also the elderly. However
the flexibility of such housing is a bonus for both disabled and non-disabled
persons as it allows the dweller to fully utilise the space of the house.
Advisory Groups
Advisory groups enable effective utilisation of skills, knowledge and experience
at a relatively low cost to the community. Promote the development of national
advisory groups consisting of academics, professionals, business persons,
scientists, governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations and
members of the public to assist with the formulation of urban policies,
environmental standards and regulations.
Agricultural pesticides and artificial fertilisers are one of the major
pollutants of the natural water supply both in rural and urban areas. With
the increasing number of golf courses in urban areas, the levels of pesticide
and fertiliser contamination of rivers and ground water has now become an
additional problem. Organise campaigns which advocate minimal, integrated
or non-pesticide and artificial fertiliser use in agriculture, food production
and rural and urban pest weed control.
Citizens from donor countries should lobby for their governments to reform
development assistance so that the money goes directly to the real needs,
to development and human concerns,and to regenerating the resource base.
Increase the overall level of development assistance and ensure that funding
for peace-building, humanitarian emergencies, refugees, and transitional
economies is provided from new and additional resources, not from development
assistance. Citizens from recipient countries should monitor the spending
of such aid by their governments.
Acquired immune-deficiency syndrome is a relatively new viral syndrome which
affects the body's immune system, rendering it incapable of coping with minor
infections. It is estimated that millions of people are carrying the virus.
Transmitted through exchange of body fluids it has become a major threat
both in urban and rural centres. The dissemination of correct information
about the spread of AIDS and its prevention whilst promoting the establishment
of healthcare facilities for those infected should be encouraged. Co-operation
between grassroots organisations, non-governmental and governmental agencies
to produce information and preventive action programmes and support systems
for victims can effectively reduce the spread of this disease.
Architectural design plays an important part in the process of construction
and development. Promote links and working programmes between architects
and their professional associations, NGOs, planners, developers and the
consumers. Informational workshops and joint programmes will enable all partners
to exchange ideas, experience and expertise. It will also breakdown barriers
and encourage long-term working partnerships.
The arts have contributed to human happiness and health in cities and rural
areas by providing relaxation and stimulation. Besides its pleasurable aspects,
the arts can be a very powerful tool to promote messages on urban and rural
Work with local authorities in developing long-term strategies and programmes
that are aimed at making urban and rural areas more people friendly. Develop
short-term projects that can facilitate co-operation between the consumer
and the service provided.
Encourage the use of bicycles as an alternative form of transportation and
means of reducing pollution levels. Organise campaigns that target the increase
of bicycle paths along roads and the introduction of new road safety regulations
which protect bicycle riders and provide bicyclists legal status for road
Bio-degradable Packaging
Promote the use of proper bio-degradable materials in manufacturing process
and discourage the use non-biodegradable substances, like plastics. The use
of plastics for the packaging of consumer goods in particular represent a
huge problem. This can be overcome if consumers inform manufacturers of their
unwillingness to purchasing such packaged products. Lobby manufacturers to
use alternative packaging materials which are really bio-degradable or recyclable
and not just cheap substitutes or gimmicks.
Biological Diversity
There is an urgent need to conserve biological diversity due to rapid destruction
of natural habitats, pollution, over-harvesting, the promotion monocultures
and inappropriate foreign plants and animals. Campaign for the protection
of natural habitats in cities and rural areas and rehabilitate damaged
ecosystems. Also encourage the practice of traditional methods of agriculture,
agroforestry, forestry and wildlife management and sustainable and equitable
uses of biotechnology.
Building Access Standards
Access standards are a good way of making buildings more user-friendly for
the elderly and disabled. Such standards should include the diverse needs
of persons with mobility, speech, hearing, visual and/or intellectual challenges.
Standards cover design specifications, space allocations and measurements,
signage user friendly equipment and technology.
The promotion of artificial milk products by the multinational companies
coupled with artificial and structural barriers created for women who wish
to breastfeed, has significantly prevented this natural practice and increased
unnecessary cost. Campaign for the introduction of breastfeeding designated
areas in all building, shopping and leisure centres. Besides making these
areas more user friendly it also alleviates the inconveniences which women
who breastfeed usually have to put up with when feeding.
Lobby government and metropolitan municipalities to introduce restrictions
for the use of private car in city centres and areas which are densely populated
and congested. A comprehensive system which reduces traffic of single occupancy
vehicles particularly at peak periods can be introduced successfully through
the simultaneous introduction of effective public transport system as in
the Republic of Singapore.
Capacity Building
Encourage the funding and formulation of programmes that will enhance the
skills and income earning capacities of those in the informal sector in rural
and urban areas. These policies and programmes should include training, credit
assistance and market support to household enterprise, small cottage industries
and informal housing industry.
In the climate of the current patriarchal society, with more women entering
the workforce and the diminishing possibilities of intermediate secondary
family assistance the need for childcare support facilities is essential.
Lobby government to promote financial and tax incentives for development
of childcare facilities and encourage public sector and private companies
to provide in-house childcare facilities and /or subsidies for childcare.
Child Labour
Child labour in many developing countries is on the increase despite the
fact that many of the same countries are signatories to the Convention on
the Rights of the Child. Lobby local and national government to address issues
of child labour and to protect them from physical and sexual abuse, and workplace
exploitation. Organise campaigns to highlight the problems of child labour,
the actual short, medium, long-term diseconomies of scale of using child
labour and the need for the national governments to become signatories of
the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Clinical Waste
Clinical waste comprises waste from hospitals and other health facilities
that is potentially contaminated with human disease or otherwise hazardous.
Wrongly disposed clinical waste can cause serious contamination. Proper disposal
of such waste should be done through incineration.
Community Action Planning (CAP)
CAP consists of a structured series of workshops organised for community
members. These workshops can be run and organised by local government, NGOs
and even community organisations to identify the socio-economic and physical
infrastructure concerns of the community and to develop strategies to tackle
these issues.
Community Contract System
This system is aimed at enabling the community to be responsible for and
involved in the construction of their basic amenities in their own community.
The government or local authority can give out contracts for building such
amenities to the community rather than an outside contractor.
Community Eco-Management
Communities can be effective participants in the environmental management
of their own communities. The combined resources and co-operation of individual
households and inter-household communities can play a significant role in
urban environmental management. Particularly in action orientated programmes
and research and data gathering, households and communities can act as partners
with the government in building an improved environment while empowering
the community, even when government assistance is minimal.
With rapid expansion of most urban centres and rural areas, the impact on
the natural environment has been very harsh and to some extents devastating.
The importance of conserving greenbelts and animal habitats to make developed
areas more liveable has become an issue in planning future developments in
both urban and rural areas. A balanced approach increases the sustainability
of the land, water systems and the biological diversity of flora, fauna,
insect and animal life.
Consumer Groups
Consumer groups can increase awareness of rights and responsibilities for
the consumer. Such groups can also effectively monitor the commercial activities
of the private and public sector to protect the consumer/citizen. Enhance
research and advocacy capabilities of consumer groups to ensure that the
consumer voice is effectively heard and represented in urban and rural policy
making structures and processes.
Criminalisation of Squatting
In many countries squatting has been criminalised. Sentences for this "crime"
vary from fines to imprisonment. The criminalisation of squatting is justified
by the authorities as being a method of discouraging potential squatters
but however is usually used to evict long-term squatters without negotiation
or compensation. Governments should be lobbied to decriminalise squatting.
Decentralisation is an effective way of facilitating greater participation
by the citizens. This can be done by simplifying administrative units and
allocating larger proportions of resources to states, local authorities,
community centres. It enables faster responses to problems and increases
localised control and accountability. Decentralisation also involves movement
away from urban centres.
Decision Making
Our communities and countries should be democratic and government decision
making should be based on transparency and participation. People have the
right to participate in decision-making at all levels which affect their
Department for Housing and Urban Development
The responsibility of housing and urban development often falls into the
ambit of a multitude of government agencies/departments. Encourage the government
to establish a special department for hhousing and urban development and
to train the staff to undertake overall responsibility for the country's
policy, programmes, monitoring and evaluation.
Disaster mitigation and pre-disaster planning should be carried out on a
regular basis and involve governmental agencies, NGOs and CBOs. Preparations
and provisions should be made for Emergency Housing and Reconstruction in
cases of war. Cooperation between governmental, non-governmental and citizen
based organisations have proved to be very successful, as in Lebanon.
Disabled persons are often marginalised both by physical structures or human
attitudes. The contributions of disabled persons are essential in the development
of any inclusive and holistic urban environment. Conduct disabled peoples
forums on how to improve disabled access in transportation, housing, offices,
public amenities and awareness programmes to promote sensitivity in planning
and implementation of all development projects.
Discrimination, whether institutionalised or non-legal exists in every city.
It creates disharmony in society and can lead to violence and the disintegration
of communities. Discrimination can be based on different grounds including
that of race, religion, gender, physical challenges and sexual preferences.
Often based on ignorance, discrimination requires a position of power for
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a problem which often causes displacement of the individual
who is being physically or psychologically harmed in the matrimonial home.
This problem is on the rise due to increased financial and social stress,
and the lack of gender sensitivity and legal protection for the victims.
The vast majority of victims are women and children who due to fear for their
own safety, become part of the homeless community.
Drainage is an important part of urban infrastructure. The lack of planning
and the inadequate provision of drainage which often results in floods and
other health hazards. A coordinated programme to plan, review, improve and
maintain drainage systems should be conducted on a regular basis and in
consultation with the user groups.
Although drugs are illegal in nearly all countries, they are available in
most urban and rural areas. The use of such substances varies in each
socio-economic class. Drug distribution is usually connected with other forms
of vice and negative societal problems such as gangsterism, underground societies
and networks. Public awareness campaigns on the effects of and problems related
to drug use, and the provision of rehabilitation centres should be promoted
in tandem with legal monitoring and control.
Earning Capacity
The earning capacity of women and young people is usually depressed because
of lack of access to education, training and skill development. Campaign
for the formulation of training and skill development programmes and vocational
education that will enhance skills and increase the earning capacities of
women and young people in the informal sector in rural and urban areas.
Organise public-awareness programmes that promote the introduction of
environmental labelling for all products. Such labelling will inform the
consumer of the health and environmental impact of products and the packaging
used to contain it.
Ecosystems consist of interdependent communities of species, including complex
mixes of diversity between and within species, and their physical environment.
The extent of an ecosystem is imprecise. They include major natural systems
such as grasslands, mangroves, coral reefs, wetlands and tropical forests
as well as agricultural ecosystems. The process of urbanisation and rural
development can have a devastating effect on ecosystems if there is no proper
planning and regulation to protect them. Organise campaigns to get the
authorities to safeguard existing ecosystems and to introduce regulation
and protective measures that developers must comply with in areas where
development has already begun.
Electronic Network
Establish an electronic network of urban actors in order to use new technology
to disseminate information. A bulletin board system or electronic conferencing
to facilitate exchange of information and discussions on urban issues and
concerns. This is a cheap and effective way of communicating.
Encouraged Migration
In many of the economically developing nations, governments through their
economic or political planning and policies encouraged migration of population
from rural areas into urban areas. This migration was directly or indirectly
encouraged to provide labour for the rapidly expanding industrial and service
centres located in urban areas. Due to the lack of affordable housing in
many urban centres many migrants are forced into squatting.
Environmental Audits
Work with the local residents and members of the community to conduct
environmental audits by utilising members of the community and experts from
the local authorities or environmental organisations and departments. This
type of programme will increase the awareness of the local inhabitants and
also build good working relationships, and encourage authorities to be more
Environmental Impact Assessment
An Environmental Impact Assessment is the result of an assessment of a particular
environment. It is usually carried out scientifically according to a set
of standard procedures by describing and/or measuring , interpreting, and
forecasting environmental parameters and their changes qualitatively as well
as quantitatively, resulting from the impact of external factors imposed
on that particular environment. Encourage the public to lobby legislators/policy
makers to enact legislation making Environmental Impact Assessments compulsory
for all development.
Ethnic Minorities
Every city in the world is comprised of a variety of people who have different
racial origins, religious beliefs and cultural heritages. Depending on the
numbers of such people and their proportion in relation to other groups living
there or those who were there before them, these people are classified as
ethnic minorities. Ethnic minorities usually represent communities of people
who migrated from other places for different reasons. Although such minorities
live as part of the community of a city, giving diversity and added richness,
they can often, because of ignorance, bigotry or politically motivated reasons
become victims of hatred and violence.
Experimental Community
Set up experimental community-based villages on the outskirts of the city
to show how a link can be established with the city and how alternative energy
sources can be used.
Utilise the expertise of professionals and non-professionals in planning,
organisation and implementation of activities or programmes and projects.
Expertise both through academic education or/and through experience or informal
education often provides different perspectives that can increase the
effectiveness of the intended campaign, e.g. grassroots attitudes or specialist
Policies and regulations should be introduced to ensure that forced evictions
are not carried out except in truly exceptional circumstances. Campaign for
the government to establish an independent body legally responsible for
preventing illegal forced evictions and monitoring, documenting and reviewing
any ongoing or planned forced evictions. These committees can also be responsible
for the up-dating and revamping of existing eviction procedures.
Eviction Assistance Fund
Such a fund should be set up by government or those involved in development
where one-off grants or no-interest financial assistance is made available
for those who are being evicted to temporary locations or require funds to
set up their new homes. This fund should be separated from a compensation
fund, thus preventing governments or developer from negating their responsibility
to reach a proper solution or settlement for compensating eviction.
Family Unit
City life has always been based on the family unit. The family unit, while
forming the basic economic unit, has provided sustenance, stability and comfort,
and assumed responsibility for the old, the weak and the infirmed. Organise
programmes which promote the importance of the family unit and support systems
which facilitate its development. This can include family friendly employment
procedures, office buildings, shopping and entertainment centres. Encourage
developers to include crèches, short-term child care facilities and
reading rooms.
Flood Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Planning of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Flood damaged areas should
be done for both areas prone to flooding and highly inhabited areas. Cooperative
arrangements between governments, relief agencies, NGOs and CBOs have proved
to be very people friendly, effective and cost efficient, as in the case
of Lebanon, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
Food Security
The availability of and access to adequate food supplies is essential to
every community and individual. Food security ensures that supply is of
acceptable quality and sufficient to cover the demand, whether it be locally
produced or from external sources. Sustainable communities aim to achieve
food security through promoting local production or guaranteeing outside
Millions of people walk from one destination to another everyday. Walking
is a good, non-polluting and healthy means of transportation in urban centres.
Encourage the incorporation of footpaths into all development projects. Similarly
promote the construction of proper footpaths to encourage the reduction of
short-distance vehicle travel. Such footpaths should include trees and seating
along the way to encourage walking as a pleasant viable means of transportation
for all ages young and old.
Foreign Labour
Growing economies with shortages of local labour, coupled with increased
access to cheap means of transportation are encouraging the migration of
foreign labour to seek employment in second or third countries. Similarly
wars and conflict equally force migration of people to safe havens/countries.
This can increase the host country's requirement to provide more basic amenities
and shelters.
Forest Based Enterprise
These are small-scale forest-based eco-friendly enterprises that support
rural development and local entrepreneurship. Through the use of forest products
such as medicinal plants, dyes, fibers, gums, resins, fodder, and bamboo
the process of selective and sustainable forest management can be implemented.
At the same time there is a promotion of the work and tradition of local
artisans and an additional way of generating income.
Gangsters are frequently used in illegal evictions to frighten and beat-up
squatters. This practice is usually used by developers to force the squatters
out and avoid negotiations. The police often work in collaboration with the
Campaign at local and national level and towards civil servants to gazette
and publicise all infra-structural and project developments to be gazetted
in the main stream media. The current practices leave most people unaware
of the proposed plans and their alternations. With more knowledge of future
plans citizens will be able to provide input and opinions of intended
Gender Sensitisation
Gender issues are often ignored in policy making and planning procedures.
In order to ensure that such discriminatory practices are eliminated, the
organisation of awareness programmes and training which promotes gender
sensitisation should be conducted particularly for policy makers, government
agencies, urban planners religious authorities, the judiciary, police and
institutions that hamper women's status.
Green Charcoal
Green charcoal is a solid briquette fuel made from biomass. The product is
formed of agro-waste, cellulosic garbage and biodegradable matter and through
an enzymatic charring process turns treated biomatter into clean, useable,
high-energy fuel. Not only does green charcoal promote the use and reuse
of waste materials, it makes a good substitute for firewood and charcoal
used both in the household and for commercial purposes.
Green lungs provide essential environmental, physical and psychological support
in any urban centre. Promote the protection of green lung areas and recreational
parks in cities and the understanding of their importance. Organise campaigns
to promote greening of urban areas through tree planting, designating and
gazetting of areas as green belts, and conserving green areas and public
Government Land
With land becoming a scarce resource in most urban areas and with the increased
practice of land price speculation, campaign for the prohibition of the sale
of government-owned urban lands, foreclosed or sequestered lands and lands
of public domain to domestic and foreign investors. Encourage the government
to utilise the land for publicly beneficial projects, such as low-cost housing,
parks and green belt areas.
Health Plan
Having a health plan is a good way of systematically identifying needs,
organising and developing, with time lines of action programmes. Promote
the concept of local Municipalities adopting a comprehensive and effective
Health Plan to improve living conditions such as water quality, solid waste
management, proper public health facilities and social services.
Health Service
Provision of health services is an essential part of government responsibility.
Health services to rural and urban communities are available through hospitals,
clinics and primary health centres. In many countries, people take their
own initiative to promote alternative health practices and informal health
Every city has areas, buildings and monuments which are considered historic
landmarks and should be protected and conserved. Loss of such important buildings
and the development of these areas marks not only physical loss but important
historical, cultural and heritage loss. To protect these landmarks and buildings
promote the enactment of heritage laws to regulate their use, alteration,
demolition and preservation. Clarify tenure, compel registration and introduce
loans and preservation funds for restorations, improvements and up-keep of
these landmarks and buildings.
Homelessness is a growing problem in most urban centres. With the price of
housing constantly increasing and with more and more people migrating to
urban centres in search of employment and the high price of housing many
who can't afford to pay are left without any housing. In both developed and
developing nations, these problems are becoming acute resulting in many sleeping
on sidewalks or being forced into squatting. Halfway houses and shelter can
provide temporary housing for homeless people, but the long-term solutions
lie in job security and the availability of affordable housing. Municipalities
should be lobbied to provide such facilities, whilst the private sector should
contribute towards the development of such facilities as a social and ethical
House Building
The process of house-building is often based on convenience and profit margins
to the developer. The utilisation of innovative housing technologies and
building materials and the allocation of funds for incentives to
individuals/organisations which develop new and/or improved housing technologies
could greatly enhance its usability and efficiency.
Housing Co-operatives
The establishment of housing cooperatives will enable the development of
housing which utilises skills of those involved in the co-operative. It also
lowers the cost of production as the co-operative does not pursue development
for profit. Housing co-operatives can also be a community focal point and
a training centre for construction and management skills.
Human Rights
The right to housing is a fundamental premise of people-centred development.
Citizens of all states have the right to expect governmental concerns for
their shelter needs and the fundamental obligation to protect and improve
their neighbourhoods.
Idle land
Most cities have large areas of idle lands belonging to the government. To
ensure that there is an adequate supply of affordable land for residential
development, promote the formulation of guidelines and directives to transfer
idle government lands to be used for low and medium cost housing and the
development of social amenities.
Income Generation
The ability to generate income is an important feature in poverty alleviation.
It is also important in creating self-reliance and confidence. The lack of
opportunities, economic planning and skills often hamper the ability of a
community or individual to generate income. People centred programmes provide
some of the best options for equitable, non-exploitative income generation.
Increasing Women's Participation
Women make up more than 50% of the worlds population and the population of
most countries. However the levels of women's actual participation at all
levels of decision making, planning, research are very minimal. Patriarchal
systems, discrimination and lack of support provision hinder women from their
rightful participation. Organise campaigns led by women to encourage the
increased participation of women at all levels in project and programme research,
design, planning and implementation to facilitate women user friendly products
and developments.
Inner City
Encourage the revival and re-development of derelict inner city areas involving
the local inhabitants. Besides the historical and social importance of such
areas, the land space and buildings provide a good resource which when
redeveloped or revived can both alleviate social and economic problems faced
in the respective area. Communities in partnership with local government,
NGOs or the private sector can initiate projects to redevelop derelict areas.
Economic spin-offs include job creation, skill training and enhancement and
income generation; Social spin-offs include crime reduction, poverty reduction,
and improved health, education and safety conditions.
Instruments For Regulation
The are different types of regulatory instruments designed for land use control
which can assist to protect sensitive land resources, public interests, and
environmental and cultural values. Examples of such instruments include zoning,
subdivision regulations, and transfers of development rights.
Integrated Urban Management
Most urban areas are currently sectorially managed by governments. This leads
to inefficiency and costly duplication of services. Lobby government: to
adopt integrated urban management, to support the development of specialist
research and training institutions to train personnel, and to identify specific
mechanisms to overcome the constraints created by sectoral approaches, in
particular, by separate management of road development, public transport,
land-use, and water.
Intelligent Cities
Many planners are now looking towards the development of people friendly,
intelligent cities that feature the use of high technological, energy-saving
devices and designs, state of the art communication systems and effective
transportation networks. Intelligent cities could be the answer to the increased
efficient utilisation of resources and overall friendliness of a city.
Job-sharing provides flexibility for employees who have other commitments.
The system has been particularly useful to those who care for a family or
wish to only work part-time but for a job which requires full-time commitment.
It requires team work and organisation to prevent duplication or confusion.
Job-sharing has enabled many women, in particular, to return to employment.
Encourage joint-ventures between investors, community based organisations,
housing co-operatives and housing developers to promote low-cost housing
and increased employment opportunities for the residents and inhabitors.
Social and gender justice are essential in order for any community to develop
equitably. Communities should achieve social and gender justice by ensuring
that there is no economic marginalisation. By narrowing the gap between the
formal and informal economy through the repeal of discriminatory laws, the
provision of loans, affirmative action programmes and training, job security,
self-reliance, consciousness and empowerment can be achieved.
Nursery and pre-school education plays an essential part of in the overall
development of a child. Many communities that do not have access to government
or non-profit kindergartens have established community kindergartens as an
alternative. Such community-based kindergartens provide education for the
children and employment and training for members of the community. It can
also be an important focus point for developing community solidarity.
One of the main functions of a city is to assemble the labour supply in an
easily accessible, central place where it can be employed productively. As
a city is dependent on the availability of labour for its growth it is therefore
of particular relevance that the requirements of the labour force are taken
into account at every level of planning.
Land conversion
Indiscriminate land conversion has been one of the main factors for the
displacement of many people in rural and urban centres. It has also led to
loss of livelihood and the forced migration of communities who have settled
in converted areas. This problem has been particularly harsh on those who
have been in agricultural and fisheries sectors, where lands and coastlines
have been converted for industrial and tourism use.
A system of equitable land use whereby squatters, landowners or developers
agree that a proportion of the land to be developed is allocated to the squatters
to move to and continue living while leaving the rest of the land to be
Land speculation is a common practice where land is bought primarily for
its potential income earning capacity. The ownership of such land is usually
for a relatively short period of time and therefore prevents any long-term
security of tenure.
Individual lifestyles vary. However, promoting awareness of the limited resources
available and the need to reduce personal consumption can greatly increase
the sustainability of society and the planet. Promote awareness in society
of the need for sustainable lifestyles. Work in particular, with local
educational departments and national educational planners to promote to school
children and college students sustainable lifestyles and environmentally
and socially friendly practices.
Low-cost housing
With the limitations in government human resources and the lack of commitment
of the private sector housing contractors to develop low cost housing, the
use of local housing co-operatives to develop such provides a good alternative.
Besides building the houses, co-operative housing projects develop people
skills and generate income for those involved in the localised project.
Low-Income Financing
The lack of financing for low-cost housing projects often make these much
needed projects unfeasable. Lobby government to establish appropriate financial
institutions to ensure availability of finance for the development of human
settlements and implementing community based housing-finance systems for
the benefit of low-income groups.
The media plays a big role in both information dissemination and value formation.
The role of the media can be significant if properly informed on the aims
and objectives of Habitat II. Use the media to promote information to the
public on activities and issues which can localise Habitat, such as the proposed
national action plan, housing rights, environmental problems and social
Medium Rise Buildings (MRBs)
Medium rise buildings are four or five storey buildings that can house about
45 families. MRBs can be a solution for governments to the housing problem
because they can accommodate more families on a piece of ground then other
housing solutions.
Migration involves uprooting of individuals at various levels: rural-urban,
inter-state within a country, or accross national boundaries. The duration
of migration may be temporary or permanent, with consequences of social,
cultural and psychological ill effects.
Minimum Wage
Exploitation of workers through the payment of wages which are below that
accepted as a basic minimum is a social injustice which is common in urban
centres. Besides being unethical and a breach of basic rights of a worker,
it also adds to the problems of poverty. Many of those employed who are paid
wages below that accepted as a basic minimum, are women and children and
this adds to the daily discrimination and exploitation they face. Laws should
be enacted to stipulate a basic wage for all and prosecution for non-compliance
of such regulations.
Modified Transport Systems
Most transport systems are in accessible to disabled persons. Modify existing
standards of public and private transportation in order to incorporate access
for the disabled. Organise under the leadership of disabled groups "disabled
access monitoring".
Mortgage Markets
The provision of mortgages and the control of mortgage rates vary from country
to country depending on whether they are centrally controlled and the extent
of their control. Often due to monopoly situations, the provision of mortgages
are restricted and the interest rates at which mortgages are provided at
are very high or allowed to fluctuate. This causes huge burdens to the consumer
and promote inefficient and expensive services. Promote the decentralisation
of lending operations and the increase competitiveness of mortgage markets
to reduce artificially high consumer borrowing rates. However there should
be careful regulation to prevent cartels being formed by those involved in
mortgage provision, which in effect reverse market competitiveness.
Municipal Partnerships
Partnerships between municipal agencies and the community, whereby local
people can participate in decision-making about municipal services and planning
can increase efficiency and effectiveness. Resources can be committed to
assist implementation of community tailored solutions to the cultural and
social context of the community. The participation of community groups can
be formalised by "community contracts" with the municipality which provide
assistance and support in recognition of work undertaken to improve local
environments and health conditions.
Native People
The terminology used in a positive manner to describe a person or groups
of people who originally resided in a particular area/region/country. Often
also referred to as indigenous persons, a major issue faced by such communities
or individuals is forced assimilation into another culture, religion, tradition
or lifestyle at the total loss of their own identity. For those groups of
native persons who live in isolated areas they also face infringements of
their land rights and find themselves forced into main stream society.
National Budget
Lobby local and national government to increase allocations of the national
budget to upgrading slums, low-cost housing programmes, health and agricultural
programmes aimed to benefit the poorer groups in society.
National Councils for Sustainable Development
National and local councils for sustainable development are organisations
that can monitor and promote ethical, environmentally friendly and good business
practices. Encourage the establishment of local and national councils for
sustainable development, both in the formal business community and in the
informal sector which include small-scale businesses to promote equitable
and sustainable income generating practices.
Natural Resources
Natural resources are finite. Water, minerals, air, plants, trees are important
but often misused resources. With rapid development these resources are being
exploited, polluted and wasted with no consideration for longer term
consequences. Increasing critical awareness of the need to conserve, protect
and reduction of consumption is the only way to avoid complete exhaustion
of the world's natural resources.
Neighbourhoods are parts of every city. They form an essential part of each
community. Each neighbourhood can be made up of people from differing economic,
cultural and racial backgrounds. Often acting as "melting pots" neighbourhoods
can provide much needed brotherhood or sisterhood, social integration, stress
relief and safety. However many neighbourhoods in today's urban centre have
little or no spirit of co-operation or/and often lead to disorientation and
lack of social cohesion. Neighbourhood programmes, common facilities, and
social events can help build up friendship and positive neighbourly spirit.
A network is defined as an "arrangement with intersecting lines and interstices
similar to a net". A network is interconnecting system of roads, communications,
people, organisations, etc. Networking can be done at all levels, local to
international. Networks provide the opportunities to share information,
experiences, expertise and ideas usually on a non-profit, non-competitive
basis. Networks used different mediums of communication and have loose
New Information Technology
Societies that make the necessary investment in new information technology
and infrastructure and enable and empower their citizens to make effective
use of such technology can expect to fostersignificant productivity gains
in industry, trade and commerce. This new information technology should be
appropriately and optimally utilised to preserve and share cultural and moral
values and enhance and improve education, training and public awareness of
the social, economic and environmental issues affecting the quality of life.
Establish an information, education and communication network on human settlement
issues developed at a country level but affiliated with governments and NGOs.
Link the centres together through a regional centre acting as a node.
The oceans cover more than two-third of the planet's surface. A major source
of food and resources the oceans also influence climate and the atmosphere.
However the oceans are fast becoming contaminated and polluted as millions
of tons of raw waste from urban centres, industrial plants, agriculture,
tourism and sea transportation are being disposed in the ocean. At the same
time over-fishing, coral destruction and coastline degradation is further
killing the oceans. Campaign for the national and international regulation
of waste disposal into the oceans and raise awareness of the importance of
the sustainable exploitation of the oceans' resources.
In order to increase efficiency, effectiveness and accessibility encourage
the authorities to practise more "open door" style of administration and
to consult the public on methods, policies and procedures utilised when creating
new development projects or revamping existing projects to facilitate healthy
consumer input and cross-sectional opinion and suggestions.
There is a growing number of healthy and HIV-infected children who have been
orphaned. The increase of AIDS Orphans is a relatively new human phenomenon
which has to be addressed in all countries. Provision for support and care
should be made by national governments, non-governmental agencies and public
campaigns should be organised to increase awareness of this new social
Overall Development Policy
Direct a government agency responsible to formulate an overall development
policy grounded on sustainable and equitable development among regions and
income classes. This policy which should include inputs from all sections
of society, could be then used as a general framework in designing government
policies and programmes in industrialisation, agricultural development,
infrastructure development, etc.
The provision for parking is usually stipulated in planning regulation. The
lack of adequate parking facilities often leads to indiscriminate on-street
parking. The provision of high levels of parking however can be the root
of increased traffic congestion as the availability of parking facilities
directly influences car owners on whether to use his / her vehicle over the
public transportation or even to use the vehicle at all. Night parking should
be encouraged for commercial loading and off-loading of goods.
Partnerships between the public sector, the private sector and community
groups can produce more holistic development. Organise forums which encourage
partnerships and encourage the private sector to examine their role in the
provision of shelter and urbanisation. Similarly call on the government to
organise in cooperation with industry and the consumer movement, educational
programmes which encourage sustainable methods of production and patterns
of consumption.
Patterns of Consumption
Organise in co-operation with government, industry and the consumer movement,
educational programmes which monitor and encourage sustainable methods of
production and patterns of consumption. Use the mass media to highlight and
promote sustainable consumption education amongst the public.
Plan of Action
A central part of the Habitat process is to ensure that each country formulates
and adopts a national action plan to achieve the targets and goals of Habitat
II. Based on local and national priorities these cumulated national plans
of action form the core for the development of a global plan of action.
Polluter Pays
In most countries a large proportion of the industrial sector discharge the
pollutants either into the air or the rivers and seas. Lobby government to
enact legislation which apply the principle of "polluter pays" whilst introducing
taxation or soft loan incentives to reduce pollution air and water.
Popular Education
Educating the public on issues which they do not immediately see as important
can be made more difficult if the tools used to educate them are not user
friendly. Use popular education tools like comics, and street theatre to
convey information on urban issues problems and solutions.
Population Management
Population management is an important process in urban and rural management.
With most developing countries facing rapidly growing populations the management
of such growth is essential to securing better quality of life. Effective
population management can be done through comprehensive education for adults
and adolescents, provision of reproductive and nutritional health care and
the encouragement of personal responsibility in both urban and rural areas.
Professional Associations
Involve Professional Associations in the training of governmental agencies
and non-governmental organisations to facilitate contribution towards research,
planning, organisation of community projects which work towards the goals
of Habitat II. And increase co-operation with international professional
organisations and support the establishment of professional associations
in developing countries to enhance exchanges of personnel, information and
Progressive Taxation
Institute progressive taxation of urban lands to prevent over commercialised
speculation in particular which makes housing prohibitively expensive for
the lower income groups and poor.
Quality Control
Quality control of houses and buildings should be strictly regulated, monitored
and enforced by an independent or quasi-governmental agency. The control
and stipulation of quality of housing and buildings will ensure that the
occupants are protected in both the short and long term from ill effects
caused by inferior and hazadous materials, designs and structures.
Quota Systems
Quota systems agreed by the community as a whole can enable the equitable
and sustainable sharing of an available resources like water, land and community
produced food.
Recreational Facilities
Recreational facilities in housing areas are an essential part of improving
the quality of life of the inhabitants. Lobby local and national authorities
to fine or delay approval of housing projects which do not provide adequate
free family and youth recreational facilities.
With the practices of logging and clear cutting causing so much damage to
the environment, many countries have adopted reforestation programmes in
areas which were once indigenous forests. Through government financial support
and cooperation with local communities that have been directly affected by
logging, successful reforestation programmes can be run using integrated
planting of fuelwood and indigenous species.
Registration of Saving and Credit Schemes
The registration of saving and credit schemes will enable the scheme to gain
legalised status and to protect both the scheme and the saver against
irregularities. If a credit or saving scheme is legally recognised it then
makes it easier to lobby government for financial support and contributions
and tax exemption as such schemes are organised on a non-profit basis.
Relocation Costs
Relocation costs for those living in areas designated for development are
rarely taken into account by the developer. Promote the concept of incorporating
costs for relocation in the project costs of government infrastructure (national
and local) projects which result in the displacement of families.
Rent Act
Rental regulations and legislation can provide an excellent tool to tenants
to prevent arbitrary and artificial rental increases. Lobby Legislators both
at local and national level to promote and support Rent Acts to control rental
prices and to provide security to tenants. Rent Acts also usually provide
for a mechanism and an agency to monitor rental rates in specified areas,
and enforcing rental controls.
Report Cards
Community report cards are useful tool which can be used to monitor and evaluate
the changing physical and social environment of a particular area. It is
a people friendly way of getting members of the community involved in monitoring
the places they live in and becoming more aware of issues which affect them.
Resettlement Regulation
The lack of regulation for equitable resettlement often leads to the exploitation
of those who are to be resettled. Formulate comprehensive legislation on
resettlement programmes which promote a policy of no demolition or eviction
until all alternative logistical support, infrastructure, health and educational
facilities are in place.
Ribbon Development
Ribbon development occurs at the edge of the city or along highways. Although
highly profitable for developers, such development usually, if not planned,
creates traffic congestion and problems for infrastructure provision. Ribbon
development also lead to reduced access to the hinterland resulting in very
inefficient use of land.
About 43 percent of the world population does not have access to sanitary
waste disposal. Inadequate sanitation has a huge health impact and related
economic costs. The lack of decent sanitation is a common problem faced at
all levels - households, the community and the city. Generally resulting
from poor planning and management, high pricing and inadequate hygiene education,
campaigns should be aimed at introducing or intensifying hygiene education
programmes and sanitation systems to be provided with a strategy of
community-based, labour-intensive construction of sewerage and stabilisation
Secondary City Eco-Profiles
Secondary city eco-profiles discuss the existing environmental situation
and the extent of land, air and water quality degradation; the underlying
causes, linkages with economic development, and demographic growth; the existing
institutional arrangements, on-going development efforts and projects, plans,
programmes and strategies identified for the future by the government, provincial
councils and local authorities; and the opportunities for sustainable
Deforestation, mining, construction and certain careless agricultural practices
result in increased siltation of rivers. Siltation in urban river beds and
canals reduces their capacity to dilute pollution and often lead to flooding.
Lobby for all development projects and activites, particularly those in areas
prone to soil erosion and movement, to have Environmental Impact Assessments
(EIA) and to be monitored and regulated. Similarly call for the establishment
of a fund for desilting of rivers in which fines and contributions from
developers can be accumulated.
Slum Community Network
Slum community networks are a fast growing development amongst organised
slum communities. Such networks provide opportunities to share information
and experiences, build awareness, promote joint-efforts and solidarity. Slum
networks have also been used to conduct training and skills development.
The networks are usually informal and locally based but are now advancing
into inter-country and regional networks.
Slum Upgrading
Slum up-grading means providing basic services and land tenure security to
slums and squatters. This is a cheaper option and argued by many health
researchers as a better option then low-cost high-rise constructions. However
sometime the up-grading costs too much for the families involved and they
move out to be replaced by richer slum dwellers. The Zone Improvement
Programme(ZIP) and Slum Improvement and Resettlement(SIR) in the Philippines,
Indonesia and Pakistan funded by the World Bank are good examples of effective
Small Scale Enterprise
Support small-scale enterprises that in particular support sustainable rural
development and local entrepreneurship. Besides being a source of income
generation, the creation of employment and can reduce the levels of migration
from rural areas to the urban centres.
Smoking in Public Places
Smoking is a health hazard which is often imposed on those who do not smoke.
Organise campaigns to ban smoking in all public places and in venues commonly
used by juveniles/youths.
Specialist Departments
Encourage the creation of specialist government departments for Housing and
Urban Development which will undertake overall responsibility for developing
the country's policy, programmes, monitoring and evaluation.
Street Children
There are over 30 million street children in the world today, mostly as a
result of poverty and migration to cities. Street children are the lost
generation of any future society as they have access to little or no protection
or rights or self-improvement. Abused and exploited, many street children
are lured into prostitution, sweatshops and other types of dangerous employment.
Support facilities for these children are essential for protecting them and
providing opportunities for them to improve their plight.
Sustainable Transport
The transportation sector is a major consumer of non-renewable energy and
of land and is a major contributor to pollution, congestion and accidents.
managing transport in human settlements should be done in a way that promotes
good access for all to places of work, social interaction and leisure and
facilitates important economic activities, including obtaining foof and other
necessities of life. This should be done while reducing the negative effects
of transport on the environment by developing sustainable transport policies.
Institute progressive taxation of urban lands. The introduction of such a
land tax will reduce the vulnerability to commercial speculation of urban
and urbanisable lands. One form of taxation that can be adopted is the land
value tax which is a tax levied at progressively increasing rates on total
land value in excess of a base value determined by government.
Encourage the use of appropriate and indigenous technologies. As most technology
is transferred from countries (often the North) which have different environments
and resource a user country (often the South), utilising technology which
is low cost and locally created or adapted many increase effectiveness and
cost efficiency.
Tenure Security
The lack of secure tenure, land registration systems and ineffective land
titling is one of the biggest obstacles, particularly for the poor, to getting
safe land for housing. The absence of titles also prevents access to loans
and acts as an obstacle to encouraging improvements to the dwellings.
Toxic Waste
The majority of toxic waste is produced by industrial and chemical plants,
although some household waste is toxic. The most common toxic substances
found in industrial wastewater include mercury, cadmium, lead, zinc and tin.
Such waste is increasingly being dumped into drains and canals which eventually
flow into the rivers and water system with a high likelihood of contamination
of the food chain and ground water.
Traditional Land Use
Traditional land use has usually developed over long periods of time taking
into account effects on the environment and sustainability. Promote the active
use of appropriate traditional and indigenous land-use practices, such as
pastoralism, traditional land reserves and terraced agriculture in land
Traditional Medicines
An estimated three-quarters of prescription drugs derived from plants were
discovered because of their prior use in indigenous medicine. Forest -dwelling
indigenous people employ at least 1300 plant species for medicines and related
purposes. Encourage the use of traditional knowledge in national health systems
and promote the research into sustainable use of traditional plant species,
whilst discouraging the patenting of medicines derived from such sources.
Training Centres
Skills development is an important factor in developing self-reliance and
sufficiency. Promote the establishment of training centres in areas of
unemployment in rural and urban centres, whilst making funds available for
production loans to trained/skilled rural poor entrepreneurs.
Good public transportation systems are essential in any city. Most cities
have been developed without adequate planning or provision for affordable
public transport systems. Emphasis is too often placed on private vehicle
ownership with little priority or support to public transport. Not only has
this lead to serious problems of traffic congestion, it has also been one
of the major causes of pollution in cities.
Trees are an important part of the ecological system. Besides being a source
of renewable oxygen they provide shade, they cool the environment and provide
energy in the form of fire wood. By-products from trees like gums, resins
and medicines increase their importance to urban communities. The greening
of urban centres by promoting tree planting both by the authorities and
communities should be encouraged.
Establish training centres in areas of high unemployment in rural and urban
centres. Funds should be made available from central funds but administered
locally for start up loans for entrepreneurs and skills training for the
Up-Grading Houses
Promote the up-grading of houses by individual households with support from
community development association, local NGOs and municipal agencies, using
local materials and labour-based and environmentally friendly technologies;
training of municipal staff in health principles of housing.
Urban Corridors
Urban corridors are part of "the spatial shift" in the location of population
and economic activity. Corridors develop as the result of the urbanisation
of areas used to link one large metropolis, usually the capital, and other
large cities. These corridors are often linked by rail and road transportation
that enables the flow of goods and people within the corridor and play major
roles in economic activity and population distribution in the country.
Urban Crime
Urban centres are often havens for crime. Poverty, unemployment, lack of
any social and welfare provisions combined with corruption and mismanagement
are some of the underlying factors which lead to high crime rates in cities.
Lack of planning and bad structural design also adds to increased "insecurity".
Reducing crime in urban centres requires a multi-leveled approach which deals
with all issues simultaneously and involving all government parties, local
authorities, enforcement and policing agencies, NGOs, and the members of
the community.
Urban Malnutrition
Urban malnutrition is often the symptom of urban poverty. The urban poor
usually are cut off from the opportunity to cultivate food due to the lack
of access to land and the lack of income to purchase expansive food products
sold in urban centres.
Urban Poverty
The constant increase of poverty in most developing countries remains a major
problem and concern, particularly in the fast growing urban centres. Poverty
alleviation programmes should be a central part of urban management programmes.
By creating favourable environments for the informal sector to generate income,
job-creation, making essential services more accessible, and providing improved
welfare strategies the levels of poverty can be reduced while developing
self-reliance and financial independence. Working with governments,
multi-sectoral communities and non-governmental agencies can enhance the
capacity of the administration to implement these strategies and programmes.
Urban Resource Centre
Promote the introduction of Urban Resource Centres (URCs)at local levels.
Urban Resource Centres enable information sharing, training and networking.
Usually run by a steering committee comprising of CBOs and NGOs involved
in different fields of work, the variation helps to reduce duplication of
work and also to effectively utilise the available expertise and resources.
Urban Resource Centres in Pakistan and Sri Lanka are now a well known concept.
Vehicle emission
Vehicles are the biggest contributors to air pollution in urban areas. Campaign
for the enactment of legislation which introduces heavy fines for smoke belching
and emissions from all vehicles. Similarly call for the introduction of catalytic
converters as a compulsory item for cars and lorries and the phasing out
of two stroke motorbike engines.
A vision of the future of a city is central in developing any plan and action
programme. It is important that our cities are acknowledged as our homes.
Many countries have adopted visions for their long-term planing. Advocate
a vision which is holistic and people centred. The AP 2000 proposes some
criteria which are fundamental in vision development. They are: Social Justice;
Ecological Sustainability; Political Participation; Economic Productivity;
and Cultural Vibrancy.
With the unscrupulous developers aiming to increase profit margins by using
lower quality and non-specification materials when building houses, potential
house owners now face the problem of major defects occurring in houses they
buy. Organise with the community Housing Associations and lobby Legislators
to introduce laws which increased warranty periods for houses and buildings
constructed and materials used for the construction (e.g. material
Waste Management
Urbanisation and consumerism have resulted in increased waste generation.
Waste management is essential for public health and environment protection
Solid waste contaminates groundwater and water bodies. Open dumping spreads
disease and pestilence, while indiscriminate burning tributes to air pollution.
Campaign for regular waste collection and safe disposal, educate the public
to recycle and reduce dumping. Promote integrated waste management system.
Water is essential to all life. Although taken for granted as a renewable
resource, the wastage and pollution of water sources has led to increasing
problems of contaminated water tables, crop failure, dessertification and
drought. Huge amounts of water particularly in cities are wasted because
taps are not turned off or due to leaks in the distribution system. Awareness
building amongst individuals to change lifestyles to conserve water, regulating
effluent discharge into rivers and maintenance of water distribution systems
by the authorities will greatly reduce wastage. Similarly improving technology
to increase water reuse in the industrial sector reduces the need to exploit
new sources of water.
Waterways are an effective means of transporting people and goods. Although
waterways are still used, the frequency of use has dropped over time in favour
of road-dependent transportation. The shift towards road transportation systems
has led to many canals being filled in for road construction. The revival
of waterways as an effective transportation system should be promoted in
cities which have existing natural waterways or have coastal fronts.
Wetlands are a very important part of the ecological system. Multi-functional
in nature, wetlands recharge ground water, control pollution, provide a habitat
for wildlife fauna and flora, support the food chain, provide a flood buffer
and prevent erosion of shorelines. Wetlands are however some of the most
threatened environmental resources, especially due to the increased shoreline
development for tourism and aquaculture (prawn and eel farming). Campaign
for the protection of wetlands as national reserves. Increase awareness of
the public of their importance to the whole ecosystem and to halting tourism
and aquafarming projects in wetlands areas.
Recognise the role played by women in urban and rural development. Ensure
that there is active participation of women at all levels of consultation,
planning, and implementation. Promote gender sensitisation for policy makers,
government agencies, urban planners, religious authorities, the judiciary,
police and institutions that hamper women's status to ensure better safety
and protection.
Women-Centred Reproductive Health Services
The lack of specialised reproductive health facilities for women has led
to many women, particularly the poor, being forced to use unsafe alternatives.
Many communities are now trying to develop their own women health care centres
but lack the financial and human resource support. Lobby government to provide
women-centred, women-managed, safe and effective reproductive health care
and affordable accessible services for responsible family planning.
Workers Co-operatives
The establishment of workers cooperatives ensures that the workers are the
owners of the business. Being people centred rather than capital centred,
co-operatives aim to be more ethical, socially driven and environmentally
considerate then the profit driven enterprise. A large proportion is community
based and small. Workers Co-operatives can provide a source of localised
employment, skill development and income generation.
Worship Centres
Centres of worship are an important feature in most communities. Besides
enabling the practice of religious beliefs, such centres also can act as
focal points for other community activities. Their availability should be
encouraged in communities without discrimination or bias against any specific
Young Professional
The Asian Coalition for Housing Rights runs training programmes for young
professionals involved in Housing development. The programme aims to provide
support and encouragement to young professionals and students to be involved
in and more aware of urban poor issues. Course content includes familiarisation
with root causes and potentials of urban poor communities. It also includes
understanding the potentials of participatory research and planning for community
based improvement plans.
By the year 2000 the youth population will represent more than half of each
city in the world. Developing youth programmes, workshops and encouraging
dialogue will increase an understanding of the needs of this sector. This
approach will also promote the involvement of youth in adopting an urban
development strategy and increasing their own responsibility towards their
own future.
Introduce restricted zones which exclude private vehicles and car entry during
peak times. Zoning can also be used to preclude private vehicles with single
occupancy in city centres.
Zero-Waste Management
Zero-waste management encourages households, and commercial and industrial
establishments to sort out their waste before it is handed over to the rubbish
collectors. This system enables the easier and more efficient disposal of
waste. A recent successful example of this type of waste management was
successfully carried out in a community effort of over 60,000 villagers in
the Villamor Airbase in the Philippines.
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