A compendium of Websites of Urban Development Organisations, Institutes
and UN Agencies. Our Cities Our Home: A to Z Guide on Human SettlementsIssues
A compendium of Websites of Urban Development
Organisations, Institutes and UN Agencies
The Internet provides us with an inexpensive way of accessing information
and communicating with each other. There are many Internet-accessible news-groups
and list servers, the World-Wide Web (WWW), Gopher, E-mail, etc. located
in many different places around the world. Several sites of interest to those
working on urban-related issues are listed as follows:
The Web site to look for more than 5,000 list-serv by title, name, description,
country, or sponsoring organisation:
To search by topic discussed:
Academic, Human Setlements & Urban Issues
Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute An Australian site
relating to urban and housing research, policy and development. The web site
is at:
Curtin University of Technology -Australia. Its site is at:
Site of the School of Architecture, Construction and Planning.
Habitat in Developing Countries. Site contains: information on improving
the habitat in developing countries including housing, architecture, urban
design, building - infrastructures, planning, Habitat II, environment, credit
- employment, and disaster.
The Human Settlements Development Programme of the Asian Institute of
Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand has set-up a home page that include
information on: the Human Settlements Development Programme, the Best Practices
and Local Leadership Programme, information about human settlements in Asia,
Urban Environmental Management, and the UMPAP Calender of Events.The Web
site is:
The Development Planning Unit (DPU), London, United Kingdom has a
Web site at:
The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands has a Web site at:
The Web site for the School of Architecture, Construction & Planning,
Perth Australia is:
University of California, Berkeley, California, U.S.A.
The Web site for the Planning Library list of planning resources is:
University of Quebec, Quebec, Canada. The Web site for the Urban Planning
Research Institute is:
University of Buffalo, U.S.A. The School of Architecture and Planning
sponsored a Web page on zoning and planning at:
City of Bits Online
This is William J.Mitchell's (Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) book "City of bit" on-line.
This site is not only important for planners but also relevant in the face
of the city due to the modern age of electronics and information.
City of Edmonton's Planning & Development Home Page
This is a planning department's home page containing information on planning
in Edmonton in Alberta (Canada), including development and building permits
and environmental planning.
City of Vancouver B.C.- Municipal Government Home Page.
This site will be of special interest to government planners. Provides
information on its constituents, including information.
The Cyber City Initiative
This site looks at the "ways we might best prepare the city (City of
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada) and its residents for the `Information Age',
and how we might exploit global information for our economic and general
benefits" It also contains information relevant for future planning.
Eco Hab International
A service corporation, EHI is committed to promoting the organisation, financing,
planning, building and management of environmentally sustainable, affordable
Feng Chia University - Taiwan
Site of the Department of Urban Planning.
The Global Integrated Village Environment (GIVE)
This project is studying the human habitat of the future, where telematics
and information technology enable us to create smaller communities that feature
more diversity, sustainability and open natural space.
Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector
BSOS/.www/IRIS/iris.html> The premise of IRIS is that institutions
in the Second and Third Worlds offer poor structures of incentives, inhibit
economic growth and democratic development, and often force much economic
activity into informal economy.
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
<http://www.iclei.org> An
international agency for local governments, acts as a clearing house on policy
development initiatives, facilitates new projects, advocacy work, etc. The
city has an archive of good practice case studies, project summaries, and
International Local Government Home Page
Clearinghouse for information on local government and its organisations globally,
with links to home pages around the world.
International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP)
Includes information on ISOCARP's objectives, projects, membership, publications,
events, and links to other international planning resources.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
This is a non-profit educational institution based in Cambridge, Massachussetts,
USA, that seeks to disseminate information on land and tax policy issues
throughout the world through research, courses, conference, and publications.
The home page includes an on-line version of its Landlines Newsletter.
Simon's Home Page - Cities and Housing Links
Provides links to academia, journals, government, social policy and links
to other related web-sites particularly Australian sites.
Sustainable Communities Network
This website offers information to help make communities more livable and
to increase the visibility of successful community projects in the U.S. and
abroad. It covers a wide range of issues related to community sustainability,
including creating community, smart growth, growing a sustainable economy,
protecting natural resources, living sustainably, and governance. Each topic
contains case studies, related websites, links to databases, events calendars,
and subject bibliographies.
UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre. This site aims
to facilitate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to address
urban environmental problems:
Urban Planning:
This site of the Forum on Developing Countries "is an open space for people
interested in education and communication for planning and design in developing
Urban-Regional Planning Mailing List - Home Page
Includes links to other mailing lists worldwide as well as book reviews and
an Internet Planning directory.
Access to Environmental Sites
Access to Transportation Planning Sites
Planning Professionals
Transport Related Conferences
US Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Organisations & Programmes
Consumer International (formerly IOCU). Web site is at:
EcoPlan International - Centre for Technology & Systems Studies
has a Web site at:
Earth Times web site is at:
Family Health Foundation at web site:
International Planned Parenthood Federation Regional Office for Asia and
the Pacific web site is at:
Population Information Resources web site is at:
The Alternative Transportation list achives web site is located at:
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has a web site at:
The Earth Council is an international NGO created as a direct result
of the Earth Summit to promote sustainable development and Agenda 21. Its
Web site at:
The Eco-Village Information Service offers information on sustainable
human settlements and eco-village concepts and sites. The Web site is:
The European Cyclist Federation. .Web site is at:
The Global Resource Information Database (GRID) has a Web site at:
The Global Urban Research Institute (GURI) has a Web site at:
The Healthy Cities Commons is the first programme of the healthy Cities
International Foundation and a key resource at the new global center for
health and environment. It has a Web site at:
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
has a Web site at:
The International Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD)
has a Web site at:
The International Society of City and Regional Planners, The Hague,
Netherlands. The Web site is at:
The Pesticides Trust of the United Kingdom has a Web site at:
The Urban Land Institute, Washington, DC, U.S.A. has a Web site at:
Victoria Transport Policy Institute (specialising in Green transport issues)
has a web site at:
The Web site directory for Disaster Mitigation is at:
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) web site is at:
<http: www.panda.org>
United Nations Agencies
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO):
< http://www.fao.org>
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Labour Organisation (ILO):
United Nations Children's Fund(UNCEF):
United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS):
<http://www.unhabitat.org> and
Contains information about:* Commission on Human Settlements - 16th session;
* The Habitat Agenda and the Istanbul Declaration in English, French and
Spanish; *Urban Indicators Programme: *Best Practices and Local Leadership
Programme; and * Sustainable Cities Programme.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)- Sustainable Human
Contains launch of Human Development Report 1997 on Poverty and Human Development
- June 12, 1997; Poverty Clock Current Count, UNDP Mission Statement; UNDP
Flash; UNDP Sponsoring Conference on "Knowledge for Development in the
Information Age"; UNIFEM, Environment Related Information; HIV and Development
Programmes; And "Access to the World" - Lists of WWW serves worldwide.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
United Nations High Comissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): <
United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO): <
United Nations Institute for Training and research(UNITAR):
United Nations International Drug Control Programme(UNDCP):
United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA):
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development(UNRISD):
United Nations University (UNU):
The World Bank (IBRD):
World Food Programme(WFP):
World Health Organisation (WHO):
Other References
Information on Habitat II Best Practices is located at:
To find out the distance between cities:
Research USENET articles can be found at:
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